The Appliance Administrator can:
- Configure the appliance to send event notifications to various external systems.
- Integrate with an external ticketing system or track generic ticket numbers.
- Configure both external and secondary authentication service providers.
Go to External Integration:
web client: Navigate to Appliance Management > External Integration.
Table 47: External Integration settings
Email |
Where you configure SPP to automatically send email notifications when certain events occur. |
Email Templates |
Where you configure SPP email templates. |
Hardware Security Module |
Where you configure the Hardware Security Module integration, which allows SPP to utilize an external Hardware Security Module device for encryption. |
Where you configure SPP to send SNMP traps to your SNMP console when certain events occur. |
Starling |
Where you join SPP to Starling to take advantage of Starling services. |
Syslog |
Where you configure SPP to send event notifications to a syslog server with details about the event. |
Syslog Events |
Where, using an existing syslog server, you create a subscriber and assign events. |
Ticket systems |
Where you configure SPP to integrate with your company's external ticket system or track generic tickets and not integrate with an external ticketing system. |
Trusted Servers, CORS, and Redirects |
Where you can restrict login redirects and Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) requests to a specified list of IP addresses, host names (including DNS wildcards), and CIDR notation networks. |
It is the responsibility of the Appliance Administrator to configure SPP to automatically send email notifications when certain events occur.
Use the Email pane to configure the SMTP server to be used for email notifications and to edit the email templates that define the content of email notifications.
Before you start
Before configuring the SMTP server, perform the following, as needed.
To configure the SMTP Server
- Go to SMTP Server:
web client: Navigate to
External Integration > Email.
To configure the email notifications, enter these global settings for all emails:
SMTP Server Address: Enter the IP address or DNS name of the mail server. When unspecified, the email client is disabled.
When entering an IPv6 address, you must encapsulate it in square brackets, such as [b86f:b86f:b86f:1:b86f:b86f:b86f:b86f].
If you are using a mail exchanger record (MX record), you must specify the domain name for the mail server.
- SMTP Port: A default port is set for SMTP which should be changed, if needed. By default, the SMTP port is 465 or, if you are using SSL/TLS, the default is port 25. The range is 1 to 65535.
Select one of the following to add Transport Layer Security.
- Require STARTTLS: Select this option to connect to an SMTP server that supports the STARTTLS command to elevate the connection from text-based to TLS.
- Require SMTPS: Select this option to immediately use TLS in its connection to the target SMTP server.
- None: There is no transport layer security applied to emails.
If you selected Require STARTTLS or Require SMTPS, you can select one, both, or none of the following:
- Verify SSL Certificate: Verify SSL Certificate: If not selected, the remote SMTP server's SSL certificate is not verified.
- Use Client Certificate: Select this check box to present a Client Certificate during a TLS connection to the remote SMTP server.
- User Authentication: Select an option if you want to authenticate access to the SMPT server.
- Account: If selected, click Directory Account or Asset Account then select the account to use for authentication.
- Password: If selected, enter the Account Name and Account Password to use for authentication.
- None: If selected, the user will not be authenticated.
- Send Test Email To: Enter an email address to use as the "From" address for all emails originating from the appliance. This is required if you specify the SMTP Server Address. The limit is 512 characters.
To validate your setup
Test the email setup. When you test, no emails except for the tests are handled.
- In Send Test Email To, enter the email address of where to send the test message.
- Enter the Timeout for the test email from delivery start to the email successfully being sent or the return of an error notification. Each IP address is tested and if one fails, the an error is returned for the entire process. The maximum is 255 seconds per IP check. The error logs are maintained for two days. During testing, a valid From address with an invalid To address is not delivered.
- Click Send Test Email. The email is sent using the configuration settings. If there is an error or timeout, a message displays in the user interface.
- You must check to ensure the email is delivered. If there was no message in the user interface but the email is not delivered, check the support bundle log files in the SMTPSVC1 folder. Two days of logs are maintained. For more information, see Support bundle..
For users to receive email notifications, there are a few things you must configure properly.
To enable email notifications
- Users must set up their email address correctly.
- Local users:
- The Authorizer Administrator or User Administrator sets this up in the user's Contact Information. For more information, see Adding a user..
- Users set this up in their My Account settings.
- Directory users must have their email set in the Active Directory or LDAP domain.
- The Appliance Administrator must configure the SMTP server. For more information, see Email..
The Email Events page is used for adding and managing the subscribers that receive emails for specific SPP events.
Go to Email Events:
web client: Navigate to External Integration > Email Events.
The Email Events pane displays the following about the subscribers defined.
Table 48: Email Events: Properties
Subscriber |
The name of the email event recipient. |
Description |
The description of the email event. |
Shared |
This column displays a check mark if all Appliance Administrators will see information on the email event subscription on their Email Events page. |
# of Events |
The number of events sent in the email. |
Use these toolbar buttons to manage the email event subscribers
Table 49: Email Event: Toolbar
Add |
Add a new email event subscriber. For more information, see Add an email event. |
Remove |
Remove the selected email event from SPP. |
Edit |
Modify the email event. |
Copy |
Clone the selected email event. |
Show System Owned/
Hide System Owned
Use these buttons to either display or hide system owned email events from list. |
Refresh |
Update the list of email events. |
Send Test Event |
To send a test message. |