
One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions 6.14 - Administration Guide

Preface Introduction The concepts of One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS)
The philosophy of One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) Policies Credential Stores Plugin framework Indexing Supported protocols and client applications Modes of operation Connecting to a server through One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) Archive and backup concepts Maximizing the scope of auditing IPv6 in One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) SSH host keys Authenticating clients using public-key authentication in SSH The gateway authentication process Four-eyes authorization Network interfaces High Availability support in One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) Versions and releases of One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) Accessing and configuring One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS)
Cloud deployment considerations The Welcome Wizard and the first login Basic settings
Supported web browsers and operating systems The structure of the web interface Network settings Configuring date and time System logging, SNMP and e-mail alerts Configuring system monitoring on SPS Data and configuration backups Archiving and cleanup Using plugins Forwarding data to third-party systems Starling integration
User management and access control Managing One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS)
Controlling One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS): reboot, shutdown Managing One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) clusters Managing a High Availability One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) cluster Upgrading One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) Managing the One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) license Accessing the One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) console Sealed mode Out-of-band management of One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) Managing the certificates used on One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS)
General connection settings HTTP-specific settings ICA-specific settings MSSQL-specific settings RDP-specific settings SSH-specific settings Using Sudo with SPS Telnet-specific settings VMware Horizon View connections VNC-specific settings Indexing audit trails Using the Search interface Advanced authentication and authorization techniques Reports The One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) REST API One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) scenarios Troubleshooting One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS)
Network troubleshooting Gathering data about system problems Viewing logs on One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) Changing log verbosity level of One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) Collecting logs and system information for error reporting Collecting logs and system information of the boot process for error reporting Support hotfixes Status history and statistics Troubleshooting a One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) cluster Understanding One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) RAID status Restoring One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) configuration and data VNC is not working with TLS Configuring the IPMI from the BIOS after losing IPMI password Incomplete TSA response received Using UPN usernames in audited SSH connections
Using SPS with SPP Configuring external devices Using SCP with agent-forwarding Security checklist for configuring One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) Jumplists for in-product help Configuring SPS to use an LDAP backend Glossary

Digitally signing audit trails

One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) can digitally sign the audit trails to prevent the manipulation of the audit trail files. This requires an X.509 certificate and also the private key of the certificate. Note that SPS can generate a private key that you can use to create a certificate, but SPS itself cannot create the certificate used to sign the audit trails.

To enable the digital signing of the audit trails

  1. Configure the signing interval. You have to repeat these steps for each protocol (HTTP, ICA, RDP, SSH, Telnet, and VNC) you want to configure:

    Figure 184: <Protocol name> Control > Global Options — Configuring the signing interval

    1. In the protocol control settings, navigate to Global Options > Timestamping (for example, SSH Control > Global Options > Timestamping).

    2. Set the Signing interval. You can choose any value between 10 and 100 000 seconds.

      NOTE: The same interval setting applies to timestamping and signing.

    3. Click .

  2. Navigate to Policies > Audit Policies and select the audit policy you will use in your connections.

    Figure 185: Policies > Audit Policies — Signing audit trails

    TIP: By default, every connection uses the built-in default audit policy. Unless you use a custom audit policy, modifying the default audit policy will affect every audited channel of the connections passing through One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS).

  3. Select the Enable signing option.

  4. Upload a certificate and the corresponding private key to SPS.

  5. Click . SPS will automatically sign the audit trails of every connection that is audited and uses this audit policy.

  6. Repeat the above steps for other audit policies if needed.

Verifying certificates with Certificate Authorities

One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) can check the validity of certificates using the certificates and certificate-revocation lists of the certificate authorities that issued the certificates. This can be used for example to verify the certificates of the servers in SSH/RDP connections.

To create a list of CA certificates to use during the certificate validation

  1. Navigate to Policies > Trusted CA Lists and click to create a new list.

    Figure 186: Policies > Trusted CA Lists — Creating trusted CA lists

  2. Enter a name for the CA list into the topmost field.

  3. Click in the Certificate field, and upload the certificate of the Certificate Authority (CA) that will be used to validate the certificates.

  4. Enter the URL of the Certificate Revocation List of the CA into the CRL field. Certificates appearing on the CRL list will be automatically rejected.

    NOTE: Note that only X.509 CRLs are accepted in either PEM and DER format. PKCS7 CRLs are not accepted.


    From SPS version 6.5.0, SPS verifies the signature and the expiration on the Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) configured at Policies > Trusted CA Lists. The CRLs must be signed by the same Certificate Authority for which it was uploaded. If the validation of the remote CRL fails (or when the remote CRL is unavailable), an alert is generated. Despite the alert, SPS still updates the active CRL with the remote CRL unless the previously downloaded CRL local copy is still valid. Note that it is a security issue if it is not possible to validate the signature on the CRL. If the local copy of the CRL expires, connections that rely on the Trusted CA may fail.

    In conjunction with this change, if the remote CRL is specified as a HTTPS URL, the web server certificate is no longer verified before the download.

    CRL refresh is implemented as a background service running hourly. Therefore if the problem with the remote CRL persists, you may get alerts every hour.

  5. To further limit which certificates are accepted, you may use the following options:

    • Strict hostname check: Select this option to accept only certificates when the Common Name of the certificate contains the hostname or the IP address of the host showing the certificate.

    • Use DNS to lookup hostnames: Select this option to use the domain name server set on Basic Settings > Network > Naming to resolve the hostnames and IP addresses for certificate validation. If you have enabled the Strict hostname check option, you probably want to enable this option as well.

    • To restrict the accepted certificates based on the content of the certificate, enter the required value into the appropriate field of the User certificate validation section. For example, to accept only certificates that contain Example Inc. in their Organization Name field, enter Example Inc. in to the Organization Name field. In the Common name, E-mail address, and Alternative e-mail address fields you can use the $username macro to refer to the username used in the connection. This macro makes it possible to check that the user is using his own certificate.

  6. Click .

Verifying certificates with Certificate Authorities using trust stores

One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) can check the validity of certificates using the certificates and certificate revocation lists of the certificate authorities (CA) that issued the certificates. This can be used to verify the certificates of the servers in TLS connections.

Trust stores serve as local certificate storages where you can store the certificate chains of trusted CAs. Create and configure custom trust stores to verify the certificates in TLS connections. Note that you cannot modify the built-in trust store, which contains common CA certificates that the operational system of SPS uses.

You can use custom trust stores in the following locations:


To specify cipher settings and version requirements that SPS uses for establishing TLS connections in the Cryptography Settings section, navigate to Basic Settings > Trust Stores.

Figure 187: Basic Settings > Trust Stores — Cryptography settings

Cipher strength specifies the cipher string OpenSSL will use. The following settings options are possible:

  • Recommended: this setting only uses ciphers with adequate security level.

  • Custom: this setting allows you to specify the list of ciphers you want to permit SPS to use in the connection. This setting is only recommended to ensure compatibility with older systems. For more details on customizing this list, check the 'openssl-ciphers' manual page on your SPS appliance.

    For example: ALL:!aNULL:@STRENGTH

Minimum TLS version specifies the minimal TLS version SPS will offer during negotiation. The following settings options are possible:

  • TLS 1.2: this setting only offers TLS version 1.2 during the negotiation. This is the recommended setting.

  • TLS 1.1: this setting offers TLS version 1.1 and later versions during the negotiation.

  • TLS 1.0: this setting offers TLS version 1.0 and later versions during the negotiation.

Maximum TLS version specifies the maximal TLS version SPS will offer during negotiation. The following settings options are possible:

  • TLS 1.2: this setting will only offer TLS version 1.2 during negotiation. This is the recommended setting.

  • TLS 1.1: this setting will offer TLS version 1.1 and later versions during negotiation.

  • TLS 1.0: this setting will offer TLS version 1.0 and later versions during negotiation.

  • Latest: this setting will offer the latest TLS version during negotiation.

NOTE: Note that SPS only permits TLS-encrypted connections. SSLv3 is not supported.

NOTE: TLS 1.1 and 1.2 support for Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1) and for Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 2 (SP2) is not available by default. For more information about the requirements and process of enabling this feature, click here or contact our Support Team.

To create a custom trust store or edit an existing custom trust store

  1. Navigate to Basic Settings > Trust Stores.

    Figure 188: Basic Settings > Trust Stores

  2. In the Custom trust stores section, click Add new Trust Store. To change the settings of an existing trust store, click Edit.

    The Add new trust store or Edit trust store window opens.

    Figure 189: Basic Settings > Trust Stores — Add new trust store

  3. In the Trust Store Name field, enter a name for the trust store. For example ts1.

  4. To add the certificate of the CA to the trust store that will be used to validate the certificates, click Add certificate. The Add certificate window opens.

  5. Paste or drag the PEM certificate file to the Key content field. You can also click Browse to navigate to the PEM certificate file on your computer.

    Figure 190: Basic Settings > Trust Stores — Add certificate

    • You will have to upload all the CA certificates from the users' certificate chains (including the root CA). Therefore, these CA certificates must be available on your computer in PEM format.

    • The certificates of the users must contain the user name used to authenticate on SPS. You must know which certificate field will contain the user names (for example, CN or UID).

    • The certificates must be imported into the browsers of the users. SPS offers the possibility to authenticate with a certificate only if a personal certificate is available in the browser.


    You can only upload a single PEM certificate.

    You cannot upload multiple PEM certificates in a single file.

    To upload more PEM certificates, add them as single entities one by one.

  6. Click Add.

  7. Set the revocation check type for the trust store.

    • None: Do not check certificate revocation status.

    • Leaf: Check the revocation status of the peer's certificate, but do not check the revocation status of the CA certificates in the chain.

    • Full: Check the revocation status of the peer's certificate and all CA certificates in the chain.

  8. If you set the revocation check type to Leaf or Full, click Add new CRL URL to specify the CRL distribution point(s) of the CA that issued the peers' certificates.

    1. Enter the URL of the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) of the CA into the CRL URL field. Certificates appearing on the CRL list will be automatically rejected.

    2. Click Remove to remove a CRL distribution point from the trust store.

  9. Click Save and close the window.

  10. To delete a certificate from a trust store, click Edit to open the Edit trust store window, click on the certificate, and click Delete.
  11. To delete a trust store, click Edit to open the Edit trust store window, and click Delete.
  12. Click .

Signing certificates on-the-fly

At a number of places, One Identity Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) can generate the server certificates on the fly. This technique is used for example in SSL-encrypted RDP sessions, RDP sessions that use Network Level Authentication (CredSSP), or SSH connections that use X.509-based authentication.

NOTE: Note the following points about using signing CAs:

  • Signing CAs require a CA certificate permitted to sign certificates, and also the corresponding private key.

  • These CAs cannot be used to sign audit trails. For details on how to configure the certificates used to sign audit trails, see Digitally signing audit trails.

  • The version of the generated certificates will be the same as the version of the signing CA.

  • SPS ignores the CRL (from the crlDistributionPoints extension) of the signing CA when generating certificates. If you want to include a CRL in the generated certificates, you must set it manually. See the following steps for details.

To create a signing CA using the built-in signing CA solution

  1. Navigate to Policies > Signing CAs and click .

  2. Select Local.

  3. Enter a name for the CA into the topmost field.

    Figure 191: Policies > Signing CAs — Creating Signing CAs - Local

  4. To upload a CA certificate and its private key, complete the following steps. Skip this step if you want to generate a CA on SPS.

    1. Click Edit in the CA X.509 certificate field and upload the certificate of the certificate authority. Alternatively, you can upload a certificate chain, where one member of the chain is the CA that will sign the certificates.

    2. Click Edit in the CA private key field and upload the private key of the certificate authority that will sign the certificates.

    3. (Optional) Enter the URL of the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) that you generated using your Certificate Authority in your Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) solution. The URL pointing to this CRL will be included in the certificate. This is the CRL information that will be shown to clients connecting to SPS.

      Note that the CRL list is not generated by the internal CA of SPS. The list must come from your own PKI solution.

    4. Click .

  5. To generate a CA certificate on SPS, complete the following steps:

    1. Enter the Common Name for the CA certificate into the Common Name field. This name will be visible in the Issued By field of the certificates signed by this CA.

    2. Fill the other fields as required, then click Generate private key and certificate.

    3. Click .

To create a signing CA using an external signing CA plugin

  1. Navigate to Policies > Signing CAs and click .

  2. Select External Plugin.

  3. Enter a name for the CA into the topmost field.

    Figure 192: Policies > Signing CAs — Creating Signing CAs - External Plugin

  4. From the Plugin field, select an uploaded external plugin using the drop-down menu.

    To be able to select from the drop-down menu, you must have an external plugin uploaded in Basic Settings > Plugins.

    For more information about how to create an external Signing CA plugin, see Creating an external Signing CA.

  5. Optionally, fill the Configuration field as required by the uploaded plugin.

    The input you enter in the Configuration field is passed down to the plugin.


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