
Identity Manager 9.0 LTS - Target System Synchronization Reference Guide

Target system synchronization with the Synchronization Editor Working with the Synchronization Editor Basics of target system synchronization Setting up synchronization
Starting the Synchronization Editor Creating a synchronization project Configuring synchronization
Setting up mappings Setting up synchronization workflows Connecting systems Editing the scope Using variables and variable sets Setting up start up configurations Setting up base objects
Overview of schema classes Customizing the synchronization configuration Checking the consistency of the synchronization configuration Activating the synchronization project Defining start up sequences
Running synchronization Synchronization analysis Setting up synchronization with default connectors Updating existing synchronization projects Script library for synchronization projects Additional information for experts Troubleshooting errors when connecting target systems Configuration parameters for target system synchronization Configuration file examples

Editing the scope

In the general scope, you can specify system objects to be handled by synchronizationClosed. This allows you to limit the number of objects to synchronize. If no general scope is defined, all objects in the connected systemClosed are synchronized.

In the reference scope, you define which system objects are loaded for the reference resolution. If no reference scope is defined, the general scope is also used for the reference resolution.

TIP: If a general scope is defined, but you want all system objects of a target system type to be available, create an empty reference scope. To do this, simply enter the display name of the reference scope. This means that no scope is calculated in the reference resolution.

If the synchronization projectClosed was creating using a default project templateClosed, a scope is defined. You may edit this scope. A scope is not define if the synchronization project was created without a project template.

NOTE: To avoid data inconsistencies, define the same scope in both of the connected systems.
Detailed information about this topic

How to edit a scope

To edit the scope

  1. Edit the system connection properties.

    For more information, see How to edit system connection properties.

  2. Select the ScopeClosed view.
  3. Click Edit scope.

To edit the reference scope

  1. Edit the system connection properties.

    For more information, see How to edit system connection properties.

  2. Select the Scope view.
  3. Click Edit reference scope.

How to delete a scope

To delete the scope or scope reference.

  1. Edit the system connection properties.

    For more information, see How to edit system connection properties.

  2. Select the ScopeClosed view.
  3. Click Delete.

Scope properties

Enter the following properties for a scope. Set a filter for the target system whose object are referenced from the connection systemClosed. For more information, see What is a scope?.

Table 58: Scope properties
Property Description
SchemaClosed Display name for the schema to which the scope will be applied.
Name Scope display name. The name must be unique within a synchronization projectClosed.
Scope hierarchy List of all schema types for the selected schema. To filter the list, click .
Show all object types All object types of the schema are displayed.
Only show hierarchically structured object types Only the object types of the schema that form a hierarchical structure are displayed.
Is filtered? All schema types with a filter are marked.
A filter is defined and effective.
A filter is effective.
Condition Specify the filter condition for the scope. Select an object type in the scope hierarchy for this.

System filterClosed

FilterClosed that immediately affects the connection system.

Enter the filter in system specific notation, for example, as Where clause for a database system or as LDAP filter for an LDAP system.

If tested against a fixed value that contains at least two dollar characters, the dollar characters must be masked.

This filter is only effective when loading the system objects.

Object filterClosed

Filter that affects loaded objects.


Formulate a query for loaded objects. Use the wizard for entering filter.


You can also store a script which determines system objects. The script must be written in the script language specified in the synchronization project.

Hierarchy filterClosed Filter created on the bases of existing system objects. This filter limits the number of objects to load in the connected system.

This filter is only available for individual target systems.

For more information, see Creating hierarchy filters.

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