You can disable individual predefined forms to prevent them being shown in the user interface. They remain disabled even after updating schema.
The default installation of One Identity Manager already provides a series of form templates and definitions, for example for editing main data as well as many-to-many relations and object relations (Parent/ChildRelation). These can be used for easily creating your own forms.
To display information about a base object, you create an overview form.
You can do this using the Overview Form Editor in the Designer.
Create menu items for object relations you need to display frequently, and use these menu items as reference in the form elements of the overview form.
You can let the Overview Form Editor create the menu items for object relations.
Select the object relation you want to display and drag and drop it on an element in the element area of the Overview Form Editor.
Use the context menu items Create list element reference or Create reference to data element.
The menu items are entered below the InfoSheets.QIM.Links menu item with the InfoSheet.List.<table> and InfoSheet.Node.<table> labels, respectively.
The condition for the menu items is defined as the %<table>WhereClause% variable. In the form element you assign a condition as WHERE clause to the variable.
Default forms can be used to customize column extensions on default tables under certain conditions.
To edit the main data of custom tables, use the Designer's Form Editor to create an interface form with the VI_Generic_MasterData form definition.
To define mappings, create additional interface forms with the MemberRelation form type.
Assign the forms and menu items to the application, such as the Manager program.
Assign the forms and menu items to the permissions groups for non role-based and role-based login.