
Identity Manager 8.1.4 - Target System Synchronization Reference Guide

Target system synchronization with the Synchronization Editor Working with the Synchronization Editor Basics of target system synchronization Setting up synchronization
Starting the Synchronization Editor Creating a synchronization project Configuring synchronization
Setting up mappings Setting up synchronization workflows Connecting systems Editing the scope Using variables and variable sets Setting up start up configurations Setting up base objects
Overview of schema classes Customizing the synchronization configuration Checking the consistency of the synchronization configuration Activating the synchronization project Defining start up sequences
Running synchronization Synchronization analysis Setting up synchronization with default connectors Updating existing synchronization projects Script library for synchronization projects Additional information for experts Resolving errors when connecting target systems Configuration parameters for target system synchronization Configuration file examples Glossary

Schema editor

A schema editor is integrated into the schema browser. It is only available in expert mode and allows you to edit custom virtual schema properties.

To open the schema editor

  1. Select the Configuration | One Identity Manager connection category.

    - OR -

    Select the Configuration | Target systemClosed category.

  2. Open the Schema browserClosed view.

  3. In the schema browser menu bar, click .

To add a custom schema property

  1. Select the schema in the SchemaClosed view to which you want to add a new virtual schema property.

  2. Click Add schema property in the Action pane.

  3. Select the schema property type and edit its details.

  4. Click Create.

  5. Click Commit to database to save the changes.

To edit a custom schema property

  1. Select the schema property in the Schema view.

  2. Edit the schema property details.

  3. Click Apply changes.

  4. Click Commit to database to save the changes.

To delete a custom schema property

  1. Select the schema property in the Schema view.

  2. Click Delete schema property in the Action bar.

  3. Confirm the security prompt with Yes.
  4. Click Commit to database to save the changes.

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Using custom project templates

You can make your own project templatesClosed based on existing synchronization projectsClosed. This is particularly useful if you want to use customized mappings or synchronization workflows in synchronization projects for other target systems. If you base a synchronization project on a custom project template, it includes all settings of the underlying synchronization project. To use the new project, you merely change the target system specific settings.

Script language and supported scripts

A script language and the script languages, which are supported, are specified for the project template. These properties have different functions and can therefore, have different values.

Script language

Language that is used to write the project template's script.

Only change a project template's script language if the script needs to be modified manually and a specific script language should be used to do this.

Supported script languages

Script languages to be used for scripts in synchronization projects created with this project template.

  • If a project template supports more than one script language, select the script language to use when you set up the synchronization project (only in expert mode).

  • If you create a project template from an existing synchronization project, it only supports the script language of the underlying synchronization project.

Related topics

Creating project templates

Project templatesClosed can be created in expert mode from existing synchronization projectsClosed. You can use these to create new synchronization projects with the project wizard.

TIP: Before you create a project template from an existing synchronization project, apply all available patches to the synchronization project and save the changes. For more information, see Applying patches.

To create a project template

  1. Select Edit | Create template....
  2. Enter the template properties.

    The values are preset with the properties of the open synchronization project.

  3. Click OK.
Table 80: Project template properties
Property Description

Display name

Name of the project template to display in the project wizard.

Script language

Language that is used to write the project template's script. Only change this setting if you want to manually change the script in the project template at a later date.


Text field for additional explanation.

Related topics

Creating synchronization projects from a custom project template

Take note of the following advice before creating a synchronization projectClosed:

NOTE: It is possible that project templatesClosed created with an older version of One Identity Manager are not compatible with the currently installed version. Errors may occur if these project templates are used. Recreate the project templates with the currently installed version of One Identity Manager.

NOTE: The script language of the synchronization project you want to set up, supports the project template script language.

Custom project templates can also be used if expert mode is not enabled.

To create a synchronization project from a custom project template

  1. Create a new synchronization project with the project wizard.

    1. Select the custom project template on the Select project template page.

    2. On the Synchronization base object page, select the base object that is required for the synchronization and provisioning processes.

      • Base objectClosed table: Table to select the base object from, for example ADSDomain.
      • Show more: Shows tables for other target system types in the base table menu.
      • Base object: Object from the base table that forms the base object for synchronization and provisioning processes.
      • Proceed without a base object: Synchronization does not require a specific base object.

        Set this option, if the base object is not in the One Identity Manager database yet.

    1. On the Synchronization serverClosed page, select a synchronization server to execute synchronization.

      If the synchronization server is not declared as a Job server in the One Identity Manager database yet, you can add a new Job server.

      1. Click to add a new Job server.

      2. Enter a name for the Job server and the full server name conforming to DNS syntax.

      3. Click OK.

        The synchronization server is declared as a Job server for the target system in the One Identity Manager database.

        NOTE: After you save the synchronization project, ensure that this server is set up as a synchronization server.
    1. Enter the general setting for the synchronization project under General.

      • Display name: Display name for the synchronization project.
      • Description: Text field for additional explanation.
    2. Disable the Activate and save the new synchronization project automatically option on the last page of the project wizard.

      The synchronization project should not be activated jet because it is not completely configured.

  2. Changed the display names and description of the synchronization project if required.

  3. Save the synchronization project in the database.

To configure synchronization with this synchronization project

  1. Select the variables in the default variable set. Modify at least the value of variables with connection parameters.

  2. Define the synchronization scope.

  3. (Optional) If the base object does not yet exist in the One Identity Manager database, add the synchronization base object in the Manager. This might be the specific Active Directory domain to be synchronized, for example.

    • Specify the synchronization base object in the Synchronization EditorClosed.

      Select the base table for the base object you just added and the synchronization server.

  4. (Optional) In the Designer, check if the operations for provisioning and single objects synchronization have been added. This is the case if the base object was entered when the synchronization project was created from the custom project template. Otherwise, define the required single object operations in the Designer.
  5. Specify the extent of the synchronization log.

  6. Assign a schedule to the start up configuration.

  7. Run a consistency check.

  8. Activate the synchronization project.

  9. Save the changes.
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