You must create a configuration file (cepp.conf file) before using the CEPA auditing feature to monitor file system activity on EMC Celerra or VNX storage devices. The cepp.conf file contains the information needed to connect Data Movers to the Windows computers where the CEE software is installed. It also defines the type of file system events that Data Governance Edition can collect from the EMC device.
To create and configure cepp conf file
- Using an SSH client (such as Putty.exe), connect to Control Station using its IP and port (the default is 22).
- Login using administrative credentials. The default user name and password on a Celerra system are nasadmin/nasadmin.
Copy or create the cepp.conf file.
To copy the current configuration file from the Data Mover, run the following command: server_file movername -get.cepp.conf cepp.conf
Where: movername is the name of your Data Mover. The default name is server_2.
- To create the configuration file, open the VI text editor (or other preferred text editor) by running the following command: vi cepp.conf
Using the text editor, edit the cepp.conf file and ensure the following configuration parameters are in the file:
pool name=poolname servers=server1|server2 postevents=event1|event2|...
Where: poolname is the name assigned to the set of Windows servers where the Event Enabler software from EMC is installed.
Where: server1|server2 is the fully-qualified domain name of the Windows computers hosting the Event Enabler (CEE) software from EMC. If you have more than one server, separate them with a vertical bar (|).
Where: event1|event2|... are the EMC events to be collected during security scans and activity collection. When specifying multiple events, separate them with a vertical bar (|).
Note: Do not register for pre-events or post-err-events in the cepp.conf. These events are ignored by the Data Governance agent and add undue load on the EMC device.
The following table shows events (postevents=) that can be registered in the cepp.conf and their mapping to Data Governance events that can be collected during security scanning and activity tracking.
EMC cepp.conf event
Data Governance Edition event CreateFile|CreateDir Create DeleteFile|DeleteDir Delete RenameDir Rename SetAclFile|SetAclDir SecurityChange CloseModified Write CloseUnmodified Read NOTE: If you configure your EMC managed host to collect real-time security changes and apply them to scanned data, you must include the following events:
For performance reasons, you may want to filter out the events that are not required, such as CloseUnmodified which are the "Read" events.
Save the file. (Press Escape then type :wq)
Run the following commands in the SSH client to publish the file to the Data Mover and restart the CEPA facility:
server_cepp movername -service -stop
server_file movername -put cepp.conf cepp.conf
server_cepp movername -service -start
Where: movername is the name of your Data Mover. The default name is server_2.
Verify the CEPA status by running the following command:
server_cepp movername -service -status
Verify the pool configuration by running the following command:
server_cepp movername -pool -info