Creating a new column in UCIUser table and CSMUser table using Extension Tool
This section describes the steps that you must perform in Schema Extension tool to configure User centric membership. You must create a new column in the tables:
Creating a new column in UCIUser table
To create a new column in UCIUser table
- Launch Schema Extension.
- Select Extend Table.
- Select UCIUser.
Create a column named CCC_XDateSubItem of type Date in the UCIUser table.
To create a column in the UCIUser table
- In the Configure columns window, click +.
- In the Create new column window, enter the details as required and click Next.
- In the Date type column, select Date and click Next.
- Select the required permissions and click Next
- Read and write permissions
- Read only permissions
- Select the option No change label and click Next.
System changes are displayed in the Systems modifications window and you can export them to a file if required.
- Click Next and save the changes to the database and compile the database changes.
- Click Finish after compilation.
Creating a new column in CSMUser table
To create a new column in CSMUser table
- Launch Schema Extension.
- Select Extend Table.
- Select CSMUser.
- Now, repeat step 4 from the procedure To configure User centric membership using Schema Extension for UCIUser. Replace all instances of UCIUser with CSMUser.
- To see the changes in Synchronization Editor Mapping properties of User object, navigate to Synchronization Editor -> Select SCIM project (which you created) -> One Identity Manager Connection -> Update Schema in General Window -> Commit to database.
Creating custom process using Designer
This section describes the steps that you must perform in Designer to configure User centric membership. You must a custom process UCI_UserInGroup_Custom on the UCIUserInGroup table
To configure User centric membership using Designer
- Launch Designer.
Create a custom process UCI_UserInGroup_Custom on the UCIUserInGroup table.
To create a custom process
- In the Navigation pane, select Process Orchestration |Custom process| Navigation| Process Editor| Create a new process.
The Process properties window is displayed.
- In the General tab of the Process properties window, enter the following values:
Table 467: Values for creating custom process for Group
Name |
UCI_UserInGroup_Custom |
Table |
UCIUserInGroup |
Add Insert and Delete events for the process.
To add Insert and Delete events for the process
- In the Events tab, at the bottom of the page, click +.
The Edit event window is displayed.
- In the Edit event window, click + next to the Object Event field.
The Edit object event window is displayed.
- In the Edit object event, select Delete and then select Insert from the list. Click OK.
Delete and Insert are displayed in the Events window.
Create another process Patch DPRMembershipaction, which can run as sub process of UCI_UserInGroup_Custom.
NOTE: To create a sub process, right click in the process window and clcik New.
In the Process step properties window, select the values as follows:
- In the General tab,
- in the Name field, enter the value Patch DPRMembershipaction.
- in the Process task field, enter the value SQLComponent - Execute SQL.
- In the Generation tab, set server function value to SQL processing server.
- Navigate to the Parameters tab at the bottom of the window, and set the parameter SQLStmt to the following value using the Edit parameters window:
Dim f As ISqlFormatter = Connection.SqlFormatter
Value = "update DPRMemberShipAction set ObjectKeyBase = ObjectKeyMember, ObjectKeyMember = ObjectKeyBase where " & _
Create a link between process UCI_UserInGroup_Custom to Patch DPRMembershipaction.
NOTE: You can drag and drop from the parent process to the child process to create a link between the two processes.
Create another sub process for Patch DPRMembershipaction.
In the Process step properties window, select the values as follows:
In the General tab,
- in the Name field, enter the value Set CCC_XDateSubItem.
- in the Process task field, enter the value HandleObjectComponent - Update.
- in the Priority field, set the priority.
- In the Generation tab, set server function value to SQL processing server.
- Navigate to the Parameters tab at the bottom of the window, and
- set the parameter the following parameters to the values given below using the Edit parameters window:
Object type: Value = "UCIUser"
Dim f As ISqlFormatter = Connection.SqlFormatter
Value = f.UidComparison("UID_UCIUser", $UID_UCIUser$)
- enable any of the val_Property* by double-clicking it, and then rename the property name to val_CCC_XDateSubItem and set Value = Now() using the Edit paramaters window.
- Create a link between the processes Patch DPRMembershipaction and Set CCC_XDateSubItem.
NOTE: You can drag and drop to create a link between the two processes.
- Create a custom script to avoid running UCI_UCIGroup_update job chain for <connector_name> connector.
To create a custom script, in the Navigation pane, select Script Library |Custom script|Create a new script using the following details:
Name: UCI_TargetUsers<connector_name>_Custom
Add below function with code
Public Function UCI_TargetUsers<connector_name>_Custom (UID_UCIRoot As String) As Boolean
Dim f As ISqlFormatter = Connection.SqlFormatter
Dim UCIRoot<connector_name>Display = Connection.GetSingleProperty("UCIRoot", "DisplayName", f.UidComparison("UID_UCIRoot", UID_UCIRoot, CompareOperator.Equal))
If UCIRoot<connector_name>Display.ToString().ToLower().Contains("<connector_name>") Then
Return True
End If
Return False
End Function
- Navigate to Process Orchestration| Process| UCI_UCIGroup_Update.
In the Process properties window, in the General tab, add the condition
Not UCI_TargetUsers<connector_name>_Custom($UID_UCIRoot$) AndAlso _
Click Commit to database.
- Click Compile the Database.
- In the Compilation settings window, select script including all dependencies and click Next.
Creating multi-valued custom fields in One Identity Manager
Creating multi-valued custom fields in One Identity Manager
This section describes the procedure to create multi-valued custom fields in One Identity Manager.
To create multi-valued custom fields in One Identity Manager
Create a custom column in the respective User tables in the database.
- Create a custom column in CSMUser table.
To create a custom column in CSMUser table
- Open SchemaExtension. exe.
- In the Select Method window, select Extend table and click Next.
- In the Extend table window, select CSMUser table and click Next.
- In the Configure columns window, click Create New column (+).
- In the Create new column window, enter a name for the column. For example: RolesID.
- Enter a display name for the column to be displayed in Manager.exe.
- In the Configure columns window, select the data type as string from the Data type list and click Next.
- In the Access permissions window, add appropriate permissions and click Next.
- Click Finish after the compilation is done.
Repeat the steps for all custom columns that you have to create. For example: RolesName, WorkspaceID, and WorkspaceName.
Create a custom column in UCIUser table.
To create a custom column in UCIUser table
Repeat the steps that you performed for creating a custom column in CSMUser table.
Ensure that you use the same column name and other details used when you created a custom column in CSMUser table.
- Change the created custom column to multi-value in both the tables.
Change the created column in CSMUser table to multi-value.
To change the created column in CSMUser table to multi-value
Open Designer.exe.
Select One Identity Manager Schema in the left pane.
Click Show Table Definition.
Select CSMUser.
- Select the created custom column.
Select the More tab.
Select multi-value column and click Finish.
- Select Commit to database.
Select Compile Database.
Change the created column in UCIUser table to multi-value.
To change the created column in UCIUser table to multi-value, repeat the steps that you performed for CSMUser table.
Create custom mappings and add directions accordingly.
Add mappings for each custom field created.
Add the mapping directions accordingly.
Synchronization and assignment of PermissionSets to Users with One Identity Manager
Synchronization and assignment of PermissionSets to Users with One Identity Manager
This section describes the synchronization and assignment of PermissionSets to Users with One Identity Manager.
To synchronize and assign PermissionSets to Users with One Identity Manager
For more information, see
- Creating mapping for PermissionSets using Synchronization Editor
- Creating a Process Chain using Designer