This section provides detailed information about system related SNMP traps. For information about configuring SNMP traps, see Health related traps and SNMP trap settings.

To enable system related Email notifications and SNMP trap notifications, navigate to Basic Settings > Alerting > System related traps, select Email and/or SNMP for the traps you want to be notified about, then click .

Figure 58: Basic Settings > Alerting > System related traps

The following table provides detailed information about the system related SNMP traps .

Table 5: System related traps
Name SNMP alert ID Description
Login failed xcbLoginFailure Failed login attempts from syslog-ng Store Box (SSB) web interface.
Successful login xcbLogin Successful login attempts into SSB web interface.
Logout from the management interface xcbLogout Logouts from SSB web interface.
Configuration changed xcbConfigChange Any modification of SSB's configuration.
General alert xcbAlert

General alerts and error messages occurring on SSB.

Note, that alerts on general alerts and errors are sent whenever there is an alert or error level message in the SSB system log. These messages are very verbose and mainly useful only for debugging purposes.

Enabling these alerts may result in multiple e-mails or SNMP traps sent about the same event.

General error xcbError
Data and configuration backup failed xcbBackupFailed Alerts if the backup procedure is unsuccessful.
Data archiving failed xcbArchiveFailed Alerts if the archiving procedure is unsuccessful.
Database error occurred xcbDBError An error occurred in the database where SSB stores alerts and accounting information. Contact our support team (see About us for contact information).
License limit reached xcbLimitReached Maximum number of clients has been reached.
HA node state changed xcbHaNodeChanged A node of the SSB cluster changed its state, for example, a takeover occurred.
Timestamping error occured xcbTimestampError An error occurred during the time stamping process, for example the time stamping server did not respond.
Time sync lost xcbTimeSyncLost The system time became out of sync.
Raid status changed xcbRaidStatus The status of the node's RAID device changed its state.
Hardware error occured xcbHWError SSB detected a hardware error.
Firmware is tainted xcbFirmwareTainted A user has locally modified a file from the console.
Disk usage is above the defined ratio xcbDiskFull Disk space is used above the limit set in Disk space fill up prevention.