An element containing message patterns and how a message that matches these patterns is classified.
If the following characters appear in the message, they must be escaped in the rule as follows:
The <rules> element may contain any number of <rule> elements.
provider: The provider of the rule. This is used to distinguish between who supplied the rule, that is, if it has been created by One Identity, or added to the XML by a local user.
id: The globally unique ID of the rule.
class: The class of the rule — syslog-ng assigns this class to the messages matching a pattern of this rule.
context-id: OPTIONAL — An identifier to group related log messages when using the pattern database to correlate events. The ID can be a descriptive string describing the events related to the log message (for example, ssh-sessions for log messages related to SSH traffic), but can also contain macros to generate IDs dynamically. When using macros in IDs, see also the context-scope attribute. Starting with syslog-ng OSE version
The syslog-ng OSE application determines the context of the message after the pattern matching is completed. This means that macros and name-value pairs created by the matching pattern database rule can be used as context-id macros. |
context-timeout: OPTIONAL — The number of seconds the context is stored. Note that for high-traffic log servers, storing open contexts for long time can require significant amount of memory. For details on correlating messages, see Correlating log messages using pattern databases.
context-scope: OPTIONAL — Specifies which messages belong to the same context. This attribute is used to determine the context of the message if the context-id does not specify any macros. Usually, context-scope acts a filter for the context, with context-id refining the filtering if needed. The following values are available:
process: Only messages that are generated by the same process of a client belong to the same context, that is, messages that have identical ${HOST}, ${PROGRAM} and ${PID} values. This is the default behavior of syslog-ng OSE if context-scope is not specified.
program: Messages that are generated by the same application of a client belong to the same context, that is, messages that have identical ${HOST} and ${PROGRAM} values.
host: Every message generated by a client belongs to the same context, only the ${HOST} value of the messages must be identical.
global: Every message belongs to the same context.
Using the context-scope attribute is significantly faster than using macros in the context-id attribute. |
For details on correlating messages, see Correlating log messages using pattern databases.
<rule provider='example' id='f57196aa-75fd-11dd-9bba-001e6806451b' class='violation'>
The following example specifies attributes for correlating messages as well. For details on correlating messages, see Correlating log messages using pattern databases.
<rule provider='example' id='f57196aa-75fd-11dd-9bba-001e6806451b' class='violation' context-id='same-session' context-scope='process' context-timeout='360'>
An element containing the patterns of the rule. If a <patterns> element contains multiple <pattern> elements, the class of the <rule> is assigned to every syslog message matching any of the patterns.
pattern: A pattern describing a log message. This element is also called message pattern. For example:
<pattern>+ ??? root-</pattern>
Support for XML entities is limited, you can use only the following entities: & < > " '. User-defined entities are not supported. |
description: OPTIONAL — A description of the pattern or the log message matching the pattern.
<patterns> <pattern>Accepted @QSTRING:SSH.AUTH_METHOD: @ for@QSTRING:SSH_USERNAME: @from\ @QSTRING:SSH_CLIENT_ADDRESS: @port @NUMBER:SSH_PORT_NUMBER:@ ssh2</pattern> </patterns>
OPTIONAL — An element containing one or more URLs referring to further information about the patterns or the matching log messages.
url: OPTIONAL — An URL referring to further information about the patterns or the matching log messages.
OPTIONAL — Name-value pairs that are assigned to messages matching the patterns, for example, the representation of the event in the message according to the Common Event Format (CEF) or Common Event Exchange (CEE). The names can be used as macros to reference the assigned values.
value: OPTIONAL — Contains the value of the name-value pair that is assigned to the message.
The <value> element of name-value pairs can include template functions. For details, see Using template functions, for examples, see if.
When used together with message correlation, the <value> element of name-value pairs can include references to the values of earlier messages from the same context. For details, see Correlating log messages using pattern databases.
name: The name of the name-value pair. It can also be used as a macro to reference the assigned value.
<values> <value name=".classifier.outcome">/Success</value> </values>
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