Active Directory Assessment/Group Membership/
- Group membership by group For each group defined in a given Active Directory domain, lists the members of that group. Allows you to configure the list to include only members of a certain type (such as user, computer, or group), only direct members, or both direct members and members that belong to the group through group nesting.
- Group membership by user For each user account defined in a given Active Directory domain, lists the groups to which the user account belongs as a member. Allows you to configure the list to include only groups of a certain type and scope, only groups of which the user is a direct member, or both groups of which the user is a direct member and groups to which the user belongs through group nesting.
- Users with domain administrative rights For a given Active Directory domain, lists the user accounts that belong to the built-in Administrators group in that domain whether as direct members or as members of other groups nested into the Administrators group. Allows you to examine each of the listed accounts in detail.