Managing assignments of groups, administrator roles, subscriptions, and disabled service plans
NOTE: Assignment of Microsoft Entra ID role eligibilities and role assignments is disabled by default. To make these products available on an IT Shop shelf, you must enable them in the Manager. After enabling, the products are only available for user accounts with an RBAC or PIM license.
In the Web Portal, by assigning groups, administrator roles, subscriptions, and disabled service plans to an IT Shop shelf, you can request these products from shop customers. The request undergoes a defined approval process. The group, administrator role, subscription, or disabled service plan is not assigned until it has been approved by an authorized identity.
In the IT Shop, the following selves are available: Identity & Access Lifecycle > Microsoft Entra ID groups, Identity & Access Lifecycle > Microsoft Entra ID subscriptions, and Identity & Access Lifecycle > Disabled Microsoft Entra ID service plans.
In the Web Portal, managers and administrators of organizations can assign groups, administrator roles, subscriptions, and disabled service plans to the departments, cost centers, or locations for which they are responsible. The groups, administrator roles, subscriptions, and disabled service plans are inherited by all identities who are members of these departments, cost centers, or locations.
If the Business Roles Module is available, in the Web Portal, managers and administrators of business roles can assign groups, administrator roles, subscriptions, and disabled service plans to the business roles for which they are responsible. The groups, administrator roles, subscriptions, and disabled service plans are inherited by all identities who are members of these business roles.
If the System Roles Module is available, in the Web Portal, supervisors of system roles can assign groups, administrator roles, subscriptions, and disabled service plans to the system roles. The groups, administrator roles, subscriptions, and disabled service plans are inherited by all identities that have these system roles assigned to them.