Reviewer User Activity report
This report shows the actions a reviewer performed on access requests.
Partition Owners, Asset Administrators, Policy Administrators, or Application Auditors can run a Reviewer User Activity report.
To export the data from a Reviewer User Activity report
Navigate to Reports > Access Request Reports > Reviewer User Activity.
(Optional) Apply any desired filters to the table.
To set a time frame to display, use the Date Range drop-down.
NOTE: You can set a fixed time frame, such as Last 24 Hours, or you can specify an exact amount of days or an exact time frame by setting Custom Days or Custom Dates, respectively.
To filter for a User, Asset, or Account to display, use the corresponding fields.
You can then select to either export the data for all listed items or the data for a single item:
To export data for all items, select
Export on the toolbar.
To export data for a single item, select an item and click
View Details. From the details dialog, select
From the Export dialog, select to export the data as either a JSON or CSV file. For more information, see Exporting data. The time is set according to the user time zone.
To generate the report file, click Export.
Secrets reports
Security Policy Administrators, Asset Administrators, Auditors, and Application Auditors can run secrets reports.
The toolbar for secrets reports contain some or all of the following options:
View Details: Click to view the details of a selected search result.
Request Workflow Details: Click to view the details of all actions for a selected request.
Export: Select to create a .csv or .json file of the criteria displayed and save it to a location on your computer.
Refresh: Click to update the search results page.
Search: You can search by a character string or by a selected attribute with conditions you enter. To search by a selected attribute click
Search and select an attribute to search. For more information, see Search box.
Past Due report
This report shows the accounts that have tasks scheduled to change secrets that have not successfully completed. Accounts will show up here if the last attempt date is later than the last success date or the next attempt date has passed without the task running.
Partition Owners, Asset Administrators, or Application Auditors can run a Past Due report.
To export the data from a Past Due report
Navigate to Reports > Secrets Reports > Past Due.
(Optional) Apply any desired filters to the table.
To filter for a Secret Type to display, use the drop-down. You can filter for secret types All, Password or SSH Key.
To set a time frame to display, use the Date Range drop-down.
NOTE: You can set a fixed time frame, such as Last 24 Hours, or you can specify an exact amount of days or an exact time frame by setting Custom Days or Custom Dates, respectively.
You can then select to either export the data for all listed items or the data for a single item:
To export data for all items, select
Export on the toolbar.
To export data for a single item, select an item and click
View Details. From the details dialog, select
From the Export dialog, select to export the data as either a JSON or CSV file. For more information, see Exporting data. The time is set according to the user time zone.
To generate the report file, click Export.
Secrets Aging Inventory report
This report shows the last time a secret was successfully changed as well as the last time an attempt was made to change it.
Partition Owners, Asset Administrators, or Application Auditors can run a Secrets Aging Inventory report.
To export the data from a Secrets Aging Inventory report
Navigate to Reports > Secrets Reports > Secrets Aging Inventory.
(Optional) Apply any desired filters to the table.
To filter for a Secret Type to display, use the drop-down. You can filter for secret types All, Password or SSH Key.
To set a time frame to display, use the Date Range drop-down.
NOTE: You can set a fixed time frame, such as Last 24 Hours, or you can specify an exact amount of days or an exact time frame by setting Custom Days or Custom Dates, respectively.
You can then select to either export the data for all listed items or the data for a single item:
To export data for all items, select
Export on the toolbar.
To export data for a single item, select an item and click
View Details. From the details dialog, select
From the Export dialog, select to export the data as either a JSON or CSV file. For more information, see Exporting data. The time is set according to the user time zone.
To generate the report file, click Export.