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One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Passwords 7.3 - Administration Guide

Introduction System requirements and versions Using API and PowerShell tools Using the virtual appliance and web management console Cloud deployment considerations Setting up Safeguard for Privileged Passwords for the first time Using the web client Home Privileged access requests Appliance Management
Appliance Backup and Retention Certificates Cluster Global Services External Integration Real-Time Reports Safeguard Access Appliance Management Settings
Asset Management
Account Automation Accounts Assets Partitions Discovery Profiles Tags Registered Connectors Custom platforms
Security Policy Management
Access Request Activity Account Groups Application to Application Cloud Assistant Asset Groups Entitlements Linked Accounts User Groups Security Policy Settings
User Management Reports Disaster recovery and clusters Administrator permissions Preparing systems for management Troubleshooting Frequently asked questions Appendix A: Safeguard ports Appendix B: SPP and SPS join guidance Appendix C: Regular Expressions About us

Dependent Assets (account)

The Dependent Assets tab only displays for a directory account and displays the assets that have dependency on the selected directory account. For more information, see Adding account dependencies.

To access Dependent Assets:

  • web client: Navigate to Asset Management > Accounts > (View Details) > Dependent Assets.
Table 79: Accounts: Dependent Assets tab properties
Property Description


The Windows asset name.

Network Address

The network DNS name or IP address of the managed system.


The platform of the selected managed system.

Asset Partition

The partition where the Windows asset is assigned.

Use these buttons on the details toolbar to manage the dependent assets.

Table 80: Accounts: Dependent Assets tab toolbar
Option Description


Update the list of dependent assets assigned to the selected account.


To locate a specific dependent asset in this list, enter the character string to be used to search for a match. For more information, see Search box.

Access Request Policies (account)

The Access Request Policies tab displays the entitlements and access request policies, including password and SSH key release policies and session request policies, associated with the selected account. This information is available to users that have both Asset Administrator and Policy Administrator permissions.

To access Access Request Policies:

  • web client: Navigate to Asset Management > Accounts > (View Details) > Access Request Policies.
Table 81: Accounts: Access Request Policies tab properties
Property Description


The name of the access request policy's entitlement.

Access Request Policy

The name of the access request policy that governs the selected account.


The number of unique accounts in the account groups that are associated with the access request policy.

# Account Groups

The number of unique account groups in the access request policy.

Account Groups

The names of the account groups that associate the selected account with the policy.


The number of unique assets in the asset groups that are associated with the access request policy.

# Asset Groups

The number of unique assets groups in the access request policy.

Asset Groups

The names of the asset groups that associate the selected account with the policy.

Use these buttons on the details toolbar to manage the dependent assets.

Table 82: Accounts: Access Request Policies tab toolbar
Option Description

Add to Policy

Add the selected account to the scope of an access request policy.

Remove Selected

Remove the selected policy.


Update the list of dependent assets assigned to the selected account.


To locate a specific dependent asset in this list, enter the character string to be used to search for a match. For more information, see Search box.

Check and Change Log tab (account)

The Check and Change Log tab displays the password and SSH key validation and reset history for the selected account.

By default, the check and change log entries displayed are for the last 24 hours. On the web client, use the Date Range drop-down to select a time frame to display and use Export to export the listed data as either a JSON or CSV file (for more information, see Exporting data). If the display does not refresh after selecting a different time interval, click the Refresh.

To access Check and Change Log:

  • web client: Navigate to Asset Management > Accounts > (View Details) > Check and Change Log.
Table 83: Accounts: Check and Change Log tab properties
Property Description
User The display name of the user that triggered the event

The status of the transaction:

  • Failure
  • Success
  • Queued
Reason A system message pertaining to the password and SSH key validation and reset activity, such as the password matches the asset, was changed successfully, or does not match the asset.

The type of transaction:

  • Check Password
  • Change Password
  • Check SSH Key
  • Change SSH Key

NOTE: Check and Change Log only displays events that the appliance performs; that is, it only displays check and change transactions. It does not display Set Password or Set SSH Key transactions. See:


The date of the transaction. The time stamps for transactions are based on the user's local time.

Duration The amount of time the transaction took to complete.

Discovered Services tab (account)

The Discovered Services tab displays information on the services dependent to a selected account. This tab is only available for Windows and Active Directory accounts.

To access Discovered Services:

  • web client: Navigate to Asset Management > Accounts > (View Details) > Discovered Services.

Use these buttons to manage the discovered services.

Table 84: Discovered Services: Toolbar
Option Description
Discover Services

Run the discover services task for each unique Windows asset in the grid below.

IMPORTANT: Before running a service discovery job, ensure you have used unique names for the services. Services with identical names but different service types may not be accurately discovered. For example, an account/asset using the name test1 that appears under both Windows and Windows SSH will only return one discovery result despite there being 2 assets/accounts.


Use this button to export the listed data as either a JSON or CSV file. For more information, see Exporting data.


Update the list of service discovery jobs.


To locate one or more assets, enter the character string to be used to search for a match. For more information, see Search box.

The following displays for each discovered service.

Table 85: Accounts: Discovered Services tab properties
Property Description

Asset Name

The name of the Windows asset.


The name of the partition associated with the Windows asset.

Dependent Account

A check displays if the account is associated as an account dependency on the asset. The value is blank if the account is not associated as an account dependency of the asset.

Service Type

Type of service discovered. Values may be Service or Task.

Service Name

The name of the discovered service or task.

Service Enabled

A check displays if the service or task on the asset is enabled. If there is no check mark, the service or task is disabled.

Discovered Account

The discovered service account name configured.

Date/Time Discovered

The date and time when the service or task was discovered.

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One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Passwords - 7.3
Administration Guide
Appliance Setup Guide
Connect for Safeguard Assets User Guide
Release Notes
Secrets Vault User Guide
User Guide
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