
Identity Manager 8.1.4 - Release Notes

Release Notes

One Identity Manager 8.1.4

Release Notes

20 October 2020, 11:19

These release notes provide information about the One Identity Manager release, version 8.1.4. You will find all the modifications since One Identity Manager version 8.1.3 listed here.

One Identity Manager 8.1.4 is a patch release with new functionality and improved behavior. See New features and Enhancements.

If you are updating a One Identity Manager version prior to One Identity Manager 8.1.3, read the release notes from the previous versions as well. You will find the release notes and the release notes about the additional modules based on One Identity Manager technology under One Identity Manager Support.

One Identity Manager documentation is available in both English and German. The following documents are only available in English:

  • One Identity Manager Password Capture Agent Administration Guide

  • One Identity Manager LDAP Connector for CA Top Secret Reference Guide

  • One Identity Manager LDAP Connector for IBM RACF Reference Guide

  • One Identity Manager LDAP Connector for IBM AS/400 Reference Guide

  • One Identity Manager LDAP Connector for CA ACF2 Reference Guide

  • One Identity Manager REST API Reference Guide

  • One Identity Manager Web Runtime Documentation

  • One Identity Manager Object Layer Documentation

  • One Identity Manager Composition API Object Model Documentation

  • One Identity Manager Secure Password Extension Administration Guide

You will find the current versions of the product documentation under One Identity Manager Documentation.


About One Identity Manager 8.1.4

One Identity Manager simplifies the process of managing user identities, access permissions and security policies. It gives control over identity management and access decisions to your organization, freeing up the IT team to focus on their core competence.

With this product, you can:

  • Implement group management using self-service and attestation for Active Directory with the One Identity Manager Active Directory Edition

  • Realize Access Governance demands cross-platform within your entire concern with One Identity Manager

Each one of these scenario specific products is based on an automation-optimized architecture that addresses major identity and access management challenges at a fraction of the complexity, time, or expense of "traditional" solutions.

Starling Cloud Join

Initiate your subscription within your One Identity on-prem product and join your on-prem solutions to our One Identity Starling cloud platform. Giving your organization immediate access to a number of cloud-delivered microservices, which expand the capabilities of your One Identity on-prem solutions. We will continuously make available new products and features to our Starling Cloud platform. For a free trial of our One Identity Starling offerings and to get the latest product feature updates, visit cloud.oneidentity.com.

New features

New features in One Identity Manager 8.1.4:

Basic functionality
  • New configuration option for detection and mail notification if the One Identity Manager Service stops processing queries.

    Use the new Common | MailNotification | NotifyAboutRequestStall configuration parameter to specify whether to send a notification. The configuration parameter is not set by default. Use the new Send notification when Job server is not requesting processes schedule for the rest of the configuration. The schedule configuration must match the Common | Jobservice | LoadedJobsTimeOut configuration parameter.

Target system connection
  • Support for One Identity Active Roles version 7.3.3, version 7.4.1, and version 7.4.3.

Identity and Access Governance

See also:


The following is a list of enhancements implemented in One Identity Manager 8.1.4.

Table 1: General


Issue ID

Extended the scope of SQL logging if SQL queries need to be repeated.


Exceptions that caused the SQL query retries are logged.


Improved testing of multiple name properties in password policies if the Name properties denied option is set.


Improved performance for various SQL functions.

33066, 33080

Improved performance transferring to the History Database.

33438, 33439

Reduced processing time in the DBQueue due to optimized setting of automatically generated calculation tasks.


Optimized internal database communication to coordinate processing of DBQueue Processor tasks. The volume of internal database messages (MessageBroker) has been reduced. In addition, using the same sort order, post-processing tasks with less succeeding tasks are prioritized over those with a lot of succeeding tasks to reduce the total number of tasks pending at the same time.


Table 2: General web applications


Issue ID

Improved performance determining the service items used for requests in the Web Portal.


In the Web Portal, empty date fields are now shown with an example value so that you can quickly identify the expected date format.


The following JavaScript libraries have been updated:

  • Bootstrap: Version 3.4.1

  • AngularJS: Version 1.7.9


Table 3: Target system connection


Issue ID

In the Manager, the general data form for target system types shows the AdditionalSystemTypes (Alternative connectors) column.


The SCIM connector supports SCIM provider cookies in REST queries.


The SAP connector supports setting of current passwords for login using Secure Network Communications (SNC) with Single Sign-On.

33455, 33461

Corrected SAP companies reference to SAP user account for SAP S/4HANA 2.0 support.

A patch with the patch ID VPR#32347 is available for synchronization projects.


Improved display of test results if the SCIM endpoint connection is tested in the system connection wizard for cloud applications.


Improved logging of native database connectors when establishing a database connection using the generic ADO.NET provider.


See also:

Resolved issues

The following is a list of solved problems in this version.

Table 4: General
Resolved issue Issue ID

Administrative users are missing permissions that allow information to be found in the dbo.sysjobhistory table about running database schedules through the SQL Server Agent.

To grant the permissions, run the following SQL statement in a suitable program.

use msdb


GRANT SELECT ON OBJECT::sysjobhistory TO [OneIMRole_<DatabaseName>]



Although the database is not encrypted, the encrypted option can be enabled for custom configuration parameters.


When copying permissions groups, an error occurs in the copy wizard: Copy started. Copy failed with following error: [810025] DialogColumnGroupRight: Write permission denied for value "CanEdit".


The QBMRelation invalid (QBM_FTRelationValidationInfo) consistency check is considered invalid if there is a table relation, added by Schema Extension, of a database view, type View, (for example Department to a table of type Base table (for example Basetree).


If the Skript (OnDiscarded) table script is completely empty, the Skript (OnDiscarding) table script does not run. The problem does not occur if there is something in the Script (OnDiscarded) table script, a comment for example.


A subscribed report with the Simple list report option does not contain a header.

From One Identity Manager version 8.0 onward, simple list reports are not created by the Export process task of the ReportComponent but by the CSVExportSingle process task of the ScriptComponent process component. During the conversion, the headers (parameter Header) were forgotten.

The RPS_ParseReportDefinitionXML script was amended. The RPS_RPSSubscription_Send_Report, RPS_RPSSubscriptionCC_Send_Report_to_CC, RPS_RPSSubscription_Store_Report, and RPS_RPSSubscriptionCC_Store_Report_for_CC processes were modified.


Maintenance tasks for rebuilding the table index (QBM-K-CommonReIndexTable) take a long time to run or fail due to the length of runtime, are retried and, therefore, never vanish from the DBQueue.

: The statistics update has been removed from the QBM-K-CommonReIndexTable task and stored in a new task called QBM-K-UpdateStatistics. The task does not update the statistics for each table individually but runs the stored procedure sp_updatestats. This improves the update's performance.


Running changes in parallel that were added to the DialogProcess table, potentially causes the error: VI.DB.DatabaseException: Database error 2627: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__DialogPr__2B66FD776487EDFB'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.DialogProcess'.


In version 8.1.x, it s not possible to log in to the Launchpad with the Active Directory user account (role-based) and Active Directory user account (manual input/role-based) authentication modules.


It is possible that a huge number of tasks for recalculating the approver (QER-K-ShoppingRackPWOHelperPWO-Cfg) occur in the DBQueue thus blocking other tasks.


In the Schema Editor, the ViewAddons tab disappears sporadically. You have to click back and forth in order to show the tab.


Tasks that persist for a long time in the DBQueue and are repeated again and again, disappear eventually from the DBQueue without being calculated.


An error occurs when granulated permissions are issued for objects that do not belong to the dbo schema: Cannot find the object 'MyTable', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.

Objects are now tested to check that they belong to the dbo schema when granulated permissions are issued. Objects foreign to the schema are not issued granulated permissions.


An error occurs during installation of the History Database in a managed instance in the Azure SQL Database: Database error 41906: Statement ‚BEGIN DISTRIBUTED TRANSACTION‘ is not supported in SQL Database Managed Instance.


Relatively small values in the Common | ProcessState | PackageSizeHDB configuration parameter are not taken into account when data is transferred to the History Database.


The Service account and Read-only options can be enabled at the same time for system users.

The behavior has been changed. The options cannot be enabled together anymore.


Error creating a custom form with the VI_Common_Assignment_Overview (FrmCommonAssignmentOverview) form definition.


In the dialog for an object's extended properties, the Permissions tab does not display the edit properties for the permissions groups correctly.


Errors can occur on saving additional view definitions (QBMViewAddOn) if so much data has already been saved in the view definition in the database so that the data is stored externally in the SQL Server (Blob (extern) is set).


If slots for the DBQueue Processor are being loaded because, according to the QBM | DBQueue | KeepAlive configuration parameter, the maximum lifetime has been reached, the number of messages of the following type written to the system log might increase:

#LDS#Dead slot resetted, number={0}, type = {1}, Task = {2}, code = {3}.| 4|DeadTest|<none>| 2|


The Tree level (TreeLevel) column in views derived from the BaseTree table, are not populated when new objects are added. For example, application roles.


Reports with historical data show inactive assignments as still being assigned. In the report, the Assigned until column is empty.


Table 5: General web applications

Resolved issue

Issue ID

In certain circumstances in the Web Portal, an error occurs opening large reports.


In the Web Portal, the text for justifying an approval about a pending request is populated with the text of a previous, completed approval.


Logging in to the Password Reset Portal using the link in the login email does not work.


Incorrect translation in the DialogMultiLanguage table causes an error when the password policy is used in the Password Reset Portal.

The following error occurs while compiling a web project: An error occurred while generating source code in <web project>. Error while generating code for configuration key: TableSearch_Person Object reference not set to an instance of an object. 33346
In the Web Portal, links in an object's details pane do not work. 33210

In certain circumstances, an error occurs updating the preview in the Web Designer.


In the Web Portal, the Delete all my delegations button on the Delegations page only deletes the first page of delegations.


In the Web Portal, group memberships that are indirectly assigned through child groups are not shown anymore.


In the Web Portal, if the approver of an attestation case does not grant approval and this leads to a product being unsubscribed, the recipient is shown incorrectly as the approver in the corresponding request's history.


In the Web Designer, you can set validity dates for all the products in a shopping cart. Products that already have a validity date or period are not taken into account in this case.

In the Web Portal, when you edit the shopping cart, the Replace already specified dates box option is now available for both Valid from and Valid until. You can apply this option to all the products in the shopping cart regardless of the dates set individually on a product.


In the Web Portal, when a product is being renewed, it is possible to extend the validity of a product beyond its permitted limit.


In the Web Portal, an error occurs if a request approver initially sets the wrong expiry date but then corrects it.


In certain circumstances in the Web Portal, new subscriptions are incorrectly deleted during editing.


Tabs on the monitor page of the Web Portal do not contain any information.


In certain circumstances, the search in the Web Portal does not find the search object.


In certain circumstances, the application server quits unexpectedly when an indexing instance is started.


When charts are displayed in the Web Portal, an error if all those to be displayed are deselected using the chart filter.


An error occurs while compiling the API Designer if a relative path is used in the .config file.


If the Web Portal is connected directly to the database, there are heavy delays and long load times.


If you open the <WebPortal>/ae.axd page to test the connection to the Web Portal, a new session is set up.


An error occurs if you request a product in the Web Portal and the request is subsequently canceled through the request history.


Table 6: Target system connection

Resolved issue

Issue ID

Memberships that have been added to One Identity Manager but not yet provisioned are marked as pending by a synchronization running at the same time.


When using the Database Transporter to import a synchronization project, the Do not change the start up configuration settings import option is not taken into account if it is enabled. Changes to the start configuration and to variables are overwritten in the target database.


If a membership is added to the One Identity Manager that has been previously deleted during target system synchronization, the change is not provisioned in the target system.


Under certain circumstances, when provisioning object properties, memberships of the affected objects in the target system are completely replaced with the memberships that exist in One Identity Manager, even though single provisioning of memberships is configured. This leads to changes made directly in the target system being overwritten.

The error occurs when schema properties dependent on an M:N property are to be provisioned. Due to the dependency, the memberships are also provisioned. If there is no membership operation in the DPRMembershipAction table at this time, the complete membership list is transferred.


If script variables are used in a variable set, the values of the default variable set are written to the synchronization log for the script variables instead of the values of the used variable set. During synchronization, the correct variable values are used.

Only the logging of the script variables is incorrect. Only logging of the script variables is incorrect.


Under the following conditions, the transport package for a synchronization project cannot be imported:

  • The synchronization project already exists in the target database.

  • The source project does not contain all the objects referenced in the target project.

This causes an FK violation.

When transporting synchronization projects, the table relations' Ignore in superset handling property is not taken into account. The Database Transporter tries to delete referenced objects that exist in the target database but are missing in the transport package.


Error provisioning new memberships that have been deleted again in the One Identity Manager database (XOrigin='0') before the provisioning process for the new additions has been completed.


If single provisioning of memberships is configured for different custom target system types, several entries in the DPRMemberShipAction table are generated each time a membership is changed. One entry is created per target system type for which merge mode is set in the UNSAccountBInUNSGroupB table. However, only one entry is expected for the target system type containing the modified membership.


In the Synchronization Editor, if maintenance of synchronization buffers is started manually, an error message appears, which says that the DPR_MaintainDataStore process cannot be generated.


Error opening a synchronization project in the Synchronization Editor with a user that only has read permissions: Write permission denied for values: EditedBy, EditedSince.

When the Synchronization Editor opens a synchronization project, it writes the current user and time to the project and saves it in the One Identity Manager database (DRPShell table). This function prevents loss of data by informing other users, who try to open the same synchronization project, that it is already in use. However, the Synchronization Editor does not check if the current user has write permissions for this table.


In the synchronization log, an object is logged as modified. However, no change is logged for an object property although the synchronization log is configured such that modified properties and values are logged.

If the modified object property contains a secret value or the NULL, this change is not written to the synchronization log.

Solution: Logging has been altered. Secret values are logged as <hidden> and NULL values are logged as <null>.


Property mapping rules with a restricted direction of mapping and the addition Ignore mapping direction restraint on insert, do not work if synchronizing in the direction of the target system.


Certain Objects cannot be loaded during synchronization with a native database system. The following error message appears: No suitable key property found for reloading!

The value of the key property corresponds to the default value of the respective data type. For example, if the primary key has the Integer data type and a value of 0, the native database connector interprets it as empty and does not use the value to select the object.


SQL error synchronizing with the native database connector if, in the connection configuration to the external database, a pattern-based strategy for running data operations is defined and a referenced column name contains a space character.

Solution: The database connector uses the ScriptSafeIdentifier. Column names with special characters are now referenced if the special character is replaced by an underscore. Special characters are everything apart from letters, numbers and underscore.

Example: Insert Into MyTab([ColPK],[Col Spaces]) Values(%ColPK%, %Col_Spaces%)


New objects cannot be loaded during synchronization with a native database system. This error message appears: Unable to create the primary key where clause for system object ...


Error setting up a synchronization project for a CData ADO.NET Provider database with the native database connector. The error only occurs if the driver version 2020 is used.


The synchronization templates for Oracle E-Business Suite and SCIM add the reference scope with a German display name.

Patches with patch IDs VPR#33259_SCIM and VPR#33259_EBS are available for synchronization projects.


Error writing objects with the SCIM connector if the target system does not support queries with the Expect: 100-continue HTTP header option. The query is answered with HTTP status 417 Exception failed. The SCIM connector identifies this as an error and ends the process.


If a complex schema property is defined in the SCIM connector schema, its child schema properties might not be return by the SCIM connector. Thus the schema property are missing in the Synchronization Editor. For example, in the target system's schema view in the MappingEditor.


If a complex schema property is marked as a mandatory property in the SCIM schema, provisioning fails because a mandatory property is not mapped.


Error synchronizing with the SCIM connector if the id schema property of an object is a compulsory field.

In One Identity Manager, the id schema property is labeled as read-only in adherence with the SCIM specification. If the custom schema extension of the id schema property is added to an object as writeable, the property is still mapped as read-onlyin the One Identity Manager's extended schema. Therefore, in the object's PUT request, the id is not transferred. The SCIM provider responds with the error Missing required attribute [id].


Error provisioning memberships if the SCIM provider supports the PATCH method.

An error occurs in SCIM when writing the members~vrtIDandType virtual schema property, which should distribute individual values to the members~type and members~value child schema properties.


The SCIM connector does not properly state that a SCIM provider does not supports filters. System filters can be defined in the synchronization project. However, this is not effective if the SCIM connector accesses the target system.


In One Identity Manager you can create Active Directory objects that differ only in diacritical characters (for example ê, ü). This is not permitted in Active Directory. A process step with the status Frozen is created because this object already exists in the Active Directory.


The home and profile directory of an Active Directory user account are deleted immediately once the user account is marked for deletion.

33202, 33092

In Manager, if you open the master data form for several Active Directory groups selected by multi-select and open the Account manager drop-down menu on the form, then the program no longer reacts.


If an Active Directory schema in an existing synchronization project is updated after it was created by a project template, all the schema types that were not already saved in the schema are missing the contents from the calculated schema properties AuxiliaryClasses, ContainerClasses, AllSuperClasses, and AllSearchClasses.


Assigning an Active Directory computer to a device does not queue a ADS-K-ADSMachineInADSGroup recalculation task. This means that groups inherited through the device are not assigned to the computer.


On the master data form for Active Directory user accounts, the control for the Dial-up permitted property is always enabled, even if the user only has read-only access to the property. The value can be changed and saving does not cause an error. However, the changes are not saved.


The type testing for loading Active Directory object is too strict.


Error assigning an employee to an Active Directory user account if the user account has a linked Microsoft Exchange mailbox without being linked to a user account (EX0Mailbox.UID_ADSAccountLinkedMaster).


The contact data of an Azure Active Directory user account with an Exchange Online mailbox can only be maintained if the mailbox is of recipient type User Mailbox (UserMailbox).


Error synchronizing Azure Active Directory groups that are assigned to Azure Active Directory administrator roles.

To correct this issue, a member filter that only includes user accounts has been defined in the DirectoryRole mapping. A patch with the patch ID VPR#33399 is available for synchronization projects.


Exchange Online synchronization fails when updating telephone numbers of Exchange Online mail users linked to an Azure Active Directory user account of type Guest.

A patch with the patch ID VPR#33476 is available for synchronization projects.


The columns O3EDynDL.Notes, O3EMailContact.Notes, O3EMailUser.Notes, and O3EUnifiedGroup.Notes are too short.


Error message insufficient when parsing the distinguished name (DistinguishedName) of an LDAP object. The failed object does not appear in the message.


Error loading SAP user accounts if SAP client salutations are defined that are identical in more than one language. The salutation references cannot be resolved.

A patch with the patch ID VPR#33147 is available for synchronization projects.

33147, 33447

In the Synchronization Editor, if you open the target system browser for a connected SAP R/3 environment and select a single object in any result list, no object properties are displayed.


When extending the SAP schema with a schema extension file, no error is detected if the OutStructure attribute in a function definition has the correct data type BAPIRET2, but the name of the SAP structure is not RETURN, RETURN0 or BAPIRET2.


If different tables are used in the schema type definition of a schema extension file for calling the object list or calling single objects, SAP R/3 only accesses the tables with the ListObjectsDefinition attribute when setting up the schema and loading objects.


SAP roles are labeled as deleted or outstanding by synchronization if the same role is inherited both as single role and through a collective role as well. This happens when the TargetSystem | SAPR3 | KeepRedundantProfiles is set.


The overview form for an SAP role does not show which IT Shop shelves the role is assigned to.


During synchronization with an SAP R/3 environment, the error messages in the synchronization log multiply if Continue on error is set in the synchronization project.


If a change to the salutation in an SAP user account is provisioned, the Check Properties SAP check fails. This happens if the SAP R/3 connector accesses the target system during provisioning using a login language other than the original language of the salutation.

A patch with the patch ID VPR#33423 is available for synchronization projects.


If an employee's central password is changed in One Identity Manager, this employee's SAP user account is locked.


If a connection to IBM Notes cannot be established immediately because another process is already using the system, the connection waits for the process to end and a warning is issued if it cannot connect while waiting. To issue the warning, access is required to a property of a Domino Server that cannot be reached. The follow error occurs: "Domino server not connected."


If the TargetSystem | NDO | MailBoxAnonymPre configuration parameter is not set, Notes user accounts are not anonymous when they are locked. If these user accounts are later unlocked, the NDO_NDOUserInGroup_ChangeNamesOn(un)Lock process is run although the full names of the user accounts have not been changed.


Table 7: Identity and Access Governance

Resolved issue

Issue ID

Under certain circumstances, the QER_Person_Publish_CentralPassword process runs several times in parallel for the same object. This may happen if passwords have been changed several times within a One Identity Manager Service processing interval for this Job server. In this case, several of these processes are in the queue at the same time and are processed simultaneously.

To enforce the correct processing order, the QER_Person_Publish_CentralPassword process step in the Publish password to all accounts process has been changed from the ScriptExec process function to the ScriptExecExclusive process function.


Error calculating the attestor in the ATT_PAttestationHelperFill procedure.

Although no regular attestor can be found for a decision step, the attestation case is not transferred to the fallback approvers. The decision step is automatically denied. This happens if the QER | Attestation | PersonToAttestNoDecide configuration parameter is set and the employee being attested is found to be the only attestor.


Incorrect approvers are determined by the Attestation of assignments to system entitlements (including Active Directory) approval workflow. Target system managers are determined for Active Directory groups and product owners for all other system entitlements. However, it should be the other way round.


During calculated approval, the reason text defined in the approval step (Approval reason or Reject reason) is not entered in the attestation case. Instead, the standard reason text of "Automatic system approval with method CD..." is used.

The ATT_ZAttestationMakeDecisionCD SQL procedure has been corrected.


If attestation cases for permanently disabled employees are automatically closed, the reason for the approval decision remains unchanged. Therefore, you do not know the reason why it was closed.

The ATT_TUPerson trigger was changed. Closed attestation cases now have the following reason text: "Automatic system approval: Case closed due to employee becoming inactive."


In the case of an approval step, if there is more than one entry for the same employee in the AttestationHelper table, let us say, as an attestor and as a chief approval team, it is possible, during delegation of an approval, that a member of the chief approval team delegates their responsibility and the employee can still make approvals as a regular attestor of attestation cases.


Deadlocks can occur if entries are deleted in the auxiliary table for request procedures (PWOHelpPWO table) after an approval procedure is complete. Deletion tasks are queued in both in the Job queue and in the DBQueue for the same closed request. These conflict.


The Azure Active Directory > Basic configuration data > Target system type menu item (AzureAD.BasicInformation.DPRNameSpace) does not show the Exchange Online target system type.


The ATT-K-AttestationHelper-Cfg task reoccurs far too frequently in the DBQueue. This effect is further amplified by migrating to One Identity Manager 8.1.2. This causes a heavy load on the DBQueue, which means that other tasks are not processed promptly.

By changing employee assignments and updating One Identity Manager, the QER-K-AllForPersonInBaseTree task is queued per employee in the DBQueue. This leads to a recalculation of the ATT-K-AttestationHelper-Cfg task for each employee and queues this task for every pending attestation case.

The ATT_PAttestationHelperFillAll and QBM_ZRecalculate procedures are modified such that ATT-K-AttestationHelper-Cfg tasks are not queued more than once in the DBQueue for the same attestation case.


Sometimes assigned requests are canceled after the product is moved to another shop although the employee is still a customer in the new shop.


If the timeout is exceeded, approval steps are not automatically approved as long as the timeout is still valid for a member of the chief approval team.


If the employee has a lot of watch operations, the front-end (for example, the Manager or the Report Editor) unexpectedly quits when the Overview with business roles and user accounts (incl. history) report opens.


Table 8: IT Service Management

Resolved issue

Issue ID

If the QBM | WorkingHours | IgnoreWeekend configuration parameter is set, the default working hours from countries and states are not taken into account.


See also:

ライセンスアシスタンス の取得
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