The Defender Web Service API provides a public web interface to the administrative functionality of Defender.
The interface is exposed through the WebServiceAPI Web service. The installation program configures a windows service that will host the WebServiceAPI web service.
If this operation resulted in the token being assigned, then the AssignedToken.TokenCommonName will match the tokenCommonName parameter. If the token was already assigned to this user, then the AssignedToken.TokenCommonName will contain a text message indicating that it was already assigned.
The type of the token added may be one of the following values:
- Windows
- IToken
- Mobile
- Android
- EmailOTP
- Java
- GrIDsure
- Authy
- GoogleAuth
These types produce tokens for use on the following platforms:
- Windows Windows operating system.
- IToken iPhone, iPad, or iPod devices running the iOS operating system.
- Mobile SMS token, where a text message containing one-time passwords is sent to the user's mobile phone.
- Android Devices running the Android operating system.
- EmailOTP E-mail token, where an e-mail message containing one-time passwords is sent to the user.
- Java Windows, Mac OS, or Linux operating system that supports Java applications.
- GrIDsure GrIDsure token allowing users to authenticate themselves with a GrIDsure Personal Identification Pattern.
- Authy Authy token allowing users to authenticate themselves with one-time passwords generated by the Authy app.
- GoogleAuth Google Authenticator token allowing users to authenticate themselves with one-time passwords generated by Google Authenticator.
MicrosoftAuth Microsoft Authenticator token allowing users to authenticate themselves with one-time passwords generated by Microsoft Authenticator.
OneLoginAuth OneLogin Authenticator token allowing users to authenticate themselves with one-time passwords generated by OneLogin Authenticator.
C# syntax
AssignedSoftwareToken AddSoftwareTokenToUser(string userCommonName, ProgrammableSoftwareTokenType tokenType, string tokenPin, SoftwareTokenConfiguration configuration, string userSearchBase);
- userCommonName Common name of the user to whom the token will be assigned.
- tokenType The type of the token added.
- tokenPin Optional parameter to specify PIN to assign to the user's token. PINs cannot be used when programming a Windows token.
- configuration Optional parameter to configure the following activation and passphrase settings:
- Activation Code Timeout Days To configure the number of days for which the token activation code is valid. The default value is 7.
- Enabling Passphrase Locking To configure whether to lock the token passphrase after a specified number of unsuccessful attempts.
- Passphrase Attempts The configure the number of unsuccessful attempts after which the token passphrase is locked.
- Require Passphrase To configure whether the token requires a passphrase or not.
- Require Strong Passphrase To configure whether a strong passphrase is required or not.
- Show Passphrase Alerts To configure whether to display alerts about failed passphrase attempts or not.
- userSearchBase Optional parameter to specify base container from which to search for users.
Return value
If no error occurs, an AssignedToken is returned. In the case of an error, a Fault is generated. The faultCode can be one of the following:
- ArgumentOutOfRange One of the arguments was invalid, further details will be contained in the faultstring.
- UnknownFault Any other error, further details may be included in the faultstring.
If this operation resulted in the token being assigned, then the AssignedToken.TokenCommonName matches the tokenCommonName parameter. If the token was already assigned to this user, then the AssignedToken.TokenCommonName contains a text message indicating that it was already assigned.
C# syntax
AssignedToken AddTokenToUser(string tokenCommonName, string userCommonName, string tokenSearchBase, string userSearchBase);
- tokenCommonName Common name of the token to be assigned.
- userCommonName Common name of the user to whom the token will be assigned.
- tokenSearchBase Optional parameter to specify base container in which to search for tokens.
- userSearchBase Optional parameter to specify base container in which to search for users.
Return value
If no error occurs, an AssignedToken is returned. In the case of an error, a Fault is generated. The faultCode can be one of the following:
- ArgumentOutOfRange One of the arguments was invalid, further details will be contained in the faultstring.
- UnknownFault Any other error, further details may be included in the faultstring.