To make custom filters available to other users, you can export and import them.
To export a filter in the Manager
In the Manager, select the filter in the My One Identity Manager > Filters category.
Start the export using the Export filter context menu.
Using the file browser, select the directory path for the report and enter a file name for the filter.
Click Save.
The filter file (*.xml) is generated.
To import a filter in the Manager
In the Manager, select the My One Identity Manager > Filters category.
Start the export using the Import filter context menu.
Select the filter file from the file browser.
Click Open.
You can attach filters to various categories so you can quickly access the filtered objects.
To attach a filter in the Manager
In the Manager, select the filter in the My One Identity Manager > Filters category.
Select the Attach context menu.
Select one or multiple menu categories to attach the filter to.
When you select a category with an attached filter in the navigation view, all objects that correspond to the filter are displayed on a separate form page. The following functions are available:
Double-click an entry on this form page to switch to the corresponding object. The first available form is opened.
Open the export form using the Export data task or click Export data on the context menu. The filter condition of the attached filter is already applied as an export condition. For more information about exporting data, see the One Identity Manager Operational Guide.
NOTE: To create, edit, and delete public filters, users require the Common_PublicFilterDefine program function.
To edit a filter in the Manager
In the Manager, select the filter in the My One Identity Manager > Filters category.
Select the Edit filter context menu item.
Edit the filter settings in the Define a filter dialog.
Click Save.
NOTE: To create, edit, and delete public filters, users require the Common_PublicFilterDefine program function.
To delete a filter in the Manager
In the Manager, select the filter in the My One Identity Manager > Filters category.
Select the Remove filter context menu item.