Check the integrity of a plugin
The authentication and authorization (AA) plugins used on SPS. To upload or update a plugin, see Upload a plugin.
GET https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/plugin/integrity?key=<key-value-from-the-response-of-the-last-creation>&plugin_type=<type-of-the-plugin>&ops=zip_checksum&ops=zip_content&ops=unregistered
session_id |
Contains the authentication token of the user |
Required |
The value of the session ID cookie received from the REST server in the authentication response, for example, a1f71d030e657634730b9e887cb59a5e56162860. For more information on authentication, see Authenticate to the SPS REST API.
NOTE: This session ID refers to the connection between the REST client and the SPS REST API. It is not related to the sessions that SPS records (and which also have a session ID, but in a different format). |
Sample request
The following command retrieves the results of the integrity check.
curl --cookie cookies.txt https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/plugin/integrity?key=<key-value-from-the-response-of-the-last-creation>&plugin_type=aa&ops=zip_checksum&ops=zip_content&ops=unregistered
To retrieve the <key-value-from-the-response-of-the-last-creation> of the plugin that you have uploaded earlier, enter the following command:
curl https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/plugins/<plugin_type>
This will display all plugins that you have uploaded earlier, that belong to the specified plugin type. The value will be the value of the key parameter of the response.
The following plugin_type values are available:
Authentication and authorization: aa
Configuration synchronization: configuration_sync
Credential Store: credentialstore
Signing CA: signingca
The following is a sample response received when querying the results of the integrity check.
For more information on the meta object, see Message format.
"body": {
"zip_checksum": {
"verdict": "passed",
"reason": "Plugin .zip checksums match"
"zip_content": {
"verdict": "passed",
"reason": "The plugin runtime files are the same since you have uploaded the plugin .zip"
"unregistered": {
"verdict": "unavailable",
"reason": "Cannot find checker. Make sure that you use an existing checker: unregistered"
body |
Top level element (string) |
Contains the results of the response. |
zip_checksum |
string |
The checksum of the uploaded .zip file. |
verdict |
string |
The verdict of the integrity check. |
reason |
string |
The reason of the integrity check verdict. |
zip_content |
string |
The content of the .zip file. |
verdict |
string |
The verdict of the integrity check. |
reason |
string |
The reason of the integrity check verdict. |
unregistered |
string |
Whether SPS was joined to Starling for online checksum. |
verdict |
string |
The verdict of the integrity check. |
reason |
string |
The reason of the integrity check verdict. |
Status and error codes
The following table lists the typical status and error codes for this request. For a complete list of error codes, see Application level error codes.
400 |
MissingMandatoryParameter |
One of the following keys is missing: key, plugin_type, ops. |
400 |
InvalidFormat |
The key is not valid plugin key. |
404 |
MissingPlugin |
The plugin is not found in the configuration. |
Authentication and authorization plugins
The authentication and authorization (AA) plugins used on SPS. To upload or update a plugin, see Upload a plugin.
GET https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/plugins/aa
session_id |
Contains the authentication token of the user |
Required |
The value of the session ID cookie received from the REST server in the authentication response, for example, a1f71d030e657634730b9e887cb59a5e56162860. For more information on authentication, see Authenticate to the SPS REST API.
NOTE: This session ID refers to the connection between the REST client and the SPS REST API. It is not related to the sessions that SPS records (and which also have a session ID, but in a different format). |
Sample request
The following command queries the list of AA plugins used on SPS.
curl --cookie cookies.txt https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/plugins/aa
The following command retrieves the properties of a specific plugin.
curl --cookie cookies.txt https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/plugins/aa/<plugin-id>
The following is a sample response received when querying the list of AAA plugins used on SPS.
For more information on the meta object, see Message format.
"items": [
"key": "2080160955734bb2a1ddf9",
"meta": {
"href": "/api/configuration/plugins/aa/2080160955734bb2a1ddf9"
"meta": {
"first": "/api/configuration/plugins/aa",
"href": "/api/configuration/plugins/aa",
"last": "/api/configuration/plugins/ticketing",
"next": "/api/configuration/plugins/credentialstore",
"parent": "/api/configuration/plugins",
"previous": null,
"transaction": "/api/transaction"
When retrieving the endpoint of a specific plugin, the response is the following.
"body": {
"api": "1.0",
"description": "test1",
"name": "AAPluginExample",
"version": "1.1",
"path": "/opt/scb/var/plugins/customgwauthplugin",
"scb_max_version": "",
"scb_min_version": "",
"default_configuration": "",
"entry_point": null,
"sha256sum": "c4bb901de6b2274dcb94f1eec429fd0f3565ac792a856b07b8895e56ca2d8f42"
"key": "2080160955734bb2a1ddf9",
"meta": {
"first": "/api/configuration/plugins/aa/2080160955734bb2a1ddf9",
"href": "/api/configuration/plugins/aa/2080160955734bb2a1ddf9",
"last": "/api/configuration/plugins/aa/2080160955734bb2a1ddf9",
"next": null,
"parent": "/api/configuration/plugins/aa",
"previous": null,
"transaction": "/api/transaction"
key |
string |
Top level element, contains the ID of the plugin. |
body |
Top level element (string) |
Contains the properties of the plugin. |
api |
string |
The API version of the plugin. |
description |
string |
The description of the plugin. This description is also displayed on the SPS web interface. |
default_configuration |
string |
The default configuration of the plugin (an INI file as a string). For details, see the documentation of the particular plugin. |
entry_point |
string |
The entry point of the plugin, for example, |
name |
string |
The name of the plugin. This name is also displayed on the SPS web interface. It cannot contain whitespace. |
path |
string |
The path where the plugin is stored on SPS. |
scb_max_version |
string |
The version number of the latest SPS release that is compatible with the plugin. |
scb_min_version |
string |
The version number of the earliest SPS release that is compatible with the plugin. |
sha256sum |
string |
The SHA-256 checksum of the plugin. |
version |
string |
The version number of the plugin. |
To configure a particular instance of a plugin, use the /api/coniguration/policies/aa_plugin_instances/<key-of-the-plugin-instance> endpoint.
Status and error codes
The following table lists the typical status and error codes for this request. For a complete list of error codes, see Application level error codes.
401 |
Unauthenticated |
The requested resource cannot be retrieved because the client is not authenticated and the resource requires authorization to access it. The details section contains the path that was attempted to be accessed, but could not be retrieved. |
403 |
Unauthorized |
The requested resource cannot be retrieved because the client is not authorized to access it. The details section contains the path that was attempted to be accessed, but could not be retrieved. |
404 |
NotFound |
The requested object does not exist. |
Configuring Authentication and Authorization plugin instances
You can configure instances of Authentication and Authorization (AA) plugins to use in your Connection Policies. To configure an instance of a plugin you must first upload the plugin to SPS. To upload or update a plugin, see Upload a plugin.
GET https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/policies/aa_plugin_instances
session_id |
Contains the authentication token of the user |
Required |
The value of the session ID cookie received from the REST server in the authentication response, for example, a1f71d030e657634730b9e887cb59a5e56162860. For more information on authentication, see Authenticate to the SPS REST API.
NOTE: This session ID refers to the connection between the REST client and the SPS REST API. It is not related to the sessions that SPS records (and which also have a session ID, but in a different format). |
Sample request
The following command queries the list of AA plugin instances available on SPS.
curl --cookie cookies.txt https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/policies/aa_plugin_instances
The following command retrieves the properties of a specific instance.
curl --cookie cookies.txt https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/policies/aa_plugin_instances/<plugin-id>
The following is a sample response received when querying the list of AA plugins used on SPS.
For more information on the meta object, see Message format.
"items": [
"name": "new_plugin_instance",
"configuration": "test configuration",
"plugin": "8876228625d67aa91e2253"
"meta": {
"first": "/api/configuration/policies/aa_plugin_instances",
"href": "/api/configuration/policies/aa_plugin_instances",
"last": "/api/configuration/policies/usermapping_policies",
"next": "/api/configuration/policies/analytics",
"parent": "/api/configuration/policies",
"previous": null,
"remaining_seconds": 600,
"transaction": "/api/transaction"
When retrieving the endpoint of a specific plugin instance, the response is the following.
"body": {
"configuration": "[starling]\n# ..... disable_echo=yes\n",
"name": "Demo_starling_plugin",
"plugin": {
"key": "8876228625d67aa91e2253",
"meta": {
"href": "/api/configuration/plugins/aa/8876228625d67aa91e2253"
"key": "8114402005d67adbeb38b6",
"meta": {
"first": "/api/configuration/policies/aa_plugin_instances/8114402005d67adbeb38b6",
"href": "/api/configuration/policies/aa_plugin_instances/8114402005d67adbeb38b6",
"last": "/api/configuration/policies/aa_plugin_instances/8114402005d67adbeb38b6",
"next": null,
"parent": "/api/configuration/policies/aa_plugin_instances",
"previous": null,
"remaining_seconds": 600,
"transaction": "/api/transaction"
key |
string |
Top level element, contains the ID of the plugin instance. |
body |
Top level element (string) |
Contains the properties of the plugin instance. |
configuration |
string |
The configuration of the plugin instance (an INI file as a string). For details, see the documentation of the particular plugin. |
name |
string |
The name of the plugin instance. This field can contain only letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9) and the underscore (_) character, and must begin with a letter. |
plugin |
JSON object |
Contains the details of the plugin object that this instance refers to: the ID of the plugin and its endpoint, for example, "plugin": {
"key": "8876228625d67aa91e2253",
"meta": {
"href": "/api/configuration/plugins/aa/8876228625d67aa91e2253"
} |
Create a new plugin instance
To create a new instance of a plugin, you have to:
Open a transaction.
For more information, see Open a transaction.
Create the JSON object of the plugin instance.
POST the JSON object to the https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/policies/aa_plugin_instances endpoint.
Commit your changes.
For more information, see Commit a transaction.
Status and error codes
The following table lists the typical status and error codes for this request. For a complete list of error codes, see Application level error codes.
400 |
SemanticError |
The configuration of the instance is invalid. Check the error key in the response for details. |
Modify a plugin instance
To modify an instance of a plugin, you have to:
Open a transaction.
For more information, see Open a transaction.
Modify the JSON object of the policy.
PUT the modified JSON object to the https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/policies/aa_plugin_instances/<key-of-the-instance> endpoint.
Commit your changes.
For more information, see Commit a transaction.
Delete a plugin instance
To delete an instance of a plugin, you have to:
Open a transaction.
For more information, see Open a transaction.
Remove any references to the plugin instance from your Connection Policies. You cannot delete a plugin instance that other parts of the configuration actively use.
Delete the endpoint of the plugin instance.
DELETE the https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/policies/aa_plugin_instances/<key-of-the-instance> endpoint.
Commit your changes.
For more information, see Commit a transaction.
Credential store plugins
The credential store plugins used on SPS. To upload or update a plugin, see Upload a plugin.
GET https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/plugins/credentialstore
session_id |
Contains the authentication token of the user |
Required |
The value of the session ID cookie received from the REST server in the authentication response, for example, a1f71d030e657634730b9e887cb59a5e56162860. For more information on authentication, see Authenticate to the SPS REST API.
NOTE: This session ID refers to the connection between the REST client and the SPS REST API. It is not related to the sessions that SPS records (and which also have a session ID, but in a different format). |
Sample request
The following command lists the credential store plugins stored on SPS.
curl --cookie cookies.txt https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/plugins/credentialstore
The following command retrieves the properties of a specific plugin.
curl --cookie cookies.txt https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/plugins/credentialstore/<plugin-id>
The following is a sample response received when listing the credential store plugins used on SPS.
For more information on the meta object, see Message format.
"items": [
"key": "2534221015734bb18aaf32",
"meta": {
"href": "/api/configuration/plugins/credentialstore/2534221015734bb18aaf32"
"meta": {
"first": "/api/configuration/plugins/aa",
"href": "/api/configuration/plugins/credentialstore",
"last": "/api/configuration/plugins/ticketing",
"next": "/api/configuration/plugins/ticketing",
"parent": "/api/configuration/plugins",
"previous": "/api/configuration/plugins/aa",
"transaction": "/api/transaction"
When retrieving the endpoint of a specific plugin, the response is the following.
"body": {
"api": "1.0",
"description": "Demo credentialstore plugin for demonstration purposes",
"name": "DemoCredentialStorePlugin",
"path": "/opt/scb/var/plugins/credentialstore/DemoCredentialStorePlugin",
"version": "1.1",
"scb_max_version": "",
"scb_min_version": "",
"default_configuration": "",
"entry_point": null,
"sha256sum": "c4bb901de6b2274dcb94f1eec429fd0f3565ac792a856b07b8895e56ca2d8f42"
"key": "2534221015734bb18aaf32",
"meta": {
"first": "/api/configuration/plugins/credentialstore/2534221015734bb18aaf32",
"href": "/api/configuration/plugins/credentialstore/2534221015734bb18aaf32",
"last": "/api/configuration/plugins/credentialstore/2534221015734bb18aaf32",
"next": null,
"parent": "/api/configuration/plugins/credentialstore",
"previous": null,
"transaction": "/api/transaction"
key |
string |
Top level element, contains the ID of the plugin. |
body |
Top level element (string) |
Contains the properties of the plugin. |
api |
string |
The API version of the plugin. |
description |
string |
The description of the plugin. This description is also displayed on the SPS web interface. |
default_configuration |
string |
The default configuration of the plugin (an INI file as a string). For details, see the documentation of the particular plugin. |
entry_point |
string |
The entry point of the plugin, for example, |
name |
string |
The name of the plugin. This name is also displayed on the SPS web interface. It cannot contain whitespace. |
path |
string |
The path where the plugin is stored on SPS. |
scb_max_version |
string |
The version number of the latest SPS release that is compatible with the plugin. |
scb_min_version |
string |
The version number of the earliest SPS release that is compatible with the plugin. |
sha256sum |
string |
The SHA-256 checksum of the plugin. |
version |
string |
The version of the plugin. |
Status and error codes
The following table lists the typical status and error codes for this request. For a complete list of error codes, see Application level error codes.
401 |
Unauthenticated |
The requested resource cannot be retrieved because the client is not authenticated and the resource requires authorization to access it. The details section contains the path that was attempted to be accessed, but could not be retrieved. |
403 |
Unauthorized |
The requested resource cannot be retrieved because the client is not authorized to access it. The details section contains the path that was attempted to be accessed, but could not be retrieved. |
404 |
NotFound |
The requested object does not exist. |