To implement a One Identity Manager database or a One Identity Manager History Database on a SQL Server or a managed instance in Azure SQL Database, you are provided with SQL Server logins and database users for administrative users, configuration users and end users. Permissions at server and database level are matched to suit the user's tasks.
For detailed information about users and their permissions, see the One Identity Manager Installation Guide and the One Identity Manager Data Archiving Administration Guide.
For more information about minimum access level for One Identity Manager tools, see the One Identity Manager Authorization and Authentication Guide.
If you select an existing database connection in the connections dialog, the access level of the login to be used is shown in a tooltip.
Some user interfaces expect configuration user permissions at least. Logging in as an end user is not possible in this case.
To find the access level of the logged in user
To display user information, double-click the icon in the program status bar 
On the System user tab, in the SQL access level field, you will see the access level for the current login. The access levels displayed are End user, Configuration user, Administrative user, System administrator, and Unknown.
Related topics
Table 14: Configuration parameters for logging in the system journal
Common | Journal |
General parameter for configuring the system journal. |
Common | Journal | LifeTime |
Maximum retention time in days for a system journal entry in the database. Older entries are deleted from the database. |
Common | Journal | LifeTime | D |
Retention time in days for messages with the Debug information level. |
Common | Journal | LifeTime | E |
Retention time in days for messages with the information Error level. |
Common | Journal | LifeTime | I |
Retention time in days for messages with the Info information level. |
Common | Journal | LifeTime | T |
Retention time in days for messages with the Trace information level. |
Common | Journal | LifeTime | W |
Retention time in days for messages with the Warning information level. |
Common | Journal | Delete |
Configuration of deletion behavior for system messages. |
Common | Journal | Delete | BulkCount |
Number of entries to be deleted in any operation. |
Common | Journal | Delete | TotalCount |
Total number of entries to be deleted in any processing run. |
Messages in the system journal are regularly deleted by the DBQueue Processor.
To delete log entries in the system journal
In the Designer, enable the Common | Journal | LifeTime configuration parameter and enter the maximum retention period for the entries in the system journal. Use the configuration subparameters to specify the retention time for each information level.
If there is a large amount of data, you can specify the number of objects to delete per DBQueue Processor operation and run in order to improve performance. To do this, use the Common | Journal | Delete | BulkCount and Common | Journal | Delete | TotalCount configuration parameters.
For more information about editing processes and process steps, see the One Identity Manager Configuration Guide.
To log error in process handing in the system journal
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