
Identity Manager 8.1.5 - Report Subscriptions Administration Guide

Configuration parameters for subscribable reports

The following configuration parameters are additionally available in One Identity Manager after the module has been installed.

Table 12: Configuration parameter for report subscriptions
Configuration parameter Meaning


Preprocessor relevant configuration parameter for controlling model components for report subscriptions. If the parameter is set, the report subscription components are available. Changes to this parameter require the database to be recompiled.

QER | RPS | DefaultReportTemplate

This configuration parameter contains the report to use for creating simple list reports.

QER | RPS | DefaultSenderAddress

This configuration parameter contains the sender email address for automatically generated notifications.

QER | RPS | MailTemplateIdents

Mail template names are defined under this configuration parameter which are used in association with report subscriptions.

QER | RPS | MailTemplateIdents | InformCC

Mail template used for sending email notification to a report's subscriber (CC). The report is sent as attachment.

QER | RPS | MailTemplateIdents | InformSubscriber

Mail template used for sending email notification to a report's subscriber. The report is sent as attachment.

QER | RPS | MailTemplateIdents | StoredOnServer

Mail template used for sending email notification to a report's subscriber. The report is stored on the server.

QER | RPS | MailTemplateIdents | StoredOnServerForCC

Mail template used for sending email notification to a report's subscriber (CC). The report is stored on the server.

QER | RPS | StoreSubscription

This configuration parameter specifies whether subscribed reports are stored in a directory rather than being sent by mail.

QER | RPS | SubscriptionStorageLifeTime

This configuration parameter specifies the maximum retention period (in days) that a report is available on the drop server. After this period, reports are deleted.

QER | RPS | SubscriptionStorageShare

Configuration parameter containing the path for storing the subscribed reports.

Syntax: | | <Server> | <Share>

Technical details for inheriting subscribable reports

An employee can directly obtain subscribable reports. An employee also inherits all subscribable reports (including those passed on) of all roles in which they are a member (PersonIn<BaseTree> table) and the subscribable reports of all roles referenced through foreign key relations (Person table, UID_<BaseTree> column). Assignments of subscribable reports to roles are saved in the <BaseTree>HasRPSReport table.

Subscribable reports can be inherited by system roles. For more detailed information, see the One Identity Manager System Roles Administration Guide.

Direct and indirect assignments of subscribable reports to employees are mapped in the PersonHasRPSReport table.

Figure 4: Inheritance with direct assignment of subscribable reports to employees

Figure 5: Inheritance with indirect secondary assignment of subscribable reports to employees

Figure 6: Inheritance with indirect primary assignment of subscribable reports to employees


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