Resource Policy
Use the Resource Policy dialog box to specify under which conditions the resource mailbox automatically accepts requests:
- Allow conflict meeting requests Select this check box to allow conflicting meeting requests to be scheduled by the Resource Booking Attendant.
- Allow repeating meetings Select this check box to allow repeating or recurring meetings to be scheduled.
- Allow scheduling only during working hours Select this check box to allow scheduling for the resource to occur during working hours. Users can set working hours by using Outlook or Outlook Web App.
- Reject repeating meetings that have an end date beyond the booking window Select this check box to allow the Resource Booking Attendant to reject recurring meeting requests that are outside of the resources booking window.
- Booking window (days) Use this box to specify the number of days that the resource can be booked in advance. For example, if the booking window is set for 90 days and a request is received for scheduling the resource 4 months from today’s date, the Resource Booking Attendant rejects the request.
- Maximum duration (minutes) Use this box to specify the maximum number of minutes that the resource can be scheduled for.
- Maximum conflict instances Use this box to specify the maximum number of conflicts allowed for recurring meetings. If the number of instances for a recurring meeting in conflict exceeds this number, the recurring meeting request is declined.
- Conflict percentage allowed Use this box to specify the conflict percentage threshold from recurring meetings. If the percentage of instances of a recurring meeting that conflicts with other meetings exceeds the threshold, the recurring meeting request is declined.
- Specify delegates of this mailbox Click Add to add delegates who can control the scheduling options for the resource mailbox. Click Remove to remove delegates from this resource mailbox.
- Forward meeting requests to delegates Select this check box to forward all meeting requests to the delegates.
Resource Information
Use the Resource Information dialog box to specify the meeting information that appears in the resource’s calendar:
- Delete attachments Select this check box to remove attachments from all incoming requests.
- Delete comments Select this check box to remove any text in the message body of incoming requests.
- Delete the subject Select this check box to remove the subject of all incoming requests.
- Delete non-calendar items Select this check box to remove all non-calendar Outlook items received by the mailbox.
- Add the organizer’s name to the subject Select this check box to specify whether the resource requester’s name is added to the subject of the request.
- Remove the private flag on an accepted meeting Select this check box to clear the private flag for all incoming requests.
- Send organizer information when a meeting request is declined because of conflicts Select this check box to send the meeting organizer information regarding declined requests.
- Customize the response message that organizers will receive Select the Add additional text check box to customize the message that the requester receives when the meeting has been declined, and then type the additional information in the Additional text field.
- Mark pending requests as Tentative on the calendar Select this check box to specify that all pending requests are marked as Tentative in the resource’s calendar. The delegate can then accept or deny the request as needed.
Resource In-Policy Requests
Use the Resource In-Policy Requests dialog box to specify the users who are allowed to submit requests within the resource policy’s configuration:
- Specify users who are allowed to submit in-policy meeting requests that will be automatically approved Click All users or Selected recipients. If you click Selected recipients, you need to click Add to select the recipients. You can also remove selected recipients by clicking Remove.
- Specify who can submit in-policy meeting requests that are subject to approval by a resource mailbox delegate Click All users or Selected recipients. If you click Selected recipients, you need to click Add to select the recipients. You can also remove selected recipients by clicking Remove.
Resource Out-of-Policy Requests
Use the Resource Out-of-Policy Requests dialog box to specify the users who are allowed to submit resource requests that don’t meet the resource’s policy configuration. Users who have permission to submit out-of-policy requests won’t have their request denied, but the requests require approval by one of the resource’s delegates:
- All users Choose this option to allow all users to submit out-of-policy requests.
- Selected recipients Choose this option to allow specific users to submit out-of-policy requests. If you choose this option, you need to click Add to select the users. You can also remove selected users by clicking Remove.