You can quickly sort and visualize the distribution of the sessions based on their various metadata, for example, username, server address, and so on.

To display statistics on search results

  1. Click the icon.

  2. Select the type of metadata you want to create statistics on from the Value distribution based on field, for example, select Username to display sessions based on username.

    Figure 149: Sessions — Displaying statistics

  3. To exclude items from the pie chart, click the icon next to the metadata you want to exclude.

    For example, if you want to exclude results by a user called testbot, select the icon next to the item.

    Figure 150: Sessions — Excluding items from the pie chart

    The pie chart now does not display results for the excluded item. The percentages always add up to 100%.

    You can continue to restrict or refine your search results and view statistics as required.