One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) has a search interface for browsing the audit trails. This connection database also contains the various meta-information about connections and connection-requests. The search queries can include only alphanumerical characters.
To access the search interface, navigate to Search. Only users with the following privileges can access the Search page:
Members of groups who are configured as Authorizers with the Search or Search&Authorize permission set in the Access Control field of a connection policy. These users can access only the audit trails of the respective connections.
For more information on configuring authorizers for a connection, see Configuring four-eyes authorization.
Members of groups who have the Search privilege set.
Assigning the Search privilege to a user on the AAA page automatically enables the Search in all connections privilege, and grants the user access to every audit trail, even if the user is not a member of the groups listed in the Access Control option of the particular connection policy.
For more information on configuring user rights, see Managing user rights and usergroups.
The admin user.
Figure 310: Search — Browse the connections database
The bars display the number of results in the selected interval. Use the and
icons to zoom, and the arrows to display the previous or the next intervals. To explicitly select a date, select Jump to and set the date in the calendar. You can change the length of the displayed interval with the Scale option.
Hovering the mouse above a bar displays the number of entries and the start and end date of the period that the bar represents. Click a bar to display the entries of that period in the table. Use Shift+Click to select multiple bars.
This feature is available only if auditing and content indexing was requested for the connection. For details, see Configuring the internal indexer. |
To search in the content of the indexed audit trails, enter your search keywords in the Screen content field, and click Filter. Search is case insensitive. You can use complex expressions and boolean operators. For more information, see Using the content search.
Connection metadata is displayed in customizable columns that you can filter for any parameter, or a combination of parameters. To filter the list of search results, enter the filter expression in the input field of the appropriate column, and press Enter, or click on an entry in the table.
For the description of the available columns, see Connection metadata.
For information on using and saving filters, see Using and managing search filters.
When you use filters, the bars display the statistics of the filtered results. |
Filtering displays also partial matches. You can use the icon to perform an exact search, and the
icon for inverse filtering ("does not include"). To clear filters from a column, click
To restore the original table, click Clear conditions.
Use the drop-down menu of the Protocol column to quickly filter the list for a single protocol. |
To export the search results as a comma-separated text file, select Export format > CSV, and click Export.
For instructions on displaying statistics about your search results, see Displaying statistics on search results.
To display the summary of a connection, click , or use the
shortcuts to view the corresponding connection details (for example, Events). The summary is displayed in the connection details pop-up window. For more information, see Connection details.
To download the audit trail of a session, click the icon in the Audit-trail column.
The Details pop-up window provides in-depth information on each of the indexed audit trails stored in the connection database. You can use it to gain contextual insight about the indexed session and its events.
The pop-up window consists of two main parts: the header and the trail details. In the header, you can:
Move to the previous / next trail listed on the Search page with the and
Search the current trail. Search is performed on the displayed audit trail only. When you move between trails, search is reset to the query you used on the Search page (if you entered one). You can also revert to that query using the button. For details on using search expressions, see Using the content search.
Export / follow the trail. Click the button to export the trail, or the
button to follow an ongoing connection. The trail data is exported in .srs format, which you can open with the Safeguard Desktop Player application.
Figure 311: Audit trail details
The details section is organized into tabs (left) and screenshots (right). The Details tab is always visible. The All results, Events, and Alerts tabs are displayed dynamically, when there is matching content in the trail.
Details tab: Quick summary of the connection details (user, server, time).
User information: remote and gateway username. The gateway username corresponds with the Username field of the connection metadata database, so note the following:
If the user performed inband gateway authentication in the connection, the field contains the username from the gateway authentication (gateway username).
Otherwise, the field contains the username used on the remote server.
Connection information: connection verdict, protocol, connection policy, client and server address.
Session time: start and end time of the connection.
Trail information: is the trail indexed, or archived.
Link: a link that leads to the Search page filtered to show only this connection. Note that if you share this link, other users can access the audit trail only if they have the required privileges, and can access One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) using the IP address in the link (SPS can be configured to be accessible using multiple IP addresses).
Figure 312: Details tab
All results tab: Matching results for your search on the Search page (or in the trail contents), in chronological order.
Date and time of the matching event.
Search rank. The displayed Rank indicates how closely the result matches your search query.
Screenshots. If screenshots are available for the trail, you can click each search result to view the corresponding screenshot.
Figure 313: All results tab
Events tab: Connection events, in chronological order.
Date and time of the event.
Event type (command, screen content, window title).
Event details.
Figure 314: Events tab
Alerts tab: Content policy alerts triggered in the session, in chronological order.
An event is listed as alert only if the Actions > Store in Connection Database option is selected in the Content Policy used to handle the session.
Date and time of the alert.
The type of the alert (command, screen content, credit card, window title).
The matching content.
Terminal buffer contents. If the alert is not visible on the screenshot, you can click the icon to view the contents of the full terminal buffer.
Screenshots. If screenshots are available for the trail, you can click each alert to view the corresponding screenshot.
Figure 315: Alerts tab
Screenshots are generated for search results and alerts when the trail is opened, and for subsequent searches. You can scroll between screenshots using the carousel, and view each screenshot in full size. Selecting a screenshot highlights the corresponding search result or alert.
Screenshots are not available for:
Ongoing connections.
Unindexed trails.
Trails of HTTP connections.
Encrypted trails (without the necessary certificate).
For SSH and Telnet trails, trail data is aggregated for each second. The screenshot you see reflects the terminal buffer as it was visible at the end of that second. If data was pushed off-screen during this second, the search still finds it, but it will not be visible on the generated screenshot. |
You can replay audit trails in your browser, or using the Safeguard Desktop Player application. Note that there are differences between these solutions.
For details on the Safeguard Desktop Player application, see Safeguard Desktop Player User Guide. |
Even though the One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) web interface supports Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge in general, to replay audit trails you need to use Internet Explorer 11, and install the Google WebM Video for Microsoft Internet Explorer plugin. If you cannot install Internet Explorer 11 or another supported browser on your computer, use the the Safeguard Desktop Player application. For details, see "Replaying audit trails in your browser" in the Administration Guide and Safeguard Desktop Player User Guide. |
To replay an audit trail in your browser
On the Search page, find the audit trail you want to replay.
Figure 316: Search — Browse the connections database
(Optional) To replay encrypted audit trails, upload your permanent or temporary keys to the User menu > Private keystore. For more information, see Replaying encrypted audit trails in your browser.
Click to display the details of the connection.
Click to generate a video file from the audit trail that you can replay. Depending on the load of the indexer and the length and type of the audit trail, this can take several minutes (to cancel processing the audit trail, click
). The Video status field shows the progress of the this process.
When the video is available, changes to
Figure 317: Search — Audit trail details
To replay the video, click . The Player window opens.
The Player window has the following controls.
Figure 318: Replaying audit trails in your browser
: Play, Pause
: Jump to previous event, Jump to next event
: Adjust replay speed
: Time since the audit trail started / Length of the audit trail. Click on the time to show the date (timestamp) of the audit trail.
: List of keyboard events. Special characters like ENTER, F1, and so on are displayed as buttons. If the upstream traffic is encrypted, upload your permanent or temporary keys to the User menu > Private keystore to display the keyboard events.
: Active mouse button
: Create a screenshot
: Show / hide events. Select the types of events to display. Depending on the protocol used and how the audit trail was processed, SPS can display keyboard events, commands, mouse events, and window titles. Commands and window titles are displayed as subtitles at the top of the screen.
: Fullscreen mode
: Progress bar
: Shows the distribution of events. Blue - commands, green - keyboard events, yellow - mouse events, orange - window title.
: Close the player, and return to the Connection details page.
To view screenshots generated for encrypted audit trails, and replay encrypted audit trails in your browser, you have to upload the necessary certificates and corresponding private keys to your private keystore. Depending on the encryption, decrypting the upstream part of an audit trail might require an additional set of certificates and keys.
Only RSA keys (in PEM-encoded X.509 certificates) can be uploaded to the private keystore.
Certificates are used as a container and delivery mechanism. For encryption and decryption, only the keys are used. |
One Identity recommends using 2048-bit RSA keys (or stronger).
For more information on audit trail encryption, see Encrypting audit trails.
You can upload certificates permanently or temporarily. The temporary certificates are deleted when you log out of One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS).
The certificates and private keys in your keystore can be protected with a passphrase. To use the certificates and private keys in a passphrase-protected keystore for decrypting audit trails, you have to unlock the keystore first by providing the security passphrase. The keystore then remains unlocked for the duration of your session.
To replay encrypted audit trails in your browser
Click on User menu > Private keystore.
Figure 319: User menu > Private keystore — The private keystore
(Optional) Create a security passphrase, if you have not configured one yet.
In Security passphrase, click Change.
In the New field, enter your new security passphrase. Repeat the same passphrase in the Confirm field.
One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) accepts passwords that are not longer than 150 characters. The following special characters can be used: !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^-`{|} |
Click Apply.
If you forgot your security passphrase, contact our Support Team.
Click to add a new certificate.
Figure 320: Adding certificates
Click the first to upload the new certificate. A pop-up window is displayed.
Figure 321: Uploading certificates
Select Browse, select the file containing the certificate, and click Upload. Alternatively, you can also copy-paste the certificate into the Certificate field and click Set.
To upload the private key corresponding to the certificate, click the second icon. A pop-up window is displayed.
Figure 322: Uploading the private key
Select Browse, select the file containing the private key, provide the Password if the key is password-protected, and click Upload. Alternatively, you can also copy-paste the private key into the Key field, provide the Password there, and click Set.
To add more certificate-key pairs, click and repeat the steps above.
To finish uploading certificates and keys to your private keystore, click Apply.
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