The procedure described under Microsoft Entra ID group inheritance based on categories can also be applied for administrator roles.
To use inheritance through categories
In the Manager, define the categories in the Microsoft Entra ID tenant.
In the Manager, assign categories to user accounts through their main data.
In the Manager, assign categories to administrator roles through their main data.
The user requires a Microsoft Entra ID subscription to access the service plans in Microsoft Entra ID. An Microsoft Entra ID subscription defines the scope of service plans that the user can access. Use of individual service plans by the user can be permitted or not.
The Microsoft Entra ID subscription A contains service plan 1, service plan 2, and the service plan 3.
Therefore, the user can use service plans 1 and 3.
In Microsoft Entra ID, Microsoft Entra ID subscriptions can be assigned to users and groups. Service plans can be permitted or not depending on the assignment method. The user obtains all the permitted service plans.
The Microsoft Entra ID subscription A contains service plan 1, service plan 2, and the service plan 3.
The Microsoft Entra ID subscription B contains the service plan 4, service plan 5, and the service plan 6.
Therefore, the user can use service plans 1, 3, 4, and 5.
It is possible that a user obtains the same Microsoft Entra ID subscription directly as well as through one or more groups. If a service plan is permitted by one assignment method and not by another, the user is given the service plan.
The Microsoft Entra ID subscription A contains service plan 1, service plan 2, and the service plan 3.
The Microsoft Entra ID subscription A is assigned directly to the user.
The user is not permitted to use service plan 2.
The Microsoft Entra ID subscription A is assigned to group A.
All service plans for the group A are allowed.
The user is in group A.
Therefore, the user can use service plans 1, 2, and 3.
In , Microsoft Entra ID subscriptions and service plans and their assignments to Microsoft Entra ID user accounts and Microsoft Entra ID groups are mapped as follows.
Table 19: Microsoft Entra ID subscription and service plans in the schema map
AADSubSku |
This table contains all Microsoft Entra ID subscriptions. The information about Microsoft Entra ID subscriptions within a Microsoft Entra ID tenant is loaded into by synchronization. You cannot create new Microsoft Entra ID subscription in . |
AADServicePlan |
This table contains the service plans. The information about service plans within a Microsoft Entra ID tenant is loaded into by synchronization. You cannot create new service plans in . |
AADServicePlanInSubSku |
This table contains service plan assignments to Microsoft Entra ID subscriptions. The assignments are loaded into by synchronization. You cannot edit the assignments in . |
AADDeniedServicePlan |
This table contains service plan assignments to Microsoft Entra ID subscriptions for mapping service plans that are not permitted. The entries are created automatically in One Identity Manager after synchronizing Microsoft Entra ID subscriptions.
Service plans that are not permitted are called "disabled service plans" in One Identity Manager. By assigning a disabled service plans to a Microsoft Entra ID user account in One Identity Manager, you disable the use of this service plan in Microsoft Entra ID. |
AADUserHasSubSku |
This table contains Microsoft Entra ID subscription assignments to Microsoft Entra ID user accounts. It maps direct assignments of Microsoft Entra ID subscriptions to Microsoft Entra ID user accounts and assignments that a Microsoft Entra ID user accounts obtains through its Microsoft Entra ID groups. The assignments are loaded by synchronization.
You can assign Microsoft Entra ID subscriptions to Microsoft Entra ID user accounts in either directly, though IT Shop requests, or through departments, cost centers, locations and business roles.
You cannot edit assignments by Microsoft Entra ID groups in .
The Microsoft Entra ID group that an assignment results from, is mapped in the Microsoft Entra ID source group column (AADUserHasSubSku.UID_AADGroupSource). If the column is empty, this assignment of the Microsoft Entra ID subscription to the Microsoft Entra ID user account is created either directly, though IT Shop requests, or through departments, cost centers, locations, and business roles. Assignments through Microsoft Entra ID groups are marked in the Origin column with the Assignment by group value (AADUserHasSubSku.XOrigin=16).
The table also contains a list of disabled service plans from its Microsoft Entra ID subscriptions for each Microsoft Entra ID user account (AADUserHasSubSku.DenyList). |
AADUserHasDeniedService |
This table contains disabled service plan assignments to Microsoft Entra ID user accounts. The entries are taken from the list of disabled service plans (AADUserHasSubSku.DenyList).
You can assign disabled service plans to Microsoft Entra ID user accounts in either directly, though IT Shop requests, or through departments, cost centers, locations and business roles. By assigning a disabled service plan, you disable the use of this service plan in Microsoft Entra ID.
NOTE: A disabled service plan that is assigned to a user account can be permitted if the user accounts obtains the service plan additional through a group and the service plan for the group is allowed. The assignment by group is not mapped in this table. |
AADUserHasServicePlan |
This table contains the service plan assignments for Microsoft Entra ID user accounts that are in effect. The assignments are calculated in from the entries in the AADUserHasSubSku, AADUserHasDeniedService, AADGroupHasSubSku, and AADGroupHasDeniedService tables. |
AADGroupHasSubSku |
This table contains Microsoft Entra ID subscription assignments to Microsoft Entra ID groups. This table also contains a list of disabled service plans from its Microsoft Entra ID subscriptions for each Microsoft Entra ID group (AADUserHasSubSku.DenyList).
The assignments are loaded into by synchronization. You cannot edit the assignments in . |
AADGroupHasDeniedService |
This table contains disabled service plan assignments to Microsoft Entra ID groups. The entries are taken from the list of disabled service plans (AADGroupHasSubSku.DenyList). You cannot edit the assignments in . |
Detailed information about this topic
A Microsoft Entra ID user account can obtain Microsoft Entra ID subscriptions and Microsoft Entra ID service plans directly or through its Microsoft Entra ID groups.
NOTE: It is possible that a Microsoft Entra ID user obtains the same Microsoft Entra ID subscription directly as well as through one or more Microsoft Entra ID groups. If a service plan is permitted by one assignment method and not by another, the user is given the service plan.
This means:
A disabled service plan that is assigned to a user account can be permitted if the user accounts obtains the service plan additional through a group and the service plan for the group is allowed.
For more information, see Managing Microsoft Entra ID subscription and Microsoft Entra ID service plan assignments.
To display information about Microsoft Entra ID subscriptions and service plans for a user account
In the Manager, select the Microsoft Entra ID > User accounts category.
Select the user account in the result list.
Select the Microsoft Entra ID user account overview task.
The following information about Microsoft Entra ID subscriptions and service plans for a user account is displayed on the overview form.
Microsoft Entra ID subscriptions (owned): Microsoft Entra ID subscriptions assigned to the user account either directly, though IT Shop requests, or through departments, cost centers, locations and business roles.
Microsoft Entra ID subscriptions (inherited): Microsoft Entra ID subscriptions that the user account has obtained through its Microsoft Entra ID groups.
Microsoft Entra ID service plans: Microsoft Entra ID service plans permitted for this user account.
Disabled Microsoft Entra ID service plans from owned subscriptions: Disabled Microsoft Entra ID service plans assigned to this user account either directly, through the IT Shop or through departments, cost centers, locations and business roles.
Select the License overview report.
The report contains a summary of assigned and effective subscriptions and service plans for a Microsoft Entra ID user account.
To display information about Microsoft Entra ID subscriptions and service plans for a group
In the Manager, select the Microsoft Entra ID > Groups category.
Select the group in the result list.
Select the Microsoft Entra ID group overview task.
The following information about Microsoft Entra ID subscriptions and service plans for a group is displayed on the overview form.
Microsoft Entra ID subscriptions: Microsoft Entra ID subscriptions assigned to Microsoft Entra ID groups.
Enabled Microsoft Entra ID service plans: Microsoft Entra ID service plans permitted for this group.
Disabled Microsoft Entra ID service plans: Microsoft Entra ID service plans not permitted for this group.
Microsoft Entra ID user accounts: Microsoft Entra ID user accounts assigned to group and therefore contain subscriptions and service plans.
Microsoft Entra ID subscriptions can be assigned directly or indirectly to Microsoft Entra ID user accounts.
In the case of indirect assignment, identities and Microsoft Entra ID subscriptions are assigned to hierarchical roles, such as departments, cost centers, locations, or business roles. Microsoft Entra ID subscriptions assigned to an identity are calculated from the position in the hierarchy and the direction of inheritance. If the identity has a user account in Microsoft Entra ID, Microsoft Entra ID role subscriptions are inherited by this Microsoft Entra ID user account.
Furthermore, Microsoft Entra ID subscriptions can be assigned to identities through IT Shop requests. Add identities to a shop as customers so that Microsoft Entra ID subscriptions can be assigned through IT Shop requests. All Microsoft Entra ID subscriptions assigned to this shop can be requested by the customers. Requested Microsoft Entra ID subscriptions are assigned to the identities after approval is granted.
TIP: You can combine the account definition for creating the Microsoft Entra ID user account and the Microsoft Entra ID subscription that will be used into one system role. In this way, the identity automatically obtains a user account and a Microsoft Entra ID subscription.
An identity can obtain this system role directly through departments, cost centers, locations, or business roles, or an IT Shop request.
To react quickly to special requests, you can assign Microsoft Entra ID subscriptions directly to Microsoft Entra ID user accounts.
For more information see the following guides:
Basic principles for assigning and inheriting company resources |
One Identity Manager Identity Management Base Module Administration Guide
One Identity Manager Business Roles Administration Guide |
Assigning company resources through IT Shop requests |
One Identity Manager IT Shop Administration Guide |
System roles |
One Identity Manager System Roles Administration Guide |
Detailed information about this topic