Installation user
The installation user is required for the initial setup of a One Identity Manager database using the Configuration Wizard.
Administrative user
The administrative user is used by components of One Identity Manager that require authorizations at server level and database level, for example, the Configuration Wizard, the DBQueue Processor, or the One Identity Manager Service.
Configuration user
The configuration user can run configuration tasks within the One Identity Manager, for example, creating customer-specific schema extensions or working with the Designer. Configuration users need permissions at the server and database levels.
End users
End users are only assigned permissions at database level in order, for example, to complete tasks with the Manager or the Web Portal.
For more information about minimum access levels for One Identity Manager tools, see the One Identity Manager Authorization and Authentication Guide.
Permissions for installation users
The server administrator set up when Azure SQL was deployed has the administrative permissions to directly install and use a One Identity Manager database. Likewise, the granulated permissions concept can be enabled by this user.
If this user cannot be used, an SQL login and database user must be provided with the following permissions.
master database:
Member of the loginmanager database role
The permissions are required to create the necessary database users for the administrative user.
One Identity Manager database:
Member of the db_owner database role
This database role is required for installing the schema with the Configuration Wizard in an existing database or for updating the schema.
Permissions for administrative users
During the installation of the One Identity Manager database with the Configuration Wizard, the following principal elements and permissions are created for the administrative user:
SQL Server:
OneIMAdminRole_<DatabaseName> server role
alter any server role permissions
The permissions are required to create the server role for the configuration user.
view any definition permissions
The permissions are required to link the SQL logins for the configuration user and the end user with the corresponding database users.
<DatabaseName>_Admin SQL login
Member of the OneIMAdminRole_<DatabaseName> server role
view server state permissions with the with grant option option and alter any connection permissions with the with grant option option.
The permissions are required to check connections and close these if necessary.
master database:
OneIMRole_<DatabaseName> database role
Run permissions for the xp_readerrorlog procedure
The permissions are required to find out information about the database server's system status.
- OneIM_<DatabaseName> database user
Member of the OneIMRole_<DatabaseName> database role
The database user is assigned to the <DatabaseName>_Admin SQL login.
One Identity Manager database:
Admin database user
Member in db_owner database role
The database role is required to update a database with the Configuration Wizard.
The database user is assigned to the <DatabaseName>_Admin SQL login.
Permissions for configuration users
During the installation of the One Identity Manager database with the Configuration Wizard, the following principal elements and permissions are created for configuration users:
SQL Server:
OneIMConfigRole_<DatabaseName> server role
view server state and alter any connection permissions
The permissions are required to check connections and close these if necessary.
<DatabaseName>_Config SQL login
Member of the OneIMConfigRole_<DatabaseName> server role
One Identity Manager database:
OneIMConfigRoleDB database role
Create Procedure, Delete, Select, Create table, Update, Checkpoint, Create View, Insert, Run, and Create function permissions for the database
Config database user
Member of the OneIMConfigRoleDB database role
The database user is connected with the <DatabaseName>_Config SQL login.
Permissions for end users
The following principals are created with the permissions for end users during the installation of the One Identity Manager database with the Configuration Wizard:
SQL Server:
<DatabaseName>_User SQL login
One Identity Manager database:
OneIMUserRoleDB database role
Insert, Update, Select, and Delete permissions for selected tables in the database
View Definition permissions for the database
Run and References permissions for individual functions, procedures, and types
User database user
Member of the OneIMUserRoleDB database role
The database user is connected with the <DatabaseName>_User login.