Property | Meaning |
Name |
Name of the process step. |
Process task |
Process task to run for the process component. When you select a process task you define which action is run by the process step. The process task parameter templates are copied to the process step as parameters. This means that every process step that uses this process task can pass other parameter values. The original is not altered. |
Description |
Additional description of a process step. |
Priority |
The priority sets the precedence in the Job queue for adding and processing the process step. The values 1 to 15 are allowed. The higher the value, the sooner the process step will be processed. |
Priority definition |
VB.Net expression for determining the priority depending on the contents of the process. If a process step contains a script for dynamically determining the priority, the script is used. Otherwise, a predefined priority is set. Example: Password changes to a user account should be run with a higher priority (in the example 7), changes to other main data with priority 3. If $UserPassword[o]$ <> $UserPassword$ Then Value = 7 Else Value = 3 NOTE: The field is not visible when you open the process step in the Process Editor. Click |
Process information |
Specifies whether this process is logged. Logging is performed depending on the Common | ProcessState | ProgressView configuration parameter. Permitted values are:
Process information term |
VB.Net expression for displaying the display name in the process view. |
Depth of detail |
Severity level for mapping process information. |
Notification (success) |
Specifies whether notification is sent on success. |
Notification (error) |
Specifies whether notification is sent on error. |
Pre-script for generating |
The pre-script is run before other scripts are run. You can find global variables with a pre-script or define process specific variables that can then be used within the process, for example, in generating conditions, sever selection scripts or parameters. |
Generating condition |
Define a condition in VB.Net syntax for the process step, which is used to decide whether the process step is generated. If a generating condition is given, the process step is only generated if the condition is fulfilled. |
Preprocessor condition |
You can specify a preprocessor condition for a process step for conditional compiling. A process step is, therefore, only available if the preprocessor condition is fulfilled. |
Disabled by preprocessor |
If a process step is disabled by a preprocessor condition, the option is set by the Database Compiler. |
Server function |
Specifies the server types for this process step. Specifies the permitted server types for this process step. The selection must lead to a unique result, for example SQL processing Server. |
Script for server selection |
If it is not possible for the Job Generator to decide which server to use based on the server function, you can use a selection script in syntax for more a detailed evaluation. |
Wait mode on error |
If a specific condition is not fulfilled at a particular point in the process step, One Identity Manager Service can repeat the process step. Setting this option results in the process step being re-run depending on latency and retries. |
Latency (mins) |
Latency period in minutes. Number of minutes a process step, if it has failed, is deferred until the next retry. |
Retries |
Number of retries. |
Split processing |
Process steps that are only required for branching the process are labeled with this option. An example could be a process step that checks for the existence of a directory. Depending on the result returned, the next step to be processed is either the next step on success or the next step on error, without generating an error message. |
Ignore errors |
Specifies whether runtime errors are ignored. In this case the following process step is still carried out despite the previous step not being correctly processed. |
Stop on error |
If an error occurs when a process step is processed, the process step remains in the job queue and is given the Frozen status. In this case, no more process steps are collected for processing and they remain in the Job queue. You can re-enable the process steps that have the Frozen status in Job Queue Info program. For more information, see the One Identity Manager Process Monitoring and Troubleshooting Guide. If the Common | MailNotification | NotifyAboutWaitingJobs configuration parameter is enabled, an email notification sent is sent in addition if processes with the Frozen status occur, and a corresponding entry is generated in the event log of the update server. Prerequisites for using the notification system is an SMTP host set up for sending mail and activation of the configuration parameter for mail notification. Process steps that are generated by SQL from the database, can always be labeled with the Stop on error option. You can configure this behavior in the Common | DBJobCreateWithFreeze configuration parameter. |
Log errors to journal |
If this option is set, the error message from process handling is logged to the system journal. Error messages from process handling can be recorded in the process history. |
Log mode |
You can enable an extended logging mode for process step messages in Job Queue Info. Use this logging mode to provide individual processing steps with continuous extended logging. Use the Always value to log the messages of the process step on success and on failure. Use the value Error to log the messages of the process step on failure only. |
Process History |
Specifies whether process step notification is written to the process history. |
DBQueue does not wait |
Specifies whether or not to wait until the process step has been processed before continuing to process DBQueue Processor tasks. It is only necessary to wait for process steps if a process step could change data that is relevant to the DBQueue Processor tasks. |
Related topics
- Checking the validity of a process
- Specifying the executing server
- Notifications about process step handling
- Using process-specific and global variables for the process definition
- Overview of process components
- Logging process information during process handling
- Conditional compilation using preprocessor conditions
- Visual Basic .NET scripts usage