
Safeguard Authentication Services 5.0.1 - Administration Guide

Privileged Access Suite for Unix Introducing One Identity Safeguard Authentication Services Unix administration and configuration Identity management Migrating from NIS Managing access control Managing local file permissions Certificate Autoenrollment Integrating with other applications Managing Unix hosts with Group Policy
Safeguard Authentication Services Group Policy
Group Policy Concepts Unix policies One Identity policies
Display specifiers Troubleshooting Glossary

Starting the NIS Map Import Wizard

Using the RFC 2307 NIS Map Import Wizard, you can import directly from local files or from an existing NIS server.

To start the NIS Map Import Wizard

  1. From Windows, start Active Directory Users and Computers.

    By default, NIS Map Objects are only available to Safeguard Authentication Services clients in the same organizational unit to which they are joined.

    If the client is joined in Unix Personality Mode then only the NIS maps residing in the personality containers NIS OU are accessible.

  2. Right-click on the Computers container in the ADUC or, if in UPM mode, the NIS OU inside the promoted personality OU in ADUC.
  3. Select All Tasks | Unix Tasks | RFC 2307 NIS Map Import Wizard to launch the wizard.
  4. Click Next in the Welcome dialog.
  5. In the Source Selection dialog, select the option to Import NIS Data from Local file or Import NIS Data from the NIS Server.

Import RFC 2307 NIS map objects from a local file

To import RFC 2307 NIS map objects from a local file

  1. In the Source Selection dialog of the NIS Map Import Wizard, select the Local File option and click Next.
  2. From the File Selection dialog, select the NIS map type.
  3. Browse for the nismap file.

    Note: NIS Map file format that worked with the (legacy) VAS NIS maps does not work for the RFC 2307 nismaps.

  4. In the Final Review screen, verify that you have the correct NIS map information selected and the correct number of entries.

    You also have the option to export the maps to LDIF.

  5. Click Next.

    A verification prompt displays.

  6. Click OK to confirm.

    The Results screen lists the imported maps and notifies you if there were any errors. You have the option to save the results to a file.

  7. On the Results screen, click Finish.

    To view the NIS Map object you must enable View | Advanced Features in Active Directory Users and Computers.

Import RFC 2307 NIS map objects from an existing NIS server

To import RFC 2307 NIS map objects from an existing NIS server

  1. In the Source Selection dialog of the NIS Map Import Wizard, select the NIS Server option and click Next.
  2. Enter the NIS Domain and click Connect.

    The NIS server loads and lists the available NIS maps in the window.

  3. Select All or specific NIS maps to import and click Next.
  4. In the Final Review screen, verify that you have selected the correct NIS map information and the correct number of entries.

    You also have the option to export the maps to LDIF.

  5. Click Next.

    A verification prompt displays.

  6. Click OK to confirm.

    The Results screen lists the imported maps and notifies you if there were any errors.

  7. Click Finish.

    To view the NIS map object, enable View | Advanced Features in Active Directory Users and Computers.

Using NIS map command line administration utility

The nisedit command line utility allows you to manage NIS maps stored in Active Directory as RFC 2307 objects. nisedit is located at /opt/quest/bin/nisedit and has been designed to be script- and automation-friendly.

To run the nisedit utility, specify one or more general options and then specify a specific sub-command which may have further options and arguments. The following table contains a complete list of supported nisedit commands and a brief description of each.

Table 17: nisedit commands
Command Description
add Add RFC 2307 NIS maps and/or entries to Active Directory.
delete Delete RFC 2307 NIS map or entries out of Active Directory.
dump Output RFC 2307 NIS maps and entries from Active Directory.
modify Modify an RFC 2307 NIS map or entries in Active Directory.
list List all RFC 2307 NIS map names from Active Directory.
sync Synchronize changes to RFC 2307 NIS maps in Active Directory.

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