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One Identity Management Console for Unix 2.5.3 - Administration Guide

One Identity Privileged Access Suite for Unix Introducing One Identity Management Console for Unix Installing Management Console for Unix Preparing Unix hosts Working with host systems Managing local groups Managing local users Active Directory integration Authentication Services integration Privilege Manager integration Reporting Setting preferences Security Troubleshooting tips
Auto profiling issues Active Directory Issues Auditing and compliance Cannot create a service connection point Check Authentication Services agent status commands not available CSV or PDF reports do not open Database port number is already in use Elevation is not working Hosts do not display Import file lists fakepath Information does not display in the console License information in report is not accurate Out of memory error Post install configuration fails on Unix or Mac Privilege Manager feature issues Profile task never completes questusr account was deleted Readiness check failed Recovering from a failed upgrade Reports are slow Reset the supervisor password Running on a Windows 2008 R2 domain controller Service account login fails Setting custom configuration settings Single Sign-on (SSO) issues JVM memory tuning suggestions Start/stop/restart Management Console for Unix service Toolbar buttons are not enabled UID or GID conflicts
System maintenance Command line utilities Web services Database maintenance

Viewing MCU PowerShell cmdlet help information

To view Management Console for Unix Powershell cmdlet help

  1. To list all Management Console for Unix PowerShell cmdlets in alphabetical order, from the Powershell prompt, enter
    Get-Command *Qmcu*

    where * is a wildcard.

  2. To view information about a specific PowerShell cmdlet, enter
    Get-Help <CmdletName>


    <CmdletName> -?

    This displays the Syntax, Description, Related Links, and Remarks for the command.

  3. To see examples for the cmdlet, enter
    get-help <CmdletName> -examples
  4. For more information about the cmdlet, enter
    get-help <CmdletName> -detailed
  5. For technical information about the cmdlet, enter
    get-help <CmdletName> -full

Unix CLI commands

Installing Unix CLI packages

Uninstalling Unix CLI packages

Upgrading the Unix CLI packages

Installing Unix CLI packages

To install Unix CLI packages

  1. Log into your client computer and open a root shell.
  2. Mount the distribution media.
  3. From the root of the distribution media, navigate to console | client.
  4. Run the appropriate command:

    Table 19: Unix CLI packages
    Platform Install
    Linux x86 - RPM # rpm -ihv /<mount>/client/linux-x86/mcu-cli-<version>.x86.rpm
    Linux x86 - DEB # dpkg -i /<mount>/client/linux-x86/mcu-cli-<version>.x86.deb
    Linux x86_64 - RPM # rpm -ihv /<mount>/client/linux-x86_64//mcu-cli-<version>.x86_64.rpm
    Linux x86_64 - DEB # dpkg -i /<mount>/client/linux-x86_64/mcu-cli_<version>_amd64.deb
    Solaris 10 x86 # pkgadd -d /<mount>/client/solaris8-x86/mcu-cli-<version>-i386.pkg

Uninstalling Unix CLI packages

To uninstall Unix CLI packages

  1. Log in and open a root shell.
  2. Run the following commands to remove the packages:

    Table 20: Unix CLI packages: Uninstall commands
    Package Command
    RPM # rpm -e mcu-cli
    DEB # dpkg -r mcu-cli
    Solaris # pkgrm mcu-cli
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