Specifying the executing server
You specify which server should handle each process step. You can select the executing server using the server function or a selection script. Server selection should always end with a unique result. The selection script is evaluated first to determine the server. If a server cannot be determined in this way, the server function is analyzed. The first server that is found is used for running the process step.
Detailed information about this topic
Selecting servers with server functions
The most common server functions are predefined, for example, domain controller or SQL processing server. Enter a server function directly if you can determine the server uniquely.
To specify a server using a server function
In the Designer, select the process in the Process Orchestration category.
Start the Process Editor with the Edit process task.
Click on the element for the process step in the process document.
In the Process step properties view, on the Generation tab in the Server function drop-down, select the server function.
Selecting servers with selection scripts
If it is not possible to decide which server should be used based on the server function (for example, because several SMTP servers exist), you can use a server script for more a detailed evaluation.
To find the server with a selection script, use a VB.Net expression, which:
Returns a string with the Job server UID
Returns a string with data for a WHERE clause for database queries. The selection must return a string, which begins with WHERE and contains a logical condition. The WHERE clause is applied to the QBMServer table.
Direct input of the queue in the selection script
Alternatively, you can enter the queue to be handled by the process step directly into the selection script. Each One Identity Manager Service within the network has a unique queue name. Only process steps that have this exact queue name are requested from the Job queue.
Syntax for direct queue input:
Value = "DIRECT:\Server01"
To specify a server using a selection script
In the Designer, select the process in the Process Orchestration category.
Start the Process Editor with the Edit process task.
Click on the element for the process step in the process document.
In the Process step properties view on the Generation tab in the Script for server selection property, enter the selection script.
Notifications about process step handling
You have the possibility to send a message when a process step has succeeded or when it has failed. Prerequisite for using the notification system is an SMTP host, set up for sending mail and activation of the configuration parameter for mail notification. Use the various configuration parameters for mail notifications for setting up notifications. For more information about configuring the email notification, see the One Identity Manager Installation Guide.
To configure mail notification for a process step
In the Designer, select the process in the Process Orchestration category.
Start the Process Editor with the Edit process task.
Click on the element for the process step in the process document.
Select the Process step properties view.
On the General tab, enable the Notification (success) and Notification (error) options.
Enter the data for sending notifications on the Notification on success and Notification on error tabs.
NOTE: You must enter all data in VB.NET syntax. Use #LD notation for language-dependent formatting of the information.
Table 50: Properties for notifications
Sender email address |
Email address of the notification sender. |
Recipient email address |
Email address of the notification recipient. |
Subject |
Subject line. |
Message |
The message to be sent. |
NOTE: Email notifications are only sent during processing if all the data is entered for a case (failure or success).
Example: Email notification configuration
Sender email address |
Value = Connection.GetConfigParm("Common\MailNotification\DefaultSender") |
Recipient email address |
Value = Connection.GetConfigParm("Common\MailNotification\DefaultAddress") |
Subject |
Value = #LD("Error updating the Active Directory user account {0}.", $CanonicalName$)# |
Message |
Value = #LD("The user account {0} could not be updated.)# |
The process VID_SendMail (DialogDatabase table) is used to send email notifications from the process handling. This process uses the parameters of the vid_InsertForSendMail database procedure. To customize this process, create a copy of the process and edit it.
To send the error messages logged by the One Identity Manager Service in case of an error by email notification, the vid_InsertForSendMail database procedure supplies the pcAdditionalMessage parameter.
To access this functionality, use the variable [AdditionalMessage] when you set up your failure notification message.
Example of a message:
Value = "Process failed." & vbcrlf _
& vbcrlf _
& "------------------------------------------------------------------------" & vbcrlf _
& "[AdditionalMessage]"