
Active Roles 7.6.1 - Whats New

Impact on management history data

Configuration databases during installation of Active Roles. During Active Roles upgrade, if the Active Roles database is not split into configuration and management history databases, then the upgrade process by default creates a management history database. However, the management history data is not imported by default, and if required you may import the data from the earlier Configuration database.

IMPORTANT: The Management History data is not migrated to the new database during the upgrade. The data has to be imported manually into the database.

After you import the change history information, the Management History database has the following details:

  • All managed objects change history includes the Properties modified during the operation, Workflow, and policy executed with operation

  • User Activity information

  • Automation Workflow Run history

  • Temporal Group membership scheduler job status and its details to Add or Remove membership from the Temporal Group

  • Workflow Approval tasks status includes Pending, Completed, and Paused

  • Deprovision and UndoDeprovision object Results. If Deprovision object result does not exist in Management History database then UndDeprovision operation fails.

For more information on Upgrading to Active Roles 7.6.1 from 7.0.x or later using in-place upgrade method on the Active Roles Quick Start Guide.

NOTE: The reports produced by the Change History or User Activity command include information only about the changes made using a certain group of Administration Services, that share a common database from the connected management history database. If the Change History data is not imported from the previously available database, the data is not displayed in the new Management History database.

Operations that are dependent on Approval Workflow, Temporal Group Memberships, and Undo Deprovisioning features might not work consistently on the client interfaces. Without importing the information between the previously available Management History and the new Management History data, such as, a task created by one of the Old Administration Services may not be present on the new Administration Services.

Impact on SSL and Federated Authentication configuration

SSL and Federated Authentication configuration settings are not retained post upgrade from version 7.4 or 7.4.1 to the current version. One Identity recommends to reconfigure the settings after the upgrade of Active Roles.


Access Control

A security mechanism that determines which operations a user, group, service, or computer is authorized to perform on a computer or on a particular object, such as a file, printer, registry key, or directory service object.

Access Control Entry (ACE)

An entry in an object's discretionary access control list (DACL) that grants permissions to a user or group. An ACE is also an entry in an object's system access control list (SACL) that specifies the security events to be audited for a user or group.

Access Control List (ACL)

A list of security protections that apply to an entire object, a set of the object’s properties, or an individual property of an object. There are two types of access control lists: discretionary and system

Access Mask

In an access control entry (ACE) of the access control list (ACL) associated with an object, a 32-bit value specifying the operations allowed, denied, or audited when the SID-holder accesses the object.

Access Template

Each access template represents a stand-alone collection of access masks. When an access template is applied to a network object in relation to a given trustee, the entire collection of access masks is translated into a set of access control entries in the object's access control list, with each entry containing the trustee's security identifier and one of the access masks extracted from the access template. When an access template is modified, all the access control entries created by applying that access template are modified accordingly.

Active Directory

The Windows-based directory service. Active Directory stores information about objects on a network and makes this information available to users and network administrators. Active Directory gives network users access to permitted resources anywhere on the network using a single logon process. It provides network administrators with an intuitive, hierarchical view of the network and a single point of administration for all network objects.

Active Directory Schema

The Active Directory schema defines the set of all object classes and attributes that can be stored in the directory. For each object class, the schema defines what attributes an instance of the class must or may have and specifies the legal parents of the class. The Active Directory schema is stored in the directory as specific schema objects that are protected with access control. Schema objects can be accessed and updated dynamically.

Administration Service

A core component of Active Roles, the Administration Service manages requests to network data sources. It validates requests, performs administrative tasks, and enforces administrative policies.


In the Windows Server family, a person who is responsible for setting up and managing local computers, stand-alone servers, member servers, or domain controllers. An administrator sets up user and group accounts, assigns passwords and permissions, and helps users with networking problems. Administrators can be members of the Administrators group on local computers or servers. A person who is a member of the Administrators group on a local computer or server has full access to that computer or server and can assign access control rights to users as necessary. Administrators can also be members of the Domain Admins group on domain controllers and have full control over user and computer accounts residing in that domain.


For Administration Service, a special pool in memory in which directory object data are held for quicker access. Administration Service updates the data in the cache immediately after a modification in Active Directory occurs, thereby ensuring that the cached data is always current and correct. For better performance, Administration Service only refreshes the data that is actually changed in Active Directory, achieving the real-time update of the cached data.


A set of network objects defined by membership rules. For example, a Managed Unit is a collection. The same object can be a member of more than one collection.

Computer Name

Computer names define computers to a network. Each computer name cannot be the same as any other computer or domain name in the network. A valid computer name contains letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), and hyphens (-), but no spaces or periods (.). In addition, it may not consist solely of numbers.

Computer Resource

A computer system itself, or a network component that resides on a computer system, such as a service, share, printer, print job, connected user, or open file.

See also Network Object and Directory Object.


See Directory Partition.

Console Tree

The left pane in Microsoft Management Console (MMC) that displays the items contained in the console. The items in the console tree and their hierarchical organization determine the capabilities of a console.

See also Microsoft Management Console (MMC) and Details Pane.


An object that can logically contain other objects. The objects created or placed in a container object are referred to as the container's child objects, and the container object is referred to as their parent object. For example, an Organizational Unit is a container object. An object can have only one parent container.

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is an attack that forces an end user to execute unwanted actions on a web application in which they're currently authenticated. CSRF attacks specifically target state-changing requests, not theft of data, since the attacker has no way to see the response to the forged request. With a little help of social engineering (such as sending a link via email or chat), an attacker may trick the users of a web application into executing actions of the attacker's choosing. If the victim is a normal user, a successful CSRF attack can force the user to perform state changing requests like transferring funds, changing their email address, and so forth. If the victim is an administrative account, CSRF can compromise the entire web application.

Cross-site Scripting (XSS )

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks are a type of injection, in which malicious scripts are injected into otherwise benign and trusted websites. XSS attacks occur when an attacker uses a web application to send malicious code, generally in the form of a browser side script, to a different end user. Flaws that allow these attacks to succeed are quite widespread and occur anywhere a web application uses input from a user within the output it generates without validating or encoding it.

Delegate Administrative Control

To assign responsibility for management and administration of a collection of network objects to an individual user or a group of users.

Delegated Administrator

See Trustee.

Details Pane

The right pane in Microsoft Management Console (MMC) that displays details for the selected item in the console tree. The details can be a list of items or they can be administrative properties, services, and events that are acted on by a snap-in.

See also Console Tree, Microsoft Management Console (MMC), and Snap-in.

Directory Database

The physical storage for each replica of Active Directory. Also called the store.

See also Active Directory.

Directory Object

Any object stored in Active Directory or other directory service. A directory object is described by a distinct, named set of attributes. For example, the attributes of an Active Directory user object might include the user’s first name, last name, and e-mail address.

See also Network Object.

Directory Partition

Active Directory is made up of one or more partitions (naming contexts). Each partition represents a contiguous sub-tree that is replicated as a unit to other domain controllers in the forest. In Active Directory, a single server holds at least three directory partitions: schema (class and attribute definitions for the directory), configuration (replication topology and related metadata), and domain (sub-tree that contains the per-domain objects for one domain).


In Active Directory, a collection of computer, user, and group objects defined by the administrator. These objects share a common directory database, security policies, and security relationships with other domains.

Domain Controller

In an Active Directory forest, a server that contains a writable copy of the Active Directory database, participates in Active Directory replication, and controls access to network resources. Administrators can manage user accounts, network access, shared resources, site topology, and other directory objects from any domain controller in the forest.

Domain Local Group

A security or distribution group that can contain universal groups, global groups, other domain local groups from its own domain, and accounts from any domain in the forest. Domain local security groups can be granted rights and permissions on resources that reside only in the same domain where the domain local group is located.

See also Group.

Domain Tree

In Active Directory, a hierarchical structure of one or more domains, connected by transitive, bidirectional trusts, that forms a contiguous namespace. Multiple domain trees can belong to the same forest.

See also Forest.

Explicit Permissions

Explicit permissions are those that are defined directly on an object. Explicit permissions are defined either automatically when the object is created, or by user action. For example, when a user account is created, the permissions on it are explicit permissions.

See also Permissions and Inherited Permissions.

Fault Tolerance

The ability of a software product to ensure data integrity when hardware failures occur. Active Roles provides fault tolerance through multi-muster replication of the data individually stored by each of a number of Administration Services.


One or more Active Directory domains that share the same class and attribute definitions (schema), site and replication information (configuration), and forest-wide search capabilities (global catalog). Domains in the same forest are linked with two-way, transitive trust relationships.

Global Catalog

A server that holds a partial replica of every user-naming context in Active Directory. The Global Catalog also contains the schema and configuration naming contexts. The attributes in the Global Catalog are those most frequently used in search operations and those attributes that are required to locate a full replica of the object. The Global Catalog enables users and applications to find objects in Active Directory given one or more attributes of the target object, without knowing what domain holds the object.

Global Group

A global group can be granted permissions and rights for the domain controllers of its own domain, for other members of its own domain, and for trusting domains. A global group can become a member of local groups in any of these domains. However, it can contain user accounts only from its own domain. Only domain controllers maintain global groups.

See also Group.

Group Name

A group name must be unique among groups and user accounts in the domain. A valid group name contains letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), and special characters, except for the following:
/ \ [ ] : ; | = , + * ? < >


A collection of users, computers, contacts, and other groups. Groups can be used as security or as e-mail distribution collections. Distribution groups are used only for e-mail. Security groups are used both to grant access to resources and as e-mail distribution lists.

See also Domain Local Group, Global Group, Local Group, and Universal Group.

Home Folder (Home Directory)

The home folder is a folder that is accessible to the user and can contain files and programs for that user. A network home folder can be assigned to an individual user or can be shared by many users. If no local or network home folder is assigned, the default local home folder is located on the drive on the user's computer.


Hybrid environment refers to an environment which uses a mix of on-premises Active Directory and Azure Active Directory and allows synchronization of objects from the on-premises AD to the Azure AD.

Inherited Permissions

Inherited permissions are those that are propagated to an object from a parent object. Normally, an object inherits the permissions from the container where that object is placed. For example, when an object is created or moved in an Active Directory organizational unit (OU), the object automatically inherits the permissions from that OU. Defined on a parent object, inherited permissions can only be modified by changing the parent object's permission settings.

In Active Roles, permissions defined on a managed unit or inherited by a managed unit are also inherited by all the members of that managed unit. Due to this inheritance feature, objects’ permissions change as objects change their memberships in managed units, providing the ability to regulate permission settings by using membership rules.

See also Explicit Permissions and Permissions.

Local Group

A local group can be granted permissions and rights only for its own computer on which the group resides. However, it can contain user accounts and global groups from its own domain and trusted domains.

See also Group.

Logon Script

A logon script allows an administrator to affect a user’s environment without managing all aspects of it. When a logon script is assigned to a user account, it runs each time the user logs on. One logon script can be assigned to one or more user accounts. It can be a batch file (.cmd or .bat filename extension) or an executable program (.exe filename extension). When a user logs on, the computer authenticating the logon locates the logon script by following the logon script path.

Managed Domain

A domain registered for the management with Active Roles. Active Roles can be configured to manage multiple domains.

Managed Unit

A collection of objects managed with Active Roles defined by using membership rules, for the purposes of distribution of administrative responsibilities. Managed units provide large organizations with the flexibility they need to delegate network administration, enforce administrative policies, and manage complex network environments.

Member Server

A server that is joined to a domain but is not a domain controller. Member servers typically function as file servers, application servers, database servers, Web servers, certificate servers, firewalls, or remote access servers.

Membership Rules

Membership rules are criteria by which Active Roles evaluates whether or not a network object is a member of a particular managed unit or view. Each managed unit or view only includes the objects whose properties meet the membership rules for that unit or view.

Microsoft Management Console (MMC)

A framework for hosting administrative tools called snap-ins. A console might contain tools, folders or other containers, World Wide Web pages, and other administrative items. These items are displayed in the left pane of the console, called a console tree. A console has one or more windows that can provide views of the console tree. The main MMC window provides commands and tools for authoring consoles. The authoring features of MMC and the console tree itself might be hidden when a console is in User Mode.

See also Console Tree, Details Pane, and Snap-in.

MMC Interface

A Active Roles user interface that network administrators and trustees use to administer Active Directory data. This interface provides access to all the capabilities of Active Roles. The MMC interface is implemented as an MMC snap-in.

See also Snap-in.

Naming Context

See Directory Partition.

Network Object

A directory object or computer resource.

See also Directory Object and Computer Resource.

Non-Transitive Trust Relationship

A trust relationship in a multiple-domain environment that is restricted to just two domains. For example, if domain A has a non-transitive trust with domain B, and domain B trusts domain C, then there is no trust relationship between domain A and domain C.

See also Trust Relationship and Transitive Trust Relationship.


An object is a named set of attributes that represents something concrete, such as a user, a printer, or a computer system. The attributes hold data describing the subject that is identified by the object. For example, attributes of a user might include the user's given name, surname, and e-mail address.

Organizational Unit (OU)

An Active Directory container object used within domains. An organizational unit is a logical container into which users, groups, computers, and other organizational units are placed. It can contain objects only from its parent domain. An organizational unit is the smallest scope to which a Group Policy object (GPO) can be linked, or over which administrative authority can be delegated.


Permissions represent authorization to perform certain operations on specific network objects, such as user accounts, groups, or computer resources. Unless permission to perform an operation is explicitly granted, it is implicitly denied. Permissions can also be explicitly denied. There are two types of permissions: explicit and inherited.

See also Explicit Permissions and Inherited Permissions.

Policy Object

A policy object represents a collection of administrative policies. Active Roles enforces administrative policies by linking policy objects to managed units, individual directory objects, or container objects. When linked to a unit or container, a policy object affects all the member objects, including those that are located in the child containers.

Primary Domain Controller

In a Windows NT domain, a domain controller that maintains the master copy of the Security Accounts Manager (SAM) database. The primary domain controller is the only computer that directly receives the changes made to the SAM database. Within a domain, the primary domain controller periodically replicates its data to the other domain controllers, known as backup domain controllers.

Proxy Server

The service component of Active Roles operates as a permissions-based proxy server. When accepting requests from a client, the server component validates each request as against permissions the client has for network objects. If the client's permissions are sufficient to perform the requested operation, the service component performs it by the using the operating system facilities.


See Active Directory Schema.

Secure Communication

In Active Roles, a network connection between the client and the server that requires packet privacy. When transmitting security-sensitive information, such as a user password, Active Roles uses standard DCOM mechanisms of data protection, including data encryption.

Security Descriptor

A data structure associated with a protected object to specify security information, including who is permitted to access the object and in what way, who owns the object, and what types of access will be audited.

Security ID (SID)

A data structure of variable length that identifies user, group, and computer accounts. Every account on a network is issued a unique SID when the account is first created. Internal processes in Windows refer to an account's SID rather than the account's user or group name.

Security Principal

An account holder that is automatically assigned a security identifier (SID) to control access to resources. A security principal can be a user, group, service, or computer.

Security Subsystem

A protected subsystem that authenticates and logs users on to the system, maintains information about the local security policy, and provides various services for translation between names and security identifiers.


A process that performs a specific system function and often provides an application-programming interface (API) for other processes to call.

Service Account

The user account that a service uses to log on to the computer or network. The account must have the specific rights and permissions required by that service.

Shared Resource (Share)

Refers to a computer resource that is made available to network users, such as a folder, file, or printer.


A type of tool that you can add to a console supported by Microsoft Management Console (MMC). A stand-alone snap-in can be added by itself; an extension snap-in can be added only to extend the function of another snap-in.

See also Microsoft Management Console (MMC).

Standalone Server

A server that runs the Windows operating system, but does not participate in a domain. A stand-alone server has only its own database of users, and it processes logon requests by itself. A stand-alone server does not share account information with other computers and cannot provide access to domain accounts.

See also Domain and Member Server.


An unbroken path in the tree, including all child objects of any container in that path.

See also Tree and Domain Tree.

Transitive Trust Relationship

A trust relationship that flows throughout a set of domains, such as a domain tree, and forms a relationship between a domain and all domains that trust that domain. For example, if domain A has a transitive trust with domain B, and domain B trusts domain C, then domain A trusts domain C.

See also Domain Tree, Forest, and Non-Transitive Trust Relationship.


Tree is usually used to describe a hierarchy of objects. Nodes in the tree (points at which the tree branches) are container objects. For example, a computer network or domain is a container object. A tree shows how objects are connected or the path from one object to another. A contiguous sub-tree is any unbroken path in the tree, including all child objects of any container in that path.


A group or user account that is authorized to perform specific administrative tasks for a specific set of network objects managed with Active Roles. Normally, Trustees are regular users or groups that have no rights to perform administrative tasks by directly accessing Active Directory. This ensures that the only way for the Trustees to perform their tasks is by using Active Roles.

Trust Relationship

A logical relationship established between domains to allow pass-through authentication, in which a trusting domain honors the logon authentications of a trusted domain. User accounts and global groups defined in a trusted domain can be given rights and permissions in a trusting domain, even though the user accounts or groups don’t exist in the trusting domain’s directory.

Trusted Domain

See Trust Relationship.

Trusting Domain

See Trust Relationship.

Two-way Trust Relationship

A link between two domains that allows each domain to trust user accounts in the other domain to use its resources. A user can log on from computers in either domain to the domain that contains the user's account.

See also Trust Relationship.

UNC Name

A full name of a shared resource on a network. It conforms to the \\servername\sharename syntax, where servername is the server's name and sharename is the name of the shared resource. UNC names of folders or files can also include the directory path under the share name, with the following syntax: \\servername\sharename\directory\filename

UNC is also called Universal Naming Convention.

Universal Group

A security or distribution group that can contain users, groups, and computers from any domain in its forest as members. Universal security groups can be granted rights and permissions on resources in any domain in the forest.

See also Group.

User Account

In Active Directory, an object that consists of all the information that defines a domain user, which includes user name, password, and groups in which the user account has membership. User accounts can be stored in either Active Directory or on a local computer.

User Profile

A file that contains configuration information for a specific user, such as desktop settings, persistent network connections, and application settings. Each user's preferences are saved to a user profile that Windows uses to configure the desktop each time a user logs on.

Wildcard Character

A character that represents one or more characters. The question mark (?) wildcard can be used to represent any single character and the asterisk (*) wildcard can be used to represent any character or group of characters that might match that position in other names. Wildcard characters are especially instrumental in defining membership rules. For example, when defining a membership rule to include all servers with names that begin with X, you would specify X* as the computer name. One more wildcard character, the number sign (#) represents any digit or the number sign itself.



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