Addressing Known Issues
Establish a baseline or benchmark
It can be very useful to gather a performance baseline in order to be able to better provide contrast against any issues which might be encountered. Active Roles has PerfMon counters which can be very useful for this and for troubleshooting any performance issues.
Update Microsoft Dependencies
Occasionally, there may be an issue in a Microsoft dependency that can cause performance issues and/or memory leaks because of the Microsoft Exchange Online PowerShell module being outdated here: Active Roles exceeds 3 GB of memory usage after the service is restarted (331957).
Updating the installed PowerShell modules, for example, has been known to resolve memory leaks in the Active Roles Administration Service process.
In an elevated PowerShell session, run the following cmdlets to update all of the installed PowerShell modules:
Get-InstalledModule | Update-Module -Verbose -Force
Resources on the host server
As a general rule, real-world deployment of the Windows operating system requires at least 2GB of RAM. In addition, each of the Active Roles components should be allocated at least 1GB of RAM. Therefore, if a server is hosting the Active Roles Service as well as the Web Interface, at least 4GB of RAM should be allocated. This would be sufficient for Active Roles to manage a small to medium environment - thousands of Active Directory objects could possibly be managed comfortably. Larger environments will notice significant performance issues in such a configuration. Extremely large environments, with Active Directory objects in the tens or hundreds of thousands, may encounter out-of-memory errors or outright crashes.
Working with Remote Mailboxes in Microsoft Exchange
In Active Roles 7.1.x, Active Roles 7.2.x, and Active Roles 7.3.x, Active Roles can work with remote mailboxes but this functionality is not enabled by default. If this functionality is not turned on, this can be a performance issue as Active Roles will attempt to connect to Microsoft Exchange using the wrong cmdlets, and will then encounter an error. Ensure that the EnableRemoteMail registry key is in place as per this resource.
This registry key is no longer relevant in Active Roles 7.4.x and later versions.
Quick Connect and Active Roles Synchronization Service Connector Performance
Poor connector performance in the Quick Connect or the Active Roles Synchronization Service can sometimes be addressed by enabling multithreading for that connector.
SQL Server Considerations
Having a dedicated SQL Server instance (one hosting only Active Roles databases) is always recommended. Sharing SQL Server resources with SQL-intensive applications (such as Quest Change Auditor) will negatively impact Active Roles database performance.
Microsoft SQL is a resource-intensive application, and will consume any available memory on its host server by default. To avoid SQL consuming all available memory and negatively impacting the performance of the host server, the maximum memory available to SQL should be capped leaving at least 4GB of the total amount of available RAM as per this Microsoft resource. For example, if the Windows host has 16GB of RAM allocated, then a dedicated SQL instance on a dedicated SQL server host should be capped at 12GB.
When authenticating to Microsoft SQL Server via Windows Authentication, it is extremely important to ensure that the necessary Service Principal Names are configured and delegated. Kerberos Logging can be enabled on the Active Roles Administration Service and Active Roles Web Interface hosts to ensure that there are no errors with Windows Authentication. This Microsoft resource can assist with configuring the necessary SQL Server SPN's. Once these are configured, delegations can be added in Active Directory Users and Computers on the Delegation tab.
Performance issues affecting only Active Roles Virtual Attributes
If there is a marked difference in performance noted in multiple Active Roles clients when working with Active Roles Virtual Attributes compared to a similar operation that only references Active Directory native attributes, it may be necessary to perform maintenance on SQL indices.
Active Roles Administrative Service and SQL co-location
In labs, pre-production environments, or very small (e.g. 1000 managed objects or less) production environments, it may be possible to have a dedicated SQL instance hosted on the same machine which is hosting Active Roles. In larger production environments, separate dedicated hosts for the Administrative Service and SQL server are recommended. This is especially true for environments with tens of thousands of managed objects.
Other Windows Host Configuration Considerations
The Windows page file settings on the host server can also negatively impact performance if they are set too low. As per this Microsoft resource, the minimum page file size should be equal to the amount of RAM present on the host server, and the maximum size should be three times the amount of RAM present.
Latency to the environment
Active Roles is most sensitive to latency on communications to the SQL Server and to the associated Global Catalog server. Ideally, these resources would be on the same site, with a latency of less than 1ms.
Cached information from before a change in the environment
Active Roles has a few different places where it caches environmental information. If the environment changes significantly (Active Directory schema or functional level updates, Microsoft SQL or Microsoft Exchange major version change, etc.) then this cache may contain obsolete information which negatively impacts performance.
Follow all steps in this reference in order to clear all of these caches.
Obsolete and/or incompatible components
External applications such as Change Auditor, Defender, Recovery Manager, and Authentication Services all deploy Active Roles components. When Active Roles or these external applications are upgraded, older versions of their deployed components may remain in the Active Roles configuration and will need to be disabled and/or removed.
High CPU on Active Directory Domain Controller when running the "Dynamic Group Updater" Scheduled Task
In environments with a large number of Active Roles Dynamic Groups, the nightly run of the Dynamic Group Updater Scheduled Task can cause high CPU utilization on the target Active Directory Domain Controller and/or run for several hours. To help with this issue, add indices in Active Directory on the attributes that are being queried by the Dynamic Group membership rule(s).
Change Workflow filtering conditions
In environments where a large number of Change Workflows have been implemented (for example, to handle Approvals), inefficient filtering conditions could lead to performance issues when performing an operation which is related to a Workflow triggering condition.
For example: having a script in a filtering condition of a Workflow is less efficient than simply filtering on an attribute of the Request object, as Active Roles will need to execute the script and find the resultant value in order to determine if the Workflow execution is valid.
"Expensive" Script calls
There are a few calls within scripts that should be used with caution, as they have the potential to significantly increase computational overhead. Be very careful when using policy scripts with the following triggers:
All script modules which are executed by an Active Roles Policy should be appropriately scoped to the relevant object class at a minimum. Ideally, script modules should also check for relevant operations by testing the attributes passed in the Request object.
The most efficient method to test for a relevant object class is to use a negative test with an immediate return. For example: In PowerShell, a script that is working with User class objects should include the following test as the very first line of an script module event handler function:
if($Request.class -ne 'user'){return}
Any PowerShell scripts which are run by Active Roles should avoid the use of the Exit cmdlet when terminating. This call will actually cause the Active Roles PowerShell runspace to stop and reload. It is recommended to instead use Return to end a script. Enhancement ID 280594 has been created so that Active Roles handles the Exit cmdlet more gracefully.
The Active Roles System Summary will contain an export of all scripts. This file can be searched for instances of these functions or cmdlets - this can help with large or complicated environments with many script modules.
If PerfMon logs indicate that the Script module average execution time is a potential performance bottleneck, this could also indicate poor performance when connecting to or working with Microsoft Exchange. When working with Microsoft Exchange 2010, it is an optional configuration to use Remote PowerShell when working with Microsoft Exchange - in all later versions of Microsoft Exchange, it is the only option. These Remote PowerShell calls are included in all Active Roles Script Module performance counters.
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