
Identity Manager 8.1.4 - Administration Guide for Connecting to SAP R/3

Managing SAP R/3 environments Setting up SAP R/3 synchronization Basic data for managing an SAP R/3 environment Basic data for user account administration SAP systems SAP clients SAP user accounts SAP groups, SAP roles, and SAP profiles SAP products Providing system measurement data Reports about SAP systems Configuration parameters for managing an SAP R/3 environment Default project templates for synchronizing an SAP R/3 environment Referenced SAP R/3 table and BAPI calls Example of a schema extension file

Customizing the synchronization configuration

Having used the Synchronization Editor to set up a synchronization project for initial synchronization of an SAP client, you can use the synchronization project to load SAP objects into the One Identity Manager database. If you manage user accounts and their authorizations with One Identity Manager, changes are provisioned in the SAP environment.

You must customize the synchronization configuration to be able to regularly compare the database with the SAP R/3 environment and to synchronize changes.

  • To use One Identity Manager as the master system during synchronization, create a workflow with synchronization in the direction of the Target system.
  • To specify which SAP objects and database objects are included in synchronization, edit the scope of the target system connection and the One Identity Manager database connection. To prevent data inconsistencies, define the same scope in both systems. If no scope is defined, all objects will be synchronized.
  • You can use variables to create generally applicable synchronization configurations that contain the necessary information about the synchronization objects when synchronization starts. Variables can be implemented in base objects, schema classes, or processing methods, for example.
  • Use variables to set up a synchronization project for synchronizing different clients. Store a connection parameter as a variable for logging in to the clients.
  • Update the schema in the synchronization project if the One Identity Manager schema or target system schema has changed. Then you can add the changes to the mapping.
  • Add your own schema types if you want to synchronize data, which does not have schema types in the connector schema.

IMPORTANT: As long as a synchronization process is running, you must not start another synchronization process for the same target system. This especially applies, if the same synchronization objects would be processed.

  • If another synchronization process is started with the same start up configuration, the process is stopped and is assigned Frozen status. An error message is written to the One Identity Manager Service log file.

    • Ensure that start up configurations that are used in start up sequences are not started individually at the same time. Assign start up sequences and start up configurations different schedules.

  • Starting another synchronization process with different start up configuration that addresses same target system may lead to synchronization errors or loss of data. Specify One Identity Manager behavior in this case, in the start up configuration.

    • Use the schedule to ensure that the start up configurations are run in sequence.

    • Group start up configurations with the same start up behavior.

For more detailed information about configuring synchronization, see the One Identity Manager Target System Synchronization Reference Guide.

Detailed information about this topic

How to configure SAP R/3 synchronization

The synchronization project for initial synchronization provides a workflow for initial loading of target system objects (initial synchronization) and one for provisioning object modifications from the One Identity Manager database to the target system (provisioning). To use One Identity Manager as the master system during synchronization, you also require a workflow with synchronization in the direction of the Target system.

To create a synchronization configuration for synchronizing SAP R/3

  1. Open the synchronization project in the Synchronization Editor.

  2. Check whether existing mappings can be used for synchronizing the target system. Create new maps if required.
  3. Create a new workflow with the workflow wizard.

    This creates a workflow with Target system as its synchronization direction.

  4. Create a new start up configuration. Use the new workflow to do this.
  5. Save the changes.
  6. Run a consistency check.

Related topics

Configuring synchronization of different clients


  • The target system schema of both clients are identical.
  • All virtual schema properties used in the mapping must exist in the extended schema of both clients.

To customize a synchronization project for synchronizing another client

  1. Prepare a user account with sufficient permissions for synchronizing in the other client.
  2. Open the synchronization project in the Synchronization Editor.

  1. Create a new base object for the other clients. Use the wizard to attach a base object.

    • In the wizard, select the SAP connector and declare the connection parameters. The connection parameters are saved in a special variable set.

      A start up configuration is created that uses the newly created variable set.

  2. Change other elements of the synchronization configuration as required.

  3. Save the changes.
  4. Run a consistency check.

Related topics

Updating schemas

All the schema data (schema types and schema properties) of the target system schema and the One Identity Manager schema are available when you are editing a synchronization project. Only a part of this data is really needed for configuring synchronization. If a synchronization project is finished, the schema is compressed to remove unnecessary data from the synchronization project. This can speed up the loading of the synchronization project. Deleted schema data can be added to the synchronization configuration again at a later point.

If the target system schema or the One Identity Manager schema has changed, these changes must also be added to the synchronization configuration. Then the changes can be added to the schema property mapping.

To include schema data that have been deleted through compression and schema modifications in the synchronization project, update each schema in the synchronization project. This may be necessary if:

  • A schema was changed by:

    • Changes to a target system schema

    • Customizations to the One Identity Manager schema

    • A One Identity Manager update migration

  • A schema in the synchronization project was shrunk by:

    • Enabling the synchronization project

    • Saving the synchronization project for the first time

    • Compressing a schema

To update a system connection schema

  1. Open the synchronization project in the Synchronization Editor.

  2. Select the Configuration | Target system category.

    - OR -

    Select the Configuration | One Identity Manager connection category.

  3. Select the General view and click Update schema.

  4. Confirm the security prompt with Yes.

    This reloads the schema data.

To edit a mapping

  1. Open the synchronization project in the Synchronization Editor.

  2. Select the Mappings category.

  3. Select a mapping in the navigation view.

    Opens the Mapping Editor. For more detailed information about mappings, see the One Identity Manager Target System Synchronization Reference Guide.

NOTE: The synchronization is deactivated if the schema of an activated synchronization project is updated. Reactivate the synchronization project to synchronize.

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