
One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions 6.14 - REST API Reference Guide

Introduction Using the SPS REST API Basic settings User management and access control Managing SPS General connection settings HTTP connections Citrix ICA connections MSSQL connections RDP connections SSH connections Telnet connections VNC connections Search, download, and index sessions Reporting Health and maintenance Advanced authentication and authorization Completing the Welcome Wizard using REST Enable and configure analytics using REST

SSH channels

The available SSH channel types and their functionalities are described below. For details on configuring channel policies, see Channel policy.


Special options




Agent: Forwards the SSH authentication agent from the client to the server.



X11 Forward: Forwards the graphical X-server session from the server to the client. List the address of the client in the networks field to permit X11-forwarding only to the specified clients. Specify IP addresses or networks (in IP address/Prefix format). For example:

"networks": [
    "selection": "address",
    "value": ""
    "selection": "address",
    "value": ""

NOTE: Certain client applications send the Target address as a hostname, while others as an IP address. If you are using a mix of different client applications, you might have to duplicate the channel rules and create IP-address and hostname versions of the same rule.

Channel-specific access control rules:

  • networks (list): To X11-forwarding only to specific clients, list the IP addresses or networks of the clients in this field. Leave it empty to permit access to every client. For details, see Limiting addresses in port forwarding.

local-forwards Yes

Local Forward: Forwards traffic arriving to a local port of the client to a remote host. To enable forwarding only between selected hosts, use the local_forwards field. If the local_forwards field is empty, local forwarding is enabled without restriction, the client may forward any traffic to the remote host.

For example:

"local_forwards": [
    "host_address": {
      "selection": "address",
      "value": ""
    "host_port": 5555,
    "originator_address": {
      "selection": "address",
      "value": ""

Channel-specific access control rules:

  • local_forwards (list): To permit local forwarding only to specific addresses, list the addresses in this field. Leave it empty to enable without restriction. In this case the client may forward any traffic to the remote host.

    Enter the source of the forwarded traffic into the originator_address field, the target of the traffic into the host_address field. Specify IP addresses or networks (in IP address/Prefix format). These parameters are the end-points of the forwarded traffic (that is, the local host that sends data to the remote host), and not the SSH server or the client. For example, to enable forwarding from the host to the remote host, enter into the originator_address, and into the host_address field. For details, see Limiting addresses in port forwarding.

remote-forwards Yes

Remote Forward: Forwards traffic arriving a remote port of the server to the client. To enable forwarding only between selected hosts, enter their IP addresses into the remote_forwards field. If the remote_forwards field is empty, remote forwarding is enabled without restriction, the SSH server may forward any traffic to the client.

For example:

"remote_forwards": [
    "connected_address": {
      "selection": "address",
      "value": ""
    "connected_port": 5555,
    "originator_address": {
      "selection": "address",
      "value": ""

Channel-specific access control rules:

  • remote_forwards (list): To permit only specific forwardins, list the permitted addresses in this field. Leave it empty to permit forwarding without restrictions.

    Enter the source of the forwarded traffic into the originator_address, the target of the traffic into the connected_address field. Specify IP addresses or networks (in IP address/Prefix format). These parameters are the end-points of the forwarded traffic (that is, the remote host that sends data to the client), and not the SSH server. For example, to enable forwarding from the remote host to the client, enter into the originator_address, and into the connected_address field. For details, see Limiting addresses in port forwarding.

session-exec Yes

Session Exec: Execute a remote command (for example rsync) without opening a session shell. List the permitted command in the execs field. You can use regular expressions to specify the commands. This field can contain only letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), and the following special characters ({}()*?\\|[]).


Restricting the commands available in Session Exec channels does not guarantee that no other commands can be executed. Commands can be renamed, or executed from shell scripts to circumvent such restrictions.

Channel-specific access control rules:

  • execs (list): List the permitted command in the execs field. Regular expressions may be used to specify the commands.

For example:

"execs": [
session-exec-scp Yes

Session Exec SCP: Transfers files using the Secure Copy (SCP) protocol.

Channel-specific actions:

  • log_transfer_to_db (list): (true|false): Make the list of file operations available in the Search > File operations column of the SPS web interface

  • log_transfer_to_syslog (list): (true|false): Send the file operations into the system log

For example:

"actions": {
  "audit": false,
  "four_eyes": false,
  "ids": false,
  "log_transfer_to_db": true,
  "log_transfer_to_syslog": true
session-subsystem Yes

Session Subsystem: Use a subsystem. Enter the name of the permitted subsystem into the subsystems field.

Channel-specific access control rules:

  • subsystems (list): List the permitted subsystems in this field.

For example:

"execs": [
session-exec-sftp Yes

Session SFTP: Transfers files using the Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP).

Channel-specific actions:

  • log_transfer_to_db (list): (true|false): Make the list of file operations available in the Search > File operations column of the SPS web interface

  • log_transfer_to_syslog (list): (true|false): Send the file operations into the system log

For example:

"actions": {
  "audit": false,
  "four_eyes": false,
  "ids": false,
  "log_transfer_to_db": true,
  "log_transfer_to_syslog": true
session-shell Yes

Session Shell: The traditional remote terminal session.

Channel-specific actions:

  • content_policy reference: The ID of the Content policy to apply to the connection.

For example:

"actions": {
  "audit": true,
  "content_policy": {
    "key": "433849548566ab327522e6"
  "four_eyes": false,
  "ids": false
Limiting addresses in port forwarding

The connected_address, host_address, network, and originator_address options that you can use in SSH channel policies that allow port-forwarding and X11 forwarding have the following parameters.

Element Type Description
connected_address, host_address, network, or originator_address list of JSON objects Container objects for limiting access to port-forwarding in SSH channel policies. For details, see SSH channels.
selection address or network

Specifies the type of the address. Possible values: address or network

value IPv4 address or network

The IP address, or the network in IP-address:prefix format. For example, or

SSH authentication policies

Lists the configured authentication methods that can be used in a connection. Each connection policy uses an authentication policy to determine how the client can authenticate to the target server. Separate authentication methods can be used on the client and the server-side of the connection.

GET https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/ssh/authentication_policies
Cookie name Description Required Values
session_id Contains the authentication token of the user Required

The value of the session ID cookie received from the REST server in the authentication response, for example, a1f71d030e657634730b9e887cb59a5e56162860. For details on authentication, see Authenticate to the SPS REST API.

NOTE: This session ID refers to the connection between the REST client and the SPS REST API. It is not related to the sessions that SPS records (and which also have a session ID, but in a different format)..

Sample request

The following command lists SSH authentication policies.

curl --cookie cookies https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/ssh/authentication_policies

The following command retrieves the properties of a specific policy.

curl --cookie cookies https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/ssh/authentication_policies<object-id>

The following is a sample response received when listing SSH authentication policies.

For details of the meta object, see Message format.

  "items": [
      "key": "-200",
      "meta": {
        "href": "/api/configuration/ssh/authentication_policies/-200"
      "key": "1895203635707e3340262f",
      "meta": {
        "href": "/api/configuration/ssh/authentication_policies/1895203635707e3340262f"
  "meta": {
    "first": "/api/configuration/ssh/authentication_policies",
    "href": "/api/configuration/ssh/authentication_policies",
    "last": "/api/configuration/ssh/settings_policies",
    "next": "/api/configuration/ssh/channel_policies",
    "parent": "/api/configuration/ssh",
    "previous": null,
    "transaction": "/api/transaction"

When retrieving the endpoint of a specific policy, the response is the following.

  "body": {
    "backend": {
        "selection": "none"
    "gateway_methods": {
        "kerberos": false,
        "password": false,
        "public_key": false
    "relayed_methods": {
        "kerberos": false,
        "keyboard_interactive": true,
        "password": true,
        "public_key": {
            "selection": "agent"
  "name": "base",
  "key": "-200",
  "meta": {
    "first": "/api/configuration/ssh/authentication_policies/-200",
    "href": "/api/configuration/ssh/authentication_policies/-200",
    "last": "/api/configuration/ssh/authentication_policies/1895203635707e3340262f",
    "next": "/api/configuration/ssh/authentication_policies/1895203635707e3340262f",
    "parent": "/api/configuration/ssh/authentication_policies",
    "previous": null,
    "transaction": "/api/transaction"
Elements of authentication policies Type Description
key string Top level element, contains the ID of the policy.
body Top level element Contains the elements of the policy.
backend Top level item The authentication database used on the client-side.
gateway_methods Top level item Client-side gateway authentication settings. The value of selection defines which authentication method is used.
mode Top level element Obsolete node. Any settings submitted into this node is ignored. In a response, this node may contain inaccurate data.
name string The name of the object. This name is also displayed on the SPS web interface. It cannot contain whitespace.
relayed_methods Top level element Server-side authentication settings.
Elements of backend Type Description
selection string

Defines the authentication method for client-side gateway authentication. Possible values are:

  • none

    Disables client-side gateway authentication.

  • ldap

    Uses the LDAP server selected for the connection policy. LDAP servers can be configured in the /api/configuration/policies/ldap_servers endpoint).

    To use this option, you must also configure the password and public_key elements.

  • local

    Uses the local user database configured in the /api/configuration/policies/user_databases/ endpoint.

    To use this option, you must also configure the password, public_key, and user_database elements.

  • radius

    Uses one or more Radius servers for authentication.

    To use this option, you must also configure the authentication_protocol and servers elements.





Set it to true to enable public key-based client-side authentication.

user_database string

References the key of the local user database. You can configure local user databases at the /api/configuration/policies/user_databases/ endpoint.

To modify or add a local user database, use the value of the returned key as the value of the user_database element, and remove any child elements (including the key).

servers Top level list

Defines the properties of the RADIUS servers used for client-side authentication.

A valid list item consists of the address, port and shared_secret elements.

address Top level element Defines the address of a RADIUS server.
selection string

Required child of the address element. Possible values are:

  • ip

    The value element contains the IP of the RADIUS server.

  • fqdn

    The value element contains the FQDN of the RADIUS server.

value string The IP or the FQDN address of the RADIUS server.
port int The port number of the RADIUS server.
shared_secret string

References the key of the shared secret for the RADIUS server. You can configure shared secrets at the /api/configuration/passwords/ endpoint.

To modify or add a shared secret, use the value of the returned key as the value of the shared_secret element, and remove any child elements (including the key).

Alternatively, you can include the new password as plain text.

"shared_secret": {
    "plain": "<new-password>"
authentication_protocol Top level item

RADIUS setting. Set to pap to use the Password Authentication Protocol. To use the Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol, set it to chap.

Elements of gateway_methods Type Description
kerberos boolean

Authentication based using Kerberos.

Set it to true to enable Kerberos-based client-side authentication. If required, you can select other gateway authentication methods in addition to Kerberos, and also authentication backends and related to the selected gateway authentication methods.

To use Kerberos authentication on the target server, you must use Kerberos authentication both on the SPS gateway and on the target server (in relayed_methods).

password boolean

Authentication based on username and password.

Set it to true to enable password-based client-side authentication.

public_key Top level item

Authentication based on public-private encryption keypairs.

Elements of relayed_methods Type Description
kerberos boolean

Authentication based using Kerberos.

Set it to true to enable Kerberos-based client-side authentication. If required, you can select other gateway authentication methods in addition to Kerberos, and also authentication backends and related to the selected gateway authentication methods.

To use Kerberos authentication on the target server, you must use Kerberos authentication both on the SPS gateway and on the target server (in relayed_methods).

keyboard_interactive boolean

Authentication based on exchanging messages between the user and the server. This method includes authentication schemes like S/Key or TIS authentication. Depending on the configuration of the SSH server, might have to be used together with password-based authentication.

Set to true to enable interactive authentication on the remote server.

password boolean

Authentication based on username and password.

Set to true to enable password-based authentication on the remote server.

public_key Top level item

Authentication based on public-private encryption keypairs.

Use the selection child element to disable or configure authentication using public-private keypairs on the remote server.

selection string

Configures authenticaton on the remote server using public-private keypairs. The following values are possible:

  • disabled

    Disables the authentication method.

  • publish_to_ldap

    SPS generates a keypair, and uses this keypair in the server-side connection. The public key of this keypair is also uploaded to the LDAP database set in the LDAP Server of the connection policy. That way the server can authenticate the client to the generated public key stored under the user's username in the LDAP database. You can configure LDAP servers using the /api/configuration/policies/ldap_servers endpoint, and connection policies using the /api/configuration/ssh/connections endpoint.

  • fix

    Uses a private key in the server-side connection.

    You have to use the private_key element to reference the private key.

  • agent

    Allow the client to use agent-forwarding, and use its own keypair on the server-side.

    If this option is used, SPS requests the client to use its SSH agent to authenticate on the target server. Therefore, you must configure your clients to enable agent forwarding, otherwise authentication will fail. For details on enabling agent forwarding in your SSH application, see the documentation of the application.

private_key string

References the key of the private key used for authenticating with a public-private keypair on the remote server. You can configure private keys at the /api/configuration/private_keys/ endpoint.

To modify or add a private key, use the value of the returned key as the value of the private_key element, and remove any child elements (including the key).


Password authentication against LDAP on the client side, and using a username and password on the remote server:

    "backend": {
        "selection": "ldap"
    "gateway_methods": {
        "kerberos": false,
        "password": true,
        "public_key": false
    "name": "password_ldap",
    "relayed_methods": {
        "kerberos": false,
        "keyboard_interactive": false,
        "password": true,
        "public_key": {
            "selection": "disabled"

Password authentication against a local user database on SPS, and using a username and password on the remote server. You can find the key of the local user database is available at the /api/configuration/policies/user_databases/ endpoint.

    "backend": {
        "selection": "local",
        "user_database": "<key-of-the-local-user-database>"
    "gateway_methods": {
        "kerberos": false,
        "password": true,
        "public_key": true
    "relayed_methods": {
        "kerberos": false,
        "keyboard_interactive": false,
        "password": true,
        "public_key": {
            "selection": "disabled"
    "name": "passwords",

Authenticating against an RADIUS server on the client side, and using a username and password on the remote server. You can configure the key of the shared secret at the /api/configuration/passwords/ endpoint. The IP of the RADIUS server is used.

    "backend": {
        "authentication_protocol": "pap",
        "selection": "radius",
        "servers": [
                "address": {
                    "selection": "ip",
                    "value": ""
                "port": 1812,
                "shared_secret": <key-of-shared-secret>,
   "gateway_methods": {
        "kerberos": false,
        "password": true,
        "public_key": false
    "relayed_methods": {
        "kerberos": false,
        "keyboard_interactive": true,
        "password": true,
        "public_key": {
            "selection": "agent"
    "name": "RADIUS"

Using Kerberos authentication both on the client side and on the remote server.

    "backend": {
        "selection": "none"
    "gateway_methods": {
        "kerberos": true,
        "password": false,
        "public_key": false
    "name": "kerberos_only",
    "relayed_methods": {
        "kerberos": true,
        "keyboard_interactive": false,
        "password": true,
        "public_key": {
            "selection": "disabled"
Status and error codes

The following table lists the typical status and error codes for this request. For a complete list of error codes, see Application level error codes.

Code Description Notes
201 Created The new resource was successfully created.
400 InvalidQuery The requested filter or its value is invalid.
401 Unauthenticated The requested resource cannot be retrieved because the client is not authenticated and the resource requires authorization to access it. The details section contains the path that was attempted to be accessed, but could not be retrieved.
403 Unauthorized The requested resource cannot be retrieved because the client is not authorized to access it. The details section contains the path that was attempted to be accessed, but could not be retrieved.
404 NotFound The requested object does not exist.
Add an SSH authentication policy

To add an SSH authentication policy, you have to:

  1. Open a transaction.

    For more information, see Open a transaction.

  2. Create the JSON object for the new policy.

    POST the JSON object to the https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/ssh/authentication_policies/ endpoint. You can find a detailed description of the available parameters listed in Elements of authentication policies . The elements of gateway_methods are listed in Elements of gateway_methods. The elements of relayed_methods are listed in Elements of relayed_methods.

    If the POST request is successful, the response includes the key of the new policy. For example:

      "key": "6f924f39-e4c9-4b0f-8018-8842e2115ebd",
      "meta": {
        "href": "/api/configuration/ssh/authentication_policies/6f924f39-e4c9-4b0f-8018-8842e2115ebd",
        "parent": "/api/configuration/ssh/authentication_policies",
        "transaction": "/api/transaction"
  3. Commit your changes.

    For more information, see Commit a transaction.

Modify an SSH authentication policy

To modify an SSH authentication policy, you have to:

  1. Open a transaction.

    For more information, see Open a transaction.

  2. Modify the JSON object of the policy.

    PUT the modified JSON object to the https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/ssh/authentication_policies/<key-of-the-object> endpoint. You can find a detailed description of the available parameters listed in Elements of authentication policies . The elements of gateway_methods are listed in Elements of gateway_methods. The elements of relayed_methods are listed in Elements of relayed_methods.

  3. Commit your changes.

    For more information, see Commit a transaction.

Global SSH options

List of options that affect all SSH connections.

GET https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/ssh/options
Cookie name Description Required Values
session_id Contains the authentication token of the user Required

The value of the session ID cookie received from the REST server in the authentication response, for example, a1f71d030e657634730b9e887cb59a5e56162860. For details on authentication, see Authenticate to the SPS REST API.

NOTE: This session ID refers to the connection between the REST client and the SPS REST API. It is not related to the sessions that SPS records (and which also have a session ID, but in a different format)..

Sample request

The following command lists global SSH options.

curl --cookie cookies https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/ssh/options

The following is a sample response received when listing global SSH options.

For details of the meta object, see Message format.

  "body": {
    "audit": {
      "cleanup": {
        "channel_database_cleanup_days": 600,
        "enabled": true
      "timestamping": {
        "selection": "local",
        "signing_interval": 30
    "gssapi": {
      "enabled": false
    "service": {
      "enabled": true,
      "log_level": 4
  "key": "options",
  "meta": {
    "first": "/api/configuration/ssh/authentication_policies",
    "href": "/api/configuration/ssh/options",
    "last": "/api/configuration/ssh/settings_policies",
    "next": "/api/configuration/ssh/settings_policies",
    "parent": "/api/configuration/ssh",
    "previous": "/api/configuration/ssh/connections",
    "transaction": "/api/transaction"
Element Type Description
key Top level item Contains the ID of the endpoint.
body Top level item Contains the elements of the global SSH options.
audit Top level item Contains settings for timestamping and cleanup.
service Top level item Global setting to enable SSH connections, and specify the logging detail.
enabled boolean Set to true to enable SSH connections.
log_level int Defines the logging detail of SSH connections.
gssapi Top level item Deprecated setting.
Elements of audit Type Description
cleanup Top level item Global retention settings for SSH connection metadata. To configure retention time for a specific connection policy, use the archive_cleanup_policy element at the endpoint of the policy instead.
channel_database_cleanup_days int Global retention time for the metadata of SSH connections, in days. Must exceed the retention time of the archiving policy (or policies) used for SSH connections, and the connection-specific database cleanup times (if configured).
enabled boolean To enable the global cleanup of SSH connection metadata, set this element to true.
timestamping Top level item Global timestamping settings for SSH connections.
selection string

Configures local or remote timestamping.

  • Set local to use SPS for timestamping.

  • Set remote to configure a remote timestamping server.

server_url string

Required for remote timestamping.

The URL of the timestamping server. Note that HTTPS and password-protected connections are not supported.

oid Top level item The Object Identifier of the policy used for timestamping.
enabled boolean

Required for remote timestamping.

Set to true to configure the Object Identifier of the timestamping policy on the timestamping remote server.

policy_oid string

Required if the oid is enabled.

The Object Identifier of the timestamping policy on the remote timestamping server.

signing_interval int Time interval for timestamping open connections, in seconds.

Set SPS as the timestamping server:

  "audit": {
    "cleanup": {
      "enabled": false
    "timestamping": {
      "selection": "local",
      "signing_interval": 30
  "gssapi": {
    "enabled": false
  "service": {
    "enabled": true,
    "log_level": 4

Enable cleanup, and set it to occur every 10 days:

  "audit": {
    "cleanup": {
      "channel_database_cleanup_days": 10,
      "enabled": true
    "timestamping": {
      "selection": "local",
      "signing_interval": 30
  "gssapi": {
    "enabled": false
  "service": {
    "enabled": true,
    "log_level": 4

Change timestamping to a remote server, without specifying a timestamping policy:

  "audit": {
    "cleanup": {
      "channel_database_cleanup_days": 10,
      "enabled": true
    "timestamping": {
        "oid": {
          "enabled": false
        "selection": "remote",
        "server_url": "<url-of-timestamping-server>",
        "signing_interval": 30
  "gssapi": {
    "enabled": false
  "service": {
    "enabled": true,
    "log_level": 4

Change timestamping to a remote server, and specify the 1.2.3 timestamping policy:

  "audit": {
    "cleanup": {
      "channel_database_cleanup_days": 10,
      "enabled": true
    "timestamping": {
        "oid": {
          "enabled": true,
          "policy_oid": "1.2.3"
        "selection": "remote",
        "server_url": "<url-of-timestamping-server>",
        "signing_interval": 30
  "gssapi": {
    "enabled": false
  "service": {
    "enabled": true,
    "log_level": 4
Status and error codes

The following table lists the typical status and error codes for this request. For a complete list of error codes, see Application level error codes.

Code Description Notes
201 Created The new resource was successfully created.
400 InvalidQuery The requested filter or its value is invalid.
401 Unauthenticated The requested resource cannot be retrieved because the client is not authenticated and the resource requires authorization to access it. The details section contains the path that was attempted to be accessed, but could not be retrieved.
403 Unauthorized The requested resource cannot be retrieved because the client is not authorized to access it. The details section contains the path that was attempted to be accessed, but could not be retrieved.
404 NotFound The requested object does not exist.
Modify global SSH settings

To modify global SSH settings, you have to:

  1. Open a transaction.

    For more information, see Open a transaction.

  2. Modify the JSON object of the global SSH settings endpoint.

    PUT the modified JSON object to the https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/ssh/options endpoint. You can find a detailed description of the available parameters listed in Element . The elements of the audit item are described in Elements of audit.

  3. Commit your changes.

    For more information, see Commit a transaction.

SSH settings policies

SSH settings policies define protocol-level settings (algorithms, greetings and banners, timeout). You can create multiple policies, and choose the appropriate one for each SSH connection.

GET https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/ssh/settings_policies
Cookie name Description Required Values
session_id Contains the authentication token of the user Required

The value of the session ID cookie received from the REST server in the authentication response, for example, a1f71d030e657634730b9e887cb59a5e56162860. For details on authentication, see Authenticate to the SPS REST API.

NOTE: This session ID refers to the connection between the REST client and the SPS REST API. It is not related to the sessions that SPS records (and which also have a session ID, but in a different format)..

Sample request

The following command lists SSH settings policies.

curl --cookie cookies https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/ssh/settings_policies

The following command retrieves the properties of a specific policy.

curl --cookie cookies https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/ssh/settings_policies/<policy-id>

The following is a sample response received when listing SSH settings policies.

For details of the meta object, see Message format.

  "items": [
      "key": "-300",
      "meta": {
        "href": "/api/configuration/ssh/settings_policies/-300"
      "key": "236283841571912b948b88",
      "meta": {
        "href": "/api/configuration/ssh/settings_policies/236283841571912b948b88"
  "meta": {
    "first": "/api/configuration/ssh/authentication_policies",
    "href": "/api/configuration/ssh/settings_policies",
    "last": "/api/configuration/ssh/settings_policies",
    "next": null,
    "parent": "/api/configuration/ssh",
    "previous": "/api/configuration/ssh/options",
    "transaction": "/api/transaction"

When retrieving the endpoint of a specific policy, the response is the following.

  "body": {
    "name": "default",
    "timeout": 600,
    "inactivity_timeout": {
      "enabled": true
      "value": 13000
    "preconnect_channel_check": false,
    "greeting": "",
    "userauth_banner": "",
    "software_version": "SSH",
    "strict_mode": true,
    "client_side_algorithms": {
      "kex": ["diffie-hellman-group14-sha1", "diffie-hellman-group1-sha1"],
      "cipher": ["aes128-ctr", "aes192-ctr", "aes256-ctr", "aes128-cbc", "blowfish-cbc", "cast128-cbc", "aes192-cbc", "aes256-cbc", "3des-cbc", "arcfour"],
      "mac": ["hmac-sha1", "hmac-md5"],
      "compression": ["none"]
    "server_side_algorithms": {
      "kex": ["diffie-hellman-group14-sha1", "diffie-hellman-group1-sha1"],
      "cipher": ["aes128-ctr", "aes192-ctr", "aes256-ctr", "aes128-cbc", "blowfish-cbc", "cast128-cbc", "aes192-cbc", "aes256-cbc", "3des-cbc", "arcfour"],
      "mac": ["hmac-sha1", "hmac-md5"],
      "compression": ["none"]
  "key": "236283841571912b948b88",
  "meta": {
    "first": "/api/configuration/ssh/settings_policies/-300",
    "href": "/api/configuration/ssh/settings_policies/236283841571912b948b88",
    "last": "/api/configuration/ssh/settings_policies/236283841571912b948b88",
    "next": null,
    "parent": "/api/configuration/ssh/settings_policies",
    "previous": "/api/configuration/ssh/settings_policies/-300",
    "transaction": "/api/transaction"
Element Type Description
key string Top level element, contains the ID of the policy.
body Top level element (string) The elements of the SSH settings policy.
client_side_algorithms Top level element (list) Lists the permitted client-side encryption parameters.
cipher list Lists the permitted client-side cipher algorithms.
compression list Lists the permitted client-side compression algorithms.
kex list Lists the permitted client-side KEX algorithms.
mac list Lists the permitted client-side MAC algorithms.
greeting string Greeting message for the connection.
name string Name of the SSH settings policy.
preconnect_channel_check boolean

Before establishing the server-side connection, SPS can evaluate the connection and channel policies to determine if the connection might be permitted at all. The server-side connection is established only if the evaluated policies permit the client to access the server.

To enable this function, set the parameter to true.

server_side_algorithms Top level element (list) Lists the permitted server-side encryption parameters.
cipher list Lists the permitted server-side cipher algorithms.
compression list Lists the permitted server-side compression algorithms.
kex list Lists the permitted server-side KEX algorithms.
mac list Lists the permitted server-side MAC algorithms.
software_version string Specifies additional text to append to the SSH protocol banner sent by the server upon connection.
strict_mode boolean

When this option is enabled, SPS rejects connections that use unrealistic parameters (for example, terminals of thousand by thousand characters) and port-forwarding connections where the address in the port-forwarding request and the channel-opening request does not match. Note that this can interfere with certain client or server applications.

Strict mode is allowed by default. To turn it off, set the parameter to false.

timeout int Connection timeout, in seconds.
inactivity_timeout Top level element
enabled boolean
  • true: If no user activity is detected, it terminates the session after the configured time has passed since the last user activity.
  • false: No user inactivity timeout.
value int

Only if enabled is true

The value of user activity timeout. Must be greater than or equal to the value of timeout

userauth_banner string You can display a banner message to the clients before authentication (as specified in RFC 4252 — The Secure Shell (SSH) Authentication Protocol). You can use this banner to inform the users that the connection is audited.
Status and error codes

The following table lists the typical status and error codes for this request. For a complete list of error codes, see Application level error codes.

Code Description Notes
201 Created The new resource was successfully created.
400 InvalidQuery The requested filter or its value is invalid.
401 Unauthenticated The requested resource cannot be retrieved because the client is not authenticated and the resource requires authorization to access it. The details section contains the path that was attempted to be accessed, but could not be retrieved.
403 Unauthorized The requested resource cannot be retrieved because the client is not authorized to access it. The details section contains the path that was attempted to be accessed, but could not be retrieved.
404 NotFound The requested object does not exist.
Add SSH settings policies

To add a settings policy, you have to:

  1. Open a transaction.

    For more information, see Open a transaction.

  2. Create the JSON object for the new policy.

    POST the JSON object to the https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/ssh/settings_policies/ endpoint. You can find a detailed description of the available parameters listed in Element .

    If the POST request is successful, the response includes the key of the new policy. For example:

      "key": "59790911-415c-4ed3-a0d2-1164637472ca",
      "meta": {
        "href": "/api/configuration/ssh/settings_policies/59790911-415c-4ed3-a0d2-1164637472ca",
        "parent": "/api/configuration/ssh/settings_policies",
        "transaction": "/api/transaction"
  3. Commit your changes.

    For more information, see Commit a transaction.

Modify SSH settings policies

To modify a settings policy, you have to:

  1. Open a transaction.

    For more information, see Open a transaction.

  2. Modify the JSON object of the policy.

    PUT the modified JSON object to the https://<IP-address-of-SPS>/api/configuration/ssh/settings_policies/<key-of-the-object> endpoint. You can find a detailed description of the available parameters listed in Element .

  3. Commit your changes.

    For more information, see Commit a transaction.


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