"Objects - Deny Deletion of Child Objects" Access Template gets left behind on parent container
Setting the Protect object from accidental deletion checkbox on a sub-container in Active Roles creates a explicit linkage to this container for the Configuration/Access Templates/Active Directory/Advanced/Objects - Deny Deletion Access Template that is delegated to Everyone and synced with Active Directory as well as an explicit linkage to the parent container for the Configuration/Access Templates/Active Directory/Advanced/Objects - Deny Deletion of Child Objects Access Template that is delegated to Everyone and synced with Active Directory.
De-selecting this checkbox removes the explicit linkage on the sub-container, but not the linkage on the parent.
This issue is being tracked as Defect ID 439904
Delete the explicit Access Template linkage on the parent container manually.
This can be done in the Active Roles Console on the Administration tab of the parent container, under the Security button.
Waiting for fix in a future release of Active Roles.