
Identity Manager 9.3 - Administration Guide for Connecting to Exchange Online

About this guide Managing Exchange Online environments Synchronizing an Exchange Online environment
Setting up Exchange Online synchronization Customizing the synchronization configuration Running synchronization Tasks following synchronization Troubleshooting Ignoring data error in synchronization Pausing handling of target system specific processes (Offline mode)
Basic data for managing an Exchange Online environment Exchange Online organization configuration Exchange Online mailboxes Exchange Online mail users Exchange Online mail contacts Exchange Online mail-enabled distribution groups
Creating Exchange Online mail-enabled distribution groups Editing main data for Exchange Online mail-enabled distribution groups Main data for Exchange Online mail-enabled distribution groups Receive restrictions for Exchange Online mail-enabled distribution groups Customizing send permissions for Exchange Online mail-enabled distribution groups Specifying moderators for Exchange Online mail-enabled distribution groups Specifying Exchange Online mail-enabled distribution groups Assigning Exchange Online mail-enabled distribution groups to Exchange Online recipients Exchange Online mail-enabled distribution group inheritance based on categories Adding Exchange Online dynamic distribution groups to Exchange Online mail-enabled distribution groups Adding an Exchange Online dynamic distribution group to Exchange Online mail-enabled distribution groups Adding Exchange Online mail-enabled public folder to Exchange Online mail-enabled distribution groups Assigning extended properties to Exchange Online mail-enabled distribution groups Deleting Exchange Online mail-enabled distribution groups
Exchange Online Microsoft 365 groups Exchange Online dynamic distribution groups Exchange Online mail-enabled public folders Reports about Exchange Online objects Configuration parameters for managing an Exchange Online environment Default project template for Exchange Online Editing Exchange Online system objects Exchange Online connector settings

General main data for Exchange Online mailboxes

Enter the following general main data.

Table 13: Mailbox general main data
Property Description


Identity using the mailbox.

No link to an identity required

Specifies whether the mailbox is intentionally not assigned an identity. The value is determined from the linked user account.

Not linked to an identity

Indicates why the No link to an identity required option is enabled for this mailbox. The value is determined from the linked user account. Possible values:

  • By administrator: The option was set manually by the administrator.

  • By attestation: The user account was attested.

  • By exclusion criterion: The user account is not associated with an identity due to an exclusion criterion. For example, the user account is included in the exclude list for automatic identity assignment (configuration parameter PersonExcludeList).

Microsoft Entra ID tenant

The Microsoft Entra ID tenant’s name.

Microsoft Entra ID user account

Microsoft Entra ID user account that uses this mailbox.


Name of the mailbox.

Display name

Name as used in the address book.

Simple display

Simple display name for systems that cannot interpret all the characters of normal display names.

Phonetic display name

Display name in phonetic letters. It is used if the pronunciation and spelling of the name do not match. For example, the display name is used to sort recipients in the hierarchical address book if no sort order is given. They are sorted in ascending order from A to Z.

If no phonetic name is given, they are sorted by the display name.

Sort order

Specifies the order in which to display recipients in the hierarchical address book. The larger the value, the higher the ranking in the sort order.

If no order is given or more than one entries have the same sort order, recipients are sorted by their phonetic display name.

User ID

User ID for the user to log in to the mailbox.




Unique email alias for identifying the mailbox.

Proxy addresses

Email addresses for the mailbox. You can also add other mail connectors (for example, CCMail, MS) in addition to the standard address type (SMTP, X400).

Use the following syntax to set up other proxy addresses:

Address type: new email address

Recipient type (detail)

Type of mailbox. Available mailboxes are: User, Room, Equipment, Shared, and Discovery.

Do not display in address list

Specifies whether the mailbox is visible in address books. Set this option if you want to prevent the mailbox from being displayed in address books. This option applies to all address books.

Risk index (calculated)

Maximum risk index value of all assigned groups. The property is only visible if the QER | CalculateRiskIndex configuration parameter is set. For more information, see the One Identity Manager Risk Assessment Administration Guide.


Categories the mailbox uses to inherit groups. Groups can be selectively inherited by mailboxes. To do this, the groups and mailboxes are divided into categories. Select one or more categories from the drop-down.

Groups can be inherited

Specifies whether the mailbox can inherit groups through the identity. If the option is set, the mailbox inherits groups through hierarchical roles, in which the identity is a member, or through IT Shop requests.

  • If you add an identity with a mailbox to a department, for example, and you have assigned groups to this department, the mailbox inherits these groups.

  • If an identity has requested group membership in the IT Shop and the request is granted approval, the identity's mailbox only inherits the group if the option is set.

Send and forward

Specifies whether to send and forward messages. Set this option to send messages to alternative recipients and mailbox owners.

Alternative recipient

Alternative recipient to which messages from this mailbox are forwarded. You can either enter an alternative recipient, a recipient group or a receive folder.

To specify an alternative recipient

  1. Click next to the field.

  2. Select the table under Table which maps the recipient.

  3. Select the recipient under Alternative recipient.

  4. Click OK.

Sender authentication required

Specifies whether authentication data is requested from senders. Set this option to prevent anonymous senders mailing to the mailbox.

Moderation enabled

Specifies whether the mailbox is moderated. Use the Assign moderators task to specify the moderators. Then enable the option.

Sending message

Specifies how senders are notified when they send messages to moderated mailbox. Permitted values are:

  • Do not notify: The sender is not notified.

  • Only notify senders in your exchange organization: Only internal senders receive a notification.

  • Notify all senders: Internal and external senders receive notification.

Message read status tracking enabled

Specifies whether this mailbox can show the read status of sent messages.

Related topics

Limits and usage of Exchange Online mailboxes

The following information is displayed on the Usage tab.

Table 14: Limits for a mailbox
Property Description

Last login

Last time this mailbox was logged in to. This is determined during synchronization and cannot be edited.

Last logout

Last time this mailbox was logged out of. This is determined during synchronization and cannot be edited.

Last logged in user account

Name of the user account that was used for the last login. This data is determined through synchronization and cannot be edited manually.

Storage limit status

Information about the current storage state with respect to the specified limits. This data is determined through synchronization and cannot be edited manually.

Number of saved messages

Stored message count This data is determined through synchronization and cannot be edited manually.

Associated items count

Number of associated elements in this mailbox. This is determined during synchronization and cannot be edited.

Used disk space [byte]

Used disk space in bytes. This data is determined through synchronization and cannot be edited manually.

Recoverable items count

Number of items in the Recoverable items folder. This data is determined through synchronization and cannot be edited manually.

Size of recoverable items

Size of messages in the Recoverable items folder. This data is determined through synchronization and cannot be edited manually.

Use default database values

Specifies whether the mailbox database limits are used. This data is determined through synchronization and cannot be edited manually.

Option set: Mailbox database limits are in use.

Option not set: Mailbox database limits are not in use.

Max. recoverable items

Maximum number of messages allowed in a folder in the Recoverable items folder. This data is determined through synchronization and cannot be edited manually.

Warn at [recoverable items]

Number of items a folder in the Recoverable items folder can contain before a warning is sent to the user. This data is determined through synchronization and cannot be edited manually.

Keep deleted items [days]

Number of days the deleted objects (email message for example) remain on the server before being removed.

Rules quota [KB]

Limit on the number of rules.

Prohibit transfer at [KB]

Size of mailboxes in KB above which, sending, and receiving messages is prohibited.

Prohibit send at [KB]

Size of mailboxes in KB above which, sending messages is prohibited. If this size is exceeded the user is sent a message that messages must be deleted in the archive mailbox. The user is not able to send more messages until the size of the mailbox has been reduced.

Warn at [KB]

Maximum size in MB of the mailbox. If this size is exceeded the user is sent a warning that messages must be deleted in the archive mailbox.

Policies and features of Exchange Online mailboxes

Enter the following main data on the Features tab.

Table 15: Mailbox features
Property Description

Sharing policy

Sharing policy which applies for this mailbox.

Role assignment policy

Role assignment policy that applies to this mailbox.

Mobile device mailbox policy

Mobile device mailbox policy that applies to this mailbox.

Outlook Web App mailbox policy

Outlook Web App mailbox policy that applies to this mailbox.

Retention policy

Retention policy applying to this mailbox.

Outlook Web App enabled

Specifies whether the Microsoft Outlook Web App feature is enabled. Office Outlook Web App allows mailbox access over the web browser.

Mobile access

Specifies whether mobile devices can access the mailbox.

Exchange Web Services enabled

Specifies whether the mailbox can be accessed through Exchange Web Services.

IMAP4 enabled

Specifies whether IMAP4 access is enabled.

POP3 enabled

Specifies whether POP3 access is enabled.

MAPI enabled

Specifies whether MAPI access is enabled. MAPI allows mailbox access through a MAPI client, like Outlook.

Calendar repair disabled

Specifies whether it is possible to prevent calendar elements in the mailbox from being repaired by the Calendar Repair Assistant.

Calendar version disabled

Specifies whether it is possible to prevent changes to the calendar being entered in the mailbox.

Archiving enabled

Specifies whether a personal archive is created for this mailbox. Set this option if you want to set up a personal archive for this mailbox.

Archive name

Name of the archive.

Litigation hold

Specifies whether mailbox retention is mandatory.

Put on hold by

The user that enabled litigation hold.

Hold date

Date that litigation hold starts for this mailbox.

Comment for litigation hold

Additional comment with more information to keep the user informed, when the Litigation hold option is set. This data is displayed to the user in Outlook.

Website for litigation hold

Website or document with more information to keep the user informed, when the Litigation hold option is set. This data is displayed to the user in Outlook.

Retention policy hold during this period

Specifies whether retention policy is temporary halted during this period. Set this option if the policy for retention hold needs to be temporarily deferred, for example, during vacation. Specify the time period using the Start date and End date fields.

Start date

Start date on which to hold the retention policy.

End date

Date on which to end the retention policy hold.

Audit logging enabled

Specifies whether mailbox audit logging is enabled for this mailbox.

Log administrator actions

Specifies the mailbox operations that are logged for administrators as part of audit logging.

For more information about mailbox audit logging and the mailbox actions that are logged, see the Microsoft documentation.

Log deputy actions

Specifies the mailbox operations that are logged for deputies as part of audit logging.

For more information about mailbox audit logging and the mailbox actions that are logged, see the Microsoft documentation.

Log owner actions

Specifies the mailbox operations that are logged for owners as part of audit logging.

For more information about mailbox audit logging and the mailbox actions that are logged, see the Microsoft documentation.

Keep audit log entries [days]

Maximum age for audit log entries in a mailbox. Log entries that are older than the limit are deleted.

Related topics

Booking resources for Exchange Online equipment mailboxes and Exchange Online room mailboxes

You can configure booking and planning of resources for equipment and room mailboxes.

On the Booking options tab, enter the following main data.

Table 16: Main data for booking resources
Property Description

Resource capacity

Resource capacity, for example, the number of seats in a meeting room.

Enable Calendar Attendant

Specifies whether the Resource Booking Attendant is enabled for device mailboxes and room mailboxes so that booking requests can be processed automatically.

Permitted values are:

  • Calender Attendant not enabled: The calendar attendant is not activated.

  • Calender Attendant enabled: The calendar attendant is activated.

  • Resource booking attendant enabled: The resource booking attendant is automatically enabled for mailboxes of type Room.

Allow reoccurring requests

Specifies whether a series of meetings is allowed.

Request only possible during working hours

Specifies whether the resource can be booked during working hours or outside them, as well.

Reject repeated meeting after max. planning period

Specifies whether booking series can be set up beyond the planning period.

Max. booking window [days]

Maximum planning period for meeting request in days.

Max. duration [min]

Maximum time allowed booking the resource.

Booking permissions for everyone

Specifies whether meeting requests conforming to policy are automatically approved for all users.

If this option is not set, use Assign booking permissions to specify individual users who can send requests conforming to policy, which are automatically approved.

Booking permissions for everyone

Specifies whether all users can send booking requests that conform to policy.

If this option is not set, use Assign in-policy meeting request permissions to specify individual users who can send requests which are policy non-conform.

Out-of-policy request permissions for everyone

Specifies whether all user can send meeting requests that do not conform to policy.

If this option is not set, use Assign out-of-policy meeting request permission to specify individual users who can send requests which are policy non-conform.

Allow conflicts

Specifies whether conflicting meeting requests are allowed.

Max. series conflicts [%]

Threshold in percent for the permitted conflicts of meetings series that overlap with other meetings. If this value is exceeded, the series request is denied.

Max. conflicting instances

Maximum conflicts permitted for meeting series which overlap with other meetings. If the value is exceeded, the series request is denied.

Forward meeting requests

Specifies whether meeting requests are forwarded to the resource mailbox deputy managers. The deputy decides about the meeting request.

Permit meeting requests from external senders

Specifies whether meeting requests from external senders are entered in the calendar.

Add organizer's name to subject

Specifies whether the organizer's name is given in the meeting request's subject field.

Inform organizer about declined meeting request

Specifies whether the organizer is sent information when a meeting request is declined because of conflicts.

Send additional information about rejected request

Specifies whether additional information is sent in response to a meeting request. Enter the additional information in the Additional information input field.

Additional data

Additional information for responding to meeting requests.

Remove attachments from meeting requests

Specifies whether attachments are deleted from meeting requests.

Remove comments from meeting requests

Specifies whether message text is deleted from meeting requests.

Remove subject from meeting requests

Specifies whether the subject is deleted from meeting requests.

Only retain calendar meetings

Specifies whether elements that do not belong the calendar are deleted.

Response details enabled

Specifies whether the reasons for accepting or decline a meeting are added to the response email.

New meeting requests are marked with the status "tentative".

Specifies whether meeting requests are automatically entered in the calendar with the Tentative status.

Mark meeting requests as "Tentative"

Specifies whether meeting requests are marked with Tentative status in the calendar. If this option is disabled, meeting requests are marked with the Free status.

Remove "private" flag from accepted meeting

Specifies whether the Private status is deleted from meeting requests.

Delete expired meeting requests

Specifies whether to automatically delete messages to other attendees about forwarded meetings. These messages are moved to the Deleted items folder.

Delete expired meeting requests

Specifies whether to automatically delete old meeting requests from the calendar.

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