REST API examples
Audit policies
Querying audit policies
Querying audit policies request
curl --cookie cookies.txt --request GET https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/policies/audit_policies |
Querying audit policies response
{ |
"items": [ |
{ |
"body": { |
"encryption": { |
"enabled": false |
}, |
"name": "default", |
"signing": { |
"enabled": false |
}, |
"signing_and_timestamping_interval": 30, |
"timestamping": { |
"enabled": false |
} |
}, |
"key": "78101850949e47437dd91d", |
"meta": { |
"href": "/api/configuration/policies/audit_policies/78101850949e47437dd91d" |
} |
}, |
{ |
"body": { |
"encryption": { |
"enabled": false |
}, |
"name": "remote-timestamping", |
"signing": { |
"enabled": false |
}, |
"signing_and_timestamping_interval": 42, |
"timestamping": { |
"enabled": true, |
"server": { |
"oid": { |
"enabled": true, |
"policy_oid": "" |
}, |
"selection": "remote", |
"server_url": "" |
} |
} |
}, |
"key": "4110330695c094b5776670", |
"meta": { |
"href": "/api/configuration/policies/audit_policies/4110330695c094b5776670" |
} |
} |
], |
"meta": { |
"first": "/api/configuration/policies/aa_plugin_instances", |
"href": "/api/configuration/policies/audit_policies", |
"last": "/api/configuration/policies/usermapping_policies", |
"next": "/api/configuration/policies/backup_policies", |
"parent": "/api/configuration/policies", |
"previous": "/api/configuration/policies/archive_cleanup_policies", |
"transaction": "/api/transaction" |
} |
} |
Querying the default audit policy
Querying the default audit policy request
curl --cookie cookies.txt --request GET https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/policies/audit_policies/78101850949e47437dd91d |
Querying the default audit policy response
{ |
"key": "78101850949e47437dd91d", |
"body": |
{ |
"name": "default", |
"timestamping": { |
"enabled": false |
}, |
"encryption": { |
"enabled": false |
}, |
"signing": { |
"enabled": false |
}, |
"signing_and_timestamping_interval": 30 |
}, |
"meta": { |
"first": "/api/configuration/policies/audit_policies/78101850949e47437dd91d", |
"href": "/api/configuration/policies/audit_policies/78101850949e47437dd91d", |
"last": "/api/configuration/policies/audit_policies/4110330695c094b5776670", |
"next": "/api/configuration/policies/audit_policies/4110330695c094b5776670", |
"parent": "/api/configuration/policies/audit_policies", |
"previous": null, |
"transaction": "/api/transaction" |
} |
} |
Querying a specific audit policy
Querying a specific audit policy request
curl --cookie cookies.txt --request GET https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/policies/audit_policies/4110330695c094b5776670 |
Querying a specific audit policy response
{ |
"body": { |
"encryption": { |
"enabled": false |
}, |
"name": "remote-timestamping", |
"signing": { |
"enabled": false |
}, |
"signing_and_timestamping_interval": 42, |
"timestamping": { |
"enabled": true, |
"server": { |
"oid": { |
"enabled": true, |
"policy_oid": "" |
}, |
"selection": "remote", |
"server_url": "" |
} |
} |
}, |
"key": "4110330695c094b5776670", |
"meta": { |
"first": "/api/configuration/policies/audit_policies/78101850949e47437dd91d", |
"href": "/api/configuration/policies/audit_policies/4110330695c094b5776670", |
"last": "/api/configuration/policies/audit_policies/4110330695c094b5776670", |
"next": null, |
"parent": "/api/configuration/policies/audit_policies", |
"previous": "/api/configuration/policies/audit_policies/78101850949e47437dd91d", |
"transaction": "/api/transaction" |
} |
} |
Configure only upstream encription
Configure only upstream encription request
curl --cookie cookies.txt --request POST --data '@-' https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/policies/audit_policies <<'REQUEST' |
{ |
"name": "upstream_only", |
"timestamping": { |
"enabled": false |
}, |
"encryption": { |
"enabled": true, |
"certificates": [], |
"different_certificates_for_upstream": { |
"enabled": true, |
"certificates": [ |
{ |
"certificate": { |
"pem": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nGwrzti7q\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n" |
}, |
"four_eyes_certificate": null |
} |
] |
} |
}, |
"signing": { |
"enabled": false |
}, |
"signing_and_timestamping_interval": 30 |
} |
Configure signing without traffic encryption
Configure signing without traffic encryption request
curl --cookie cookies.txt --request POST --data '@-' https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/policies/audit_policies <<'REQUEST' |
{ |
"name": "sign_no_traffic_encryption", |
"timestamping": { |
"enabled": false |
}, |
"encryption": { |
"enabled": false |
}, |
"signing": { |
"enabled": true, |
"x509_identity": "x509-identity-0" |
}, |
"signing_and_timestamping_interval": 30 |
} |
Configure signing, and traffic encryption with a single certificate
Configure signing, and traffic encryption with a single certificate request
curl --cookie cookies.txt --request POST --data '@-' https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/policies/audit_policies <<'REQUEST' |
{ |
"name": "sign_with_traffic_encryption", |
"timestamping": { |
"enabled": false |
}, |
"encryption": { |
"enabled": true, |
"certificates": [ |
{ |
"certificate": { |
"pem": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nGwrzti7q\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n" |
}, |
"four_eyes_certificate": null |
} |
], |
"different_certificates_for_upstream": { |
"enabled": false |
} |
}, |
"signing": { |
"enabled": true, |
"x509_identity": "x509-identity-0" |
}, |
"signing_and_timestamping_interval": 30 |
} |
Configure without timestamping
Configure without timestamping request
curl --cookie cookies.txt --request POST --data '@-' https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/policies/audit_policies <<'REQUEST' |
{ |
"name": "timestamping_disabled", |
"timestamping": { |
"enabled": false |
}, |
"encryption": { |
"enabled": false |
}, |
"signing": { |
"enabled": false |
}, |
"signing_and_timestamping_interval": 30 |
} |
Configure local timestamping
Configure local timestamping request
curl --cookie cookies.txt --request POST --data '@-' https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/policies/audit_policies <<'REQUEST' |
{ |
"name": "local_timestamping", |
"timestamping": { |
"enabled": true, |
"server": { |
"selection": "local" |
} |
}, |
"encryption": { |
"enabled": false |
}, |
"signing": { |
"enabled": false |
}, |
"signing_and_timestamping_interval": 30 |
} |
Configure external timestamping
Configure external timestamping request
curl --cookie cookies.txt --request POST --data '@-' https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/policies/audit_policies <<'REQUEST' |
{ |
"name": "external_timestamping", |
"timestamping": { |
"enabled": true, |
"server": { |
"selection": "remote", |
"server_url": "", |
"oid": { |
"enabled": true, |
"policy_oid": "" |
} |
} |
}, |
"encryption": { |
"enabled": false |
}, |
"signing": { |
"enabled": false |
}, |
"signing_and_timestamping_interval": 30 |
} |
Audited users
Querying audited users
Querying audited users request
curl --cookie cookies.txt --request GET https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/audit/users |
Querying audited users response
{ |
"items": [ |
{ |
"has_valid_score": false, |
"id": "userName4", |
"last_seen": "2023-06-21T15:31:40.000Z", |
"score": null, |
"score_timestamp": "2023-06-22T03:31:40.000Z" |
}, |
{ |
"has_valid_score": true, |
"id": "userName1", |
"last_seen": "2023-06-08T07:20:09.000Z", |
"score": 1, |
"score_timestamp": "2023-06-06T03:23:25.000Z" |
}, |
{ |
"has_valid_score": true, |
"id": "userName3", |
"last_seen": "2023-05-06T12:50:05.000Z", |
"score": 2, |
"score_timestamp": "2023-05-05T23:15:45.000Z" |
}, |
{ |
"has_valid_score": false, |
"id": "userName2", |
"last_seen": "2023-05-06T03:23:25.000Z", |
"score": 3, |
"score_timestamp": "2023-05-05T09:22:25.000Z" |
} |
], |
"meta": { |
"href": "/api/audit/users", |
"limit": 100, |
"parent": "/api/audit" |
} |
} |
Querying audited users using the `limit` parameter to limit the search results
Querying audited users using the `limit` parameter to limit the search results request
curl --cookie cookies.txt --request GET https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/audit/users?limit=1 |
Querying audited users using the `limit` parameter to limit the search results response
{ |
"items": [ |
{ |
"has_valid_score": false, |
"id": "userName4", |
"last_seen": "2023-06-21T15:31:40.000Z", |
"score": null, |
"score_timestamp": "2023-06-22T03:31:40.000Z" |
} |
], |
"meta": { |
"href": "/api/audit/users", |
"limit": 1, |
"parent": "/api/audit" |
} |
} |
Querying audited users using the `sort` parameter to sort the search results
Querying audited users using the `sort` parameter to sort the search results request
curl --cookie cookies.txt --request GET https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/audit/users?sort=score |
Querying audited users using the `sort` parameter to sort the search results response
{ |
"items": [ |
{ |
"has_valid_score": false, |
"id": "userName4", |
"last_seen": "2023-06-21T15:31:40.000Z", |
"score": null, |
"score_timestamp": "2023-06-22T03:31:40.000Z" |
}, |
{ |
"has_valid_score": true, |
"id": "userName1", |
"last_seen": "2023-06-08T07:20:09.000Z", |
"score": 1, |
"score_timestamp": "2023-06-06T03:23:25.000Z" |
}, |
{ |
"has_valid_score": true, |
"id": "userName3", |
"last_seen": "2023-05-06T12:50:05.000Z", |
"score": 2, |
"score_timestamp": "2023-05-05T23:15:45.000Z" |
}, |
{ |
"has_valid_score": false, |
"id": "userName2", |
"last_seen": "2023-05-06T03:23:25.000Z", |
"score": 3, |
"score_timestamp": "2023-05-05T09:22:25.000Z" |
} |
], |
"meta": { |
"href": "/api/audit/users", |
"limit": 100, |
"parent": "/api/audit" |
} |
} |
Querying audited users using the `has_valid_score` parameter to filter the search results
Querying audited users using the `has_valid_score` parameter to filter the search results request
curl --cookie cookies.txt --request GET https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/audit/users?has_valid_score=true |
Querying audited users using the `has_valid_score` parameter to filter the search results response
{ |
"items": [ |
{ |
"has_valid_score": true, |
"id": "userName1", |
"last_seen": "2023-06-08T07:20:09.000Z", |
"score": 1, |
"score_timestamp": "2023-06-06T03:23:25.000Z" |
}, |
{ |
"has_valid_score": true, |
"id": "userName3", |
"last_seen": "2023-05-06T12:50:05.000Z", |
"score": 2, |
"score_timestamp": "2023-05-05T23:15:45.000Z" |
} |
], |
"meta": { |
"href": "/api/audit/users", |
"limit": 100, |
"parent": "/api/audit" |
} |
} |
Configuration default values
Querying the default values for singleton resources, for example syslog servers
Querying the default values for singleton resources, for example syslog servers request
curl --cookie cookies.txt --request PUT --data '@-' https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/management/syslog?defaults <<'REQUEST' |
{ |
"receivers": [ |
{} |
] |
} |
Querying the default values for singleton resources, for example syslog servers response
{ |
"body": { |
"encryption": { |
"client_authentication": null, |
"trust_store": null |
}, |
"include_node_id": true, |
"receivers": [ |
{ |
"address": { |
"selection": "ip", |
"value": "" |
}, |
"port": 514, |
"protocol": { |
"ip_protocol": "tcp", |
"protocol_type": "legacy-bsd", |
"tls_enabled": false |
} |
} |
] |
}, |
"key": "syslog", |
"meta": { |
"first": "/api/configuration/management/accounting", |
"href": "/api/configuration/management/syslog", |
"last": "/api/configuration/management/web_gateway_authentication", |
"next": "/api/configuration/management/system_backup", |
"parent": "/api/configuration/management", |
"previous": "/api/configuration/management/support_info", |
"transaction": "/api/transaction" |
} |
} |
Querying defaults for objects in a container, for example SSH authentication policies
Querying defaults for objects in a container, for example SSH authentication policies request
curl --cookie cookies.txt --request POST --data '@-' https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/ssh/authentication_policies?defaults <<'REQUEST' |
{ |
"backend": { |
"selection": "radius" |
} |
} |
Querying defaults for objects in a container, for example SSH authentication policies response
{ |
"body": { |
"backend": { |
"authentication_protocol": "pap", |
"selection": "radius", |
"servers": [ |
{ |
"address": { |
"selection": "ip", |
"value": "" |
}, |
"port": 1812, |
"shared_secret": { |
"key": "", |
"meta": { |
"href": "/api/configuration/passwords" |
} |
} |
} |
] |
}, |
"gateway_methods": { |
"kerberos": false, |
"password": false, |
"public_key": false |
}, |
"name": "unnamed-ssh-authentication-policy", |
"relayed_methods": { |
"kerberos": false, |
"keyboard_interactive": true, |
"password": true, |
"public_key": { |
"selection": "agent" |
} |
} |
}, |
"key": "", |
"meta": { |
"first": "/api/configuration/ssh/authentication_policies", |
"href": "/api/configuration/ssh/authentication_policies", |
"last": "/api/configuration/ssh/settings_policies", |
"next": "/api/configuration/ssh/channel_policies", |
"parent": "/api/configuration/ssh", |
"previous": null, |
"transaction": "/api/transaction" |
} |
} |