SPS can send alerts to a central monitoring server through SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol).

To configure SNMP alerts

  1. Navigate to Basic Settings > Management > SNMP trap settings.

  2. Enter the IP address or the hostname of the SNMP server into the SNMP server address field.

    Use an IPv4 address.

    Figure 108: Basic Settings > Management > SNMP trap settings — Configuring SNMP alerts

  3. Select the SNMP protocol to use.

    (Optional) To use the SNMP v2c protocol for SNMP queries, select SNMP v2c, and enter the community to use into the Community field. Otherwise, skip these steps.

    (Optional) To use the SNMP v3 protocol, select SNMP v3 and complete the following steps. Otherwise, skip these steps.

    1. Enter the username to use into the Username field.

    2. Enter the engine ID to use into the Engine ID field. The engine ID is a hexadecimal number at least 10 digits long, starting with 0x. For example, 0xABABABABAB.

    3. Select the authentication method (MD5 or SHA1) to use from the options under the Authentication method: field.

    4. Enter the password to use into the Authentication password field.

    5. Select the encryption method (Disabled, DES or AES) to use from the options under the Encryption method: field .

    6. Enter the encryption password to use into the Encryption password: field.

    Figure 109: Basic Settings > Management > SNMP trap settings — Configuring SNMP alerts using SNMPv3

    NOTE: SPS accepts passwords that are not longer than 150 characters and supports the following characters:

    • Letters A-Z, a-z

    • Numbers 0-9

    • The space character

    • Special characters: !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<>=?@[]\^-`{}_|

  4. Click .

  5. Navigate to Basic Settings > Alerting & Monitoring and select in which situations SPS should send an SNMP alert. For details, see Configuring system monitoring on SPS.

  6. Click .