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Identity Manager 8.2.1 - API Development Guide

Basic principles of API development Examples and help – Software Development Kit API configuration Implementing your own APIs API Designer Quick start – Creating an API with the API Designer Working with the API Designer
Starting the API Designer Project types User interface Global settings Database objects Labeling changes Find and replace Multilingual captions Managing database queries Managing tabs Managing layouts Displaying the change history (command list) Bookmarks Compiling an API Managing versions (compilation branches) Testing an API Linking C# projects to the API Designer
API projects API methods ImxClient command line program

Opening the solution

You can open the solution at any time.

To open the solution

  • In the menu bar, click View > Solution.

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Editing database objects (definition tree view)

Open the definition tree view over View > Navigation > Click the required database object (see Opening the definition tree view).

Use the definition tree view to display and edit different database objects in API Designer. A separate tab containing a unique definition tree view will be opened for each database object that you edit. A definition tree view opens when adding or editing database objects, for example.

A database object contains what are known as nodes, which you can display in a tree structure within the definition tree view and edit in the node editor view (see Node editor view). If you add a new database object to your project (for example, an API project), this database object is created with a predefined number of nodes and is shown in the object definition. The object definition is a type of view found within the definition tree view.

The predefined nodes contained in a database object form the basic structure of the database object. You cannot delete these nodes.

In addition to the predefined nodes, you can add extra nodes by right-clicking on the context menu. You can delete these nodes.

The following table gives you an overview of the various functions on the definition tree toolbar.

Table 10: Definition tree view toolbar



Object definition

An overview of nodes contained in a database object can be found here.

Generated code

You can view the code generated for a selected node here. For more information, see Viewing and saving generated code belonging to a node.

Find and replace

You can search for terms here and replace them where necessary. For more information, see Find and replace.

Related topics

Opening the definition tree view

You can open the definition tree view at any time.

To open the definition tree view of a database object

  1. In the menu bar, click View > Navigation.

  2. In the navigation, double-click on the database object which holds the definitions you would like to display.

    The definition tree view for the selected object opens in a separate tab.

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Context menu in the definition tree window

To access the context menu, right-click a node in the definition tree window. The options available in the menu depend on the type of node selected (context-sensitive).


The top section of the context menu lists the node types that can be added to the selected node.

Some node types do not allow additional node types to be pasted into them. In such cases, the Object in extension function is at the top of the context menu. All other functions are either available or disabled, depending on the type of node and its position in the definition tree window.

Table 11: Functions in the context menu



Object in extension

Allows you to create sub-elements of the selected node in an extension instead of an object.

Move to extension

Moves the selected node into a new or existing extension.


Cuts the highlighted node and copies it to the clipboard.

Any child nodes for the selected node are also cut.

NOTE: You cannot cut any nodes that have been automatically added to the definition tree.


Copies the highlighted and child nodes to the clipboard.


Pastes the node contained in the clipboard.

NOTE: You can only paste nodes contained in the clipboard if they are also permitted at the selected point. Example: You cannot paste a Plugin node below the Compilation settings node.


Deletes the highlighted node and all child nodes.

NOTE: You cannot delete any nodes that have been automatically added to the definition tree.

TIP: You can select multiple nodes by holding down the Ctrl key to apply the function once to all selected nodes.

Delete node as an extension

Deletes the highlighted node as an extension.

 Set/remove bookmark

Sets or removes a bookmark on the highlighted node. For more information, see Bookmarks.

Expand all

Expands all nodes.

Collapse all

Collapses all nodes.


Saves the selected node and their child nodes in XML format to your hard drive.


Pastes previously exported child nodes at the selected point.

NOTE: You can only paste nodes if they are also permitted at the selected point. Example: You cannot paste a Plugin node below the Compilation settings node.

 Move up

Moves the selected node upwards.

NOTE: You cannot move any nodes that have been automatically added to the definition tree.

 Move down

Moves the selected node downwards.

NOTE: You cannot move any nodes that have been automatically added to the definition tree.


Undoes the previous action.


Redoes the last action that has been undone.

 Search object references

Searches for all references that refer to the selected node.

NOTE: If searching for a reference within a collection, the results are grouped by related columns.


Opens the Find and replace dialog. For more information, see Find and replace.

 Search next

This function continues the search using the current search parameters and highlights the next matching node. The search is run even if the Search dialog is not open.

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