
Identity Manager 9.3 - Administration Guide for Connecting to Microsoft Teams

About this guide Managing Microsoft Teams environments Synchronizing a Microsoft Teams environment Mapping Microsoft Teams objects in One Identity Manager Basic data for managing a Microsoft Teams environment Configuration parameters for managing a Microsoft Teams environment Default project template for Microsoft Teams Editing Microsoft Teams system objects Known issues about connecting Microsoft Teams

Assigning Microsoft Teams teams to Microsoft Entra ID user accounts

Teams can be directly or indirectly assigned to Microsoft Entra ID user accounts through Microsoft 365 groups. All members of the Microsoft 365 group are members of the team.

In the case of indirect assignment, identities and Microsoft 365 groups are assigned to hierarchical roles, such as departments, cost centers, locations, or business roles. The Microsoft 365 groups assigned to an identity are calculated from the position in the hierarchy and the direction of inheritance. If you add an identity to roles and that identity owns a Microsoft Entra ID user account, the Microsoft Entra ID user account is added to the Microsoft 365 group.

Furthermore, Microsoft 365 groups can be requested through the Web Portal. To do this, add identities to a shop as customers. All Microsoft 365 groups are assigned to this shop can be requested by the customers. Requested Microsoft 365 groups are assigned to the identities after approval is granted.

Through system roles, Microsoft 365 groups can be grouped together and assigned to identities and workdesks as a package. You can create system roles that contain only Microsoft 365 groups. You can also group any number of company resources into a system role.

To react quickly to special requests, you can assign Microsoft 365 groups directly to Microsoft Entra ID user accounts.

For more information about Exchange Online Microsoft 365 groups, see the One Identity Manager Administration Guide for Connecting to Exchange Online.

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Adding Microsoft Teams teams automatically to the IT Shop

The following steps can be used to automatically add Microsoft Teams teams to the IT Shop. Synchronization ensures that the teams are added to the IT Shop through their Microsoft 365 groups.

For more information about Exchange Online Microsoft 365 groups, see the One Identity Manager Administration Guide for Connecting to Exchange Online.

To add Microsoft Teams teams automatically to the IT Shop

  1. In the Designer, set the QER | ITShop | AutoPublish | O3TTeam configuration parameter.

  2. In order not to add teams to the IT Shop automatically, in the Designer, set the QER | ITShop | AutoPublish | O3TTeam | ExcludeList configuration parameter.

    This configuration parameter contains a listing of all teams that should not be allocated to the IT Shop automatically. You can extend this list if required. To do this, enter the name of the groups in the configuration parameter. Names are listed in a pipe (|) delimited list. Regular expressions are supported.

  3. Compile the database.

The teams and their Microsoft 365 groups are added automatically to the IT Shop from now on.

The following steps are run to add a group to the IT Shop.

  1. A service item is determined for the teams' Microsoft 365 group.

  2. The service item is assigned to the Microsoft Entra ID groups | Microsoft 365 groups in Microsoft Teams default service category.

  3. An application role for product owners is determined and assigned to the service item.

    Product owners can approve requests for membership in these teams and their Microsoft 365 groups. The default product owner is the Microsoft 365 group's owner.

  4. The Microsoft 365 group is labeled with the IT Shop option and assigned to the Microsoft Teams groups or Microsoft 365 groups IT Shop shelf in the Identity & Access Lifecycle shop.

Then the shop customers can use the Web Portal to request memberships in the teams and their Microsoft 365 groups.

NOTE: When a team is irrevocably deleted from the One Identity Manager database, the associated service item is also deleted.

For more information about configuring the One Identity Manager IT Shop Administration Guide, see the IT Shop. For more information about requesting access requests in the Web Portal, see the One Identity Manager Web Portal User Guide.

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Displaying members of Microsoft Teams teams

A team is linked to an Exchange Online Microsoft 365 group. All members of the Microsoft 365 group are members of the team. In order for users to use Microsoft Teams, you need a Microsoft Teams service plan. For more information about Microsoft Teams, see the Microsoft Teams documentation from Microsoft.

To display the members of a team

  1. In the Manager, select the Microsoft Entra ID > Teams category.

  2. Select the team in the result list.

  3. Select the Microsoft Teams team overview task.

    This displays the following information about the members of a team:

    • Members: Displays the team members that own a Microsoft Teams service plan. These members can use Microsoft Teams.

    • Members without service plan 'Teams': Displays the team members that do not have a Microsoft Teams service plan. These members cannot use Microsoft Teams.

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Displaying owners of Microsoft Teams teams

A team is linked to an Exchange Online Microsoft 365 group. The owners of the Microsoft 365 group are owners of the team.

The team's owners see the team's channels in Microsoft Teams. Limited information is available for private channels. For more information about Microsoft Teams, see the Microsoft Teams documentation from Microsoft.

To show all the owners of a team

  1. In the Manager, select the Microsoft Entra ID > Teams category.

  2. Select the team in the result list.

  3. Select the Microsoft Teams team overview task.

  4. In the header of the Microsoft 365 groups form element, click on the group's name.

    This opens the team's Microsoft 365 group. On the Microsoft 365 group overview form, you can see the owners.

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