
Identity Manager 8.1.5 - Administration Guide for Connecting to Exchange Online

Managing Exchange Online environments Setting up Exchange Online synchronization Basic data for managing an Exchange Online environment Configuration parameters for managing an Exchange Online environment Default project template for Exchange Online Editing system objects

Users and permissions for synchronizing with Exchange Online

The following users are involved in synchronizing One Identity Manager with Exchange Online.

Table 2: Users for synchronization
User Permissions
User for accessing Exchange Online You must provide a user account with the following authorizations for full synchronization of Exchange Online objects with the supplied One Identity Manager default configuration.
  • Member of the Organization Management role group

  • Member of the Recipient management role group


  • Take into account the password expiry date of the user account for synchronization. Expired passwords will cause synchronization issues.

    You can disable password expiration for the user account in One Identity Manager. For more information, see the One Identity Manager Administration Guide for Connecting to Azure Active Directory.

  • User accounts for accessing Exchange Online are not allowed to use multifactor authentication.

One Identity Manager Service user account

The user account for One Identity Manager Service requires permissions to carry out operations at file level. For example, assigning permissions and creating and editing directories and files.

The user account must belong to the Domain users group.

The user account must have the Login as a service extended user permissions.

The user account requires access permissions to the internal web service.

NOTE: If One Identity Manager Service runs under the network service (NT Authority\NetworkService), you can issue access permissions for the internal web service with the following command line call:

netsh http add urlacl url=http://<IP address>:<port number>/ user="NT AUTHORITY\NETWORKSERVICE"

The user account needs full access to the One Identity Manager Service installation directory in order to automatically update One Identity Manager.

In the default installation, One Identity Manager is installed under:

  • %ProgramFiles(x86)%\One Identity (on 32-bit operating systems)
  • %ProgramFiles%\One Identity (on 64-bit operating systems)
User for accessing the One Identity Manager database

The Synchronization default system user is provided to execute synchronization with an application server.

Necessary access permissions explained

The user account used for synchronizing required the following roles:

  • Organization management

    Administrators, who are members of the Organization Management role group, have administrative access to the entire Exchange Online organization and can perform almost any task against any Exchange Online object. However, some exceptions apply, such as Discovery Management.

  • Recipient management

    Administrators who are members of the Recipient Management role group have administrative access to create or modify Exchange Online recipients within the Exchange Online organization.

To assign permissions through the Microsoft Online Portal

NOTE: This method requires assigning an Office 365 license to the user account for synchronization.

  1. Navigate to https://portal.microsoftonline.com and log in as administrator.

    This takes you to the Office 365 welcome page.

  2. Click the Administrator tile to open the Admin Center portal.

  3. Select Admin Center > Exchange from the menu on the left-hand side.
    This takes you to the Exchange Admin Center.

  4. In the menu on the left, click Permissions.

  5. Select Recipient Management and click edit.

  6. Add the user account for synchronization to the Members list.

  7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for the Organization Management role.

NOTE: If the synchronization user account does not appear in the list of members, you can allocate the permissions through Windows PowerShell as described below.

Installing the Exchange Online PowerShell V2 module

The Exchange Online connector uses Exchange Online PowerShell V2 module to access data in Exchange Online.

For more information about prerequisites and installation of the Exchange Online PowerShell V2 module, see the Exchange Online PowerShell V2 module documentation from Microsoft.

  • The Exchange Online PowerShell V2 module must be installed on the synchronization server.

  • If Exchange Online is accessed directly from the workstation on which Synchronization Editor is installed, the Exchange Online PowerShell V2 module must also be installed on this workstation.

  • If direct access from the workstation to Exchange Online is not possible, you can set up a remote connection server. The Exchange Online PowerShell V2 module must be installed on the remote connection server.

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Setting up the synchronization server

To set up synchronization with an Exchange Online environment, a server has to be available that has the following software installed on it:

  • Windows operating system

    Following versions are supported:

    • Windows operating system version 8.1. or later
    • Windows Server 2012
    • Windows Server 2012 R2
    • Windows Server 2016
  • Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.7.2 or later

    NOTE: Take the target system manufacturer's recommendations into account.
  • Windows Management Framework 4.0

  • One Identity Manager Service, Exchange Online connector
    • Install One Identity Manager components with the installation wizard.
      1. Select the Select installation modules with existing database option.
      2. Select the Server | Job server | Exchange Online machine role.

IMPORTANT: The Exchange Online connector uses Exchange Online PowerShell V2 module to access data in Exchange Online. The Exchange Online PowerShell V2 module must be installed on the synchronization server.

All One Identity Manager Service actions are executed against the target system environment on the synchronization server. Data entries required for synchronization and administration with the One Identity Manager database are processed by the synchronization server. The synchronization server must be declared as a Job server in One Identity Manager.

NOTE: If several target system environments of the same type are synchronized under the same synchronization server, it is recommended that you set up a Job server for each target system for performance reasons. This avoids unnecessary swapping of connections to target systems because a Job server only has to process tasks of the same type (re-use of existing connections).

Use the One Identity Manager Service to install the Server Installer. The program executes the following steps:

  • Sets up a Job server.

  • Specifies machine roles and server function for the Job server.

  • Remotely installs One Identity Manager Service components corresponding to the machine roles.

  • Configures the One Identity Manager Service.

  • Starts the One Identity Manager Service.

NOTE: To generate processes for the Job server, you need the provider, connection parameters, and the authentication data. By default, this information is determined from the database connection data. If the Job server runs through an application server, you must configure extra connection data in the Designer. For detailed information about setting up Job servers, see the One Identity Manager Configuration Guide.

NOTE: The program performs a remote installation of the One Identity Manager Service. Local installation of the service is not possible with this program. Remote installation is only supported within a domain or a trusted domain.

To remotely install the One Identity Manager Service, you must have an administrative workstation on which the One Identity Manager components are installed. For detailed information about installing a workstation, see the One Identity Manager Installation Guide.

To remotely install and configure One Identity Manager Service on a server

  1. Start the Server Installer program on your administrative workstation.

  2. On the Database connection page, enter the valid connection credentials for the One Identity Manager database.

  3. On the Server properties page, specify the server on which you want to install the One Identity Manager Service.

    1. Select a Job server from the Server menu.

      - OR -

      To create a new Job server, click Add.

    2. Enter the following data for the Job server.

      • Server: Name of the Job server.

      • Queue: Name of the queue to handle the process steps. Each One Identity Manager Service within the network must have a unique queue identifier. The process steps are requested by the Job queue using this unique queue identifier. The queue identifier is entered in the One Identity Manager Service configuration file.

      • Full server name: Full server name in accordance with DNS syntax.


        <Name of servers>.<Fully qualified domain name>

      NOTE: You can use the Extended option to make changes to other properties for the Job server. You can also edit the properties later with the Designer.

  4. On the Machine roles page, select Exchange Online.

  5. On the Server functions page, select Exchange Online connector (via Windows PowerShell).

  6. On the Service Settings page, enter the connection data and check the One Identity Manager Service configuration.

    NOTE: The initial service configuration is predefined. If further changes need to be made to the configuration, you can do this later with the Designer. For detailed information about configuring the service, see the One Identity Manager Configuration Guide.

    • For a direct connection to the database:

      1. Select Process collection | sqlprovider.

      2. Click the Connection parameter entry, then click the Edit button.

      3. Enter the connection data for the One Identity Manager database.

    • For a connection to the application server:

      1. Select Process collection, click the Insert button and select AppServerJobProvider.

      2. Click the Connection parameter entry, then click the Edit button.

      3. Enter the connection data for the application server.

      4. Click the Authentication data entry and click the Edit button.

      5. Select the authentication module. Depending on the authentication module, other data may be required, such as user and password. For detailed information about the One Identity Manager authentication modules, see the One Identity Manager Authorization and Authentication Guide.

  7. To configure remote installations, click Next.

  8. Confirm the security prompt with Yes.

  9. On the Select installation source page, select the directory with the install files.

  10. On the Select private key file page, select the file with the private key.

    NOTE: This page is only displayed when the database is encrypted.

  11. On the Service access page, enter the service's installation data.

    • Computer: Name or IP address of the server that the service is installed and started on.

    • Service account: User account data for the One Identity Manager Service.

      • To start the service under the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM account, set the Local system account option.

      • To start the service under another account, disable the Local system account option and enter the user account, password and password confirmation.

    • Installation account: Data for the administrative user account to install the service.

      • To use the current user’s account, set the Current user option.

      • To use another user account, disable the Current user option and enter the user account, password and password confirmation.

    • To change the install directory, names, display names, or description of the One Identity Manager Service, use the other options.

  12. Click Next to start installing the service.

    Installation of the service occurs automatically and may take some time.

  13. Click Finish on the last page of the Server Installer.

    NOTE: In a default installation, the service is entered in the server’s service management with the name One Identity Manager Service.

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Preparing the administrative workstation for accessing Exchange Online

To configure synchronization with a Synchronization Editor appliance in Exchange Online, One Identity Manager must load the data directly from Exchange Online. If Exchange Online is accessed directly from the workstation on which the Synchronization Editor is installed, the following software must also be installed on this workstation:

  • Windows PowerShell version 5 or later

  • Exchange Online PowerShell V2 module

If direct access from the workstation to Exchange Online is not possible, you can set up a remote connection server.

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