The following describes how to perform authentication locally on One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) for client-side connections.


The users can be authenticated to their passwords or public-keys uploaded to SPS.

The accounts created to access the SPS web interface cannot be used to authenticate SSH connections.


To perform authentication locally on SPS for client-side connections, an existing Local User Database is needed. To create a Local User Database, complete the following procedure: Creating a Local User Database.

To perform authentication locally on SPS for client-side connections

  1. Navigate to SSH Control > Authentication Policies, and select the authentication policy to modify.

  2. Select Authenticate the client to SPS using > Local user database, and select the permitted authentication methods (Password, Public key).

  3. Select the Local user database from the list that defines the users who can access the server.

  4. Click Commit.