予定されていた保守を実行中のため、サポートサイトでのフォームの送信が一時的に利用できません。 すぐにサポートが必要な場合は、テクニカルサポートまでお問い合わせください。 ご不便をおかけして申し訳ありません。
製品バンドルが選択されました。 リクエストにより良く対応できるように、個別の製品を選択していただけますか? *
現在、テクニカル・サポート・エンジニアはお客様のチャットに対応できません。 迅速にサービスを受けられるよう、サービス・リクエスト・フォームを使用して
Deprovisioning Results
On a deprovisioned user account, lets you examine the changes that were made to the account by the deprovisioning policies.
Undo Deprovisioning
On a deprovisioned user account, rolls back the changes that were made to the account by the deprovisioning policies.
Disable Account / Enable Account
Disables a user account, or enables a disabled user account.
Reset Password
Resets the password for a user account.
Performs all actions on a user account that are prescribed by the deprovisioning policies.
Member Of
Lets you add or remove a user account from groups.
Change History
Lists the changes that were made to a user account.
General Properties
Lets you view or modify general properties of a user account.
Managed Resources
Lets you view objects for which a given user is assigned as the manager (primary owner) or a secondary owner.
On a deprovisioned group, lets you examine the changes that were made to the group by the deprovisioning policies.
On a deprovisioned group, rolls back the changes that were made to the group by the deprovisioning policies.
Lets you view or modify the list of members of a group.
Lets you add or remove a group from another group or groups.
Performs all actions on a group that are prescribed by the deprovisioning policies.
Lets you view or modify general properties of a group.
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