After you have entered the master data, you can run the following tasks.
After you have entered the master data, you can run the following tasks.
To obtain an overview of a shopping center
In the Manager, select the IT Shop | IT Shop category
Select the shopping center template in the result list.
Select the Shopping center overview task.
To obtain an overview of a shop
In the Manager, select the IT Shop | IT Shop or the IT Shop | IT Shop | <shopping center> category.
Select the shop in the result list.
Select the Shop overview task.
To obtain an overview of a shelf
In the Manager, select the IT Shop | IT Shop | <shop> or the IT Shop | IT Shop | <shopping center> | <shop> category.
Select the shelf in the result list.
Select the Shelf overview task.
You can assign approval policies to a shopping center, shops, and shelves. These are applied to all request from this IT Shop structure if a child IT Shop structure or the requested service items are not assigned to approval policies. The approval policy that takes effect on the IT Shop structure is shown in the overview.
To assign an IT Shop structure to an approval policy.
In the Manager, select the IT Shop | IT Shop or the IT Shop | IT Shop | <IT Shop Structure> category.
Select the IT Shop structure in the result list.
Select the Assign approval policies task.
In the Add assignments pane, assign the approval policies.
TIP: In the Remove assignments pane, you can remove approval policy assignments.
To remove an assignment
Select the approval policy and double-click .
Assign a shelf those company resources that the shop customers are permitted to request as products. These company resources are added as product nodes below the shelf. You can only select those company resources that are labeled with the IT Shop option and to which a service item is assigned.
To assign company resources, select one of the tasks in the task view. The tasks are only shown if the Assignments permitted and Direct assignment permitted options are enabled for the IT Shop structure role class.
To assign company resources as products to a shelf
In the Manager, select the IT Shop | IT Shop | <shop> or the IT Shop | IT Shop | <shopping center> | <shop> category.
Select the shelf in the result list.
Select the Assign <company resource> task.
In the Add assignments pane, assign company resources..
TIP: In the Remove assignments pane, you can remove company assignments.
To remove an assignment
Select the company resource and double-click .
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