
Safeguard for Sudo 7.2.1 - Administration Guide

Introducing Safeguard for Sudo Planning Deployment Installation and Configuration Upgrade Safeguard for Sudo System Administration Managing Security Policy Administering Log and Keystroke Files Supported sudo plugins Troubleshooting Safeguard Variables Safeguard programs Installation Packages Unsupported Sudo Options Safeguard for Sudo Policy Evaluation

pmgit Help

This subcommand displays on-screen help. If another subcommand is given as an argument, help for that subcommand will be displayed.


help <subcommand>

In this example, the general help section will be displayed.

pmgit help

In this example, the help for enable subcommand will be displayed.

pmgit help enable



pmjoin_plugin -h | --help [-abioqv] 
                [-d <variable>=<value>] [<policy_server_host>] [-bv] -u
                [--accept] [--batch] [--define <variable>=<value>] [--interactive] 
                [--io-plugin-only][--pipestdin][--verbose] <policy_server_host> ... 
                [--batch] [--verbose] -unjoin -N policy_name [--policyname policy_name]


Run the pmjoin_plugin command after installing the Sudo Plugin package (qpm-plugin) on a remote host to allow it to communicate with the servers in the policy group.


pmjoin_plugin has the following options.

Table 17: Options: pmjoin_plugin
Option Description
-a | --accept Accepts the End User License Agreement (EULA), /opt/quest/qpm4u/pqm4u_eula.txt.
-b | --batch Runss in batch mode, does not use colors or require user input.
-d <variable>=<value> | --define <variable>=<value> Specifies a variable for the pm.settings file and its associated value.
-h | --help Displays usage information.
-i | --interactive Runs in interactive mode, prompting for configuration parameters instead of using the default values.
-o | --io-plugin-only Configures only the I/O logging plugin (io_plugin) without the use of the Sudo Plugin (policy_plugin) .
-q | --pipestdin Pipes password to stdin if password is required.
-u | --unjoin Unjoins a Sudo Plugin host from the policy server.

-N policy_name | --policyname policy_name

Use policy_name as the name of the policy instead of the default. This option is used to specify the name of the policy that the server should use when making policy decisions.

-v | --verbose

Displays verbose output while configuring the host.

  • Directory when pmjoin_plugin logs are stored: /opt/quest/qpm4u/install
  • Sudo Plugin configuration file: /etc/sudo.conf
Related Topics




pmkey -v  
         -a <keyfile> 
         [ [-l | -r | -i <keyfile>] 
         [-p <passphrase>] [-f]]

Use the pmkey command to generate and install configurable certificates.

In order for a policy evaluation request to run, keys must be installed on all hosts involved in the request. The keyfile must be owned by root and have permissions set so only root can read or write the keyfile.


pmkey has the following options.

Table 18: Options: pmkey
Option Description
-a <keyfile> Creates an authentication certificate.
-i <keyfile> Installs an authentication certificate.

Creates and installs a local authentication certificate to this file:


This is equivalent to running the following two commands:

  • pmkey -a /etc/opt/quest/qpm4u/.qpm4u/.keyfiles/ key_localhost


  • pmkey -i /etc/opt/quest/qpm4u/.qpm4u/.keyfiles/ key_localhost

-f Forces the operation. For example:
  • Ignore the password check when installing keyfile using -i or -r
  • Overwrite existing keyfile when installing local keyfile using -l
-p <passphrase>

Passes the passphrase on the command line for the -a or -l option.

If not specified, pmkey prompts the user for a passphrase.


Installs all remote keys that have been copied to this directory:


This provides a quick way to install multiple remote keys.

-v Displays the Safeguard version and exits.

The following command generates a new certificate, and puts it into the specified file:

pmkey -a <filename>

The following command installs the newly generated certificate from the specified file:

pmkey -i <filename>
Related Topics






pmlicense -h 
            -v [-c] 
            -v <xmlfile> [-c]  
            -l|-x <xmlfile> [-c] [-f] [-e]
            -u [s|f][-c][-d m|y][-o <outfile>][-s d|h][-t u|p|k]
            -r [e]

The pmlicense command allows you to display current license information, update a license (an expired one or a temporary one before it expires) or create a new one. If you do not supply an option, then pmlicense displays a summary of the combined licenses configured on this host.


pmlicense has the following options.

Table 19: Options: pmlicense
Option Description
-c Displays output in CSV, rather than human-readable format.
-d Filters a license report; restricting the date to either:
  • m: Only report licenses used in the past month.
  • y: Only report licenses used in the past year.
-e Does not forward the license change to the other servers in the group.
-f Does not prompt for confirmation in interactive mode.
-h Displays usage.
-l <xmlfile>

Configures the selected XML license file, and forwards it to the other servers in the policy group.

This option must be run as the root user or a member of the pmpolicy group.

-o <outfile> Sends report output to selected file rather than to the default. For csv output, the default is file: /tmp/pmlicense_report_<uid>.txt; for human-readable output, the default is stdout.
-r Regenerates and configures the default trial license, removing any configured commercial licenses, and forwards this change to the other servers in the policy group.
-s Sort the report data by either:
  • d: date (newest first)
  • h: hostname (lowest first)
-t Filters license report by client type:
  • u: Privilege Manager for Unix client
  • p: sudo policy plugin
  • k: sudo keystroke plugin
-u Displays the current license utilization on the master policy server:
  • s: Show summary of hosts licensed
  • f: Show full details of hosts licensed, with last used times
-v If you do not provide a file argument, it displays the details of the currently configured license. If you provide a file argument, it verifies the selected XML license file and displays the license details.
-x <xmlfile>

Configures the selected XML license file.

This option is deprecated, use the "-l" option instead.

License data is updated periodically by the pmloadcheck daemon. See pmloadcheck for details.


To display current license status information, enter the following:

# pmlicense

Safeguard displays the current license information, noting the status of the license. The output will be similar to the following:

*** One Identity Safeguard *** 
*** Privilege Manager for Unix VERSION 6.n.n (nnn) *** 
*** CHECKING LICENSE ON HOSTNAME:<host>, IP address: <IP> 
*License Type                                  PERMANENT 
*Commercial/Freeware License                   COMMERCIAL 
*Expiration Date                               NEVER 
*Max QPM4U Client Licenses                     1000 
*Max Sudo Policy Plugin Licenses               0 
*Max Sudo Keystroke Plugin Licenses            0 
*Authorization Policy Type permitted           ALL 
*Total QPM4U Client Licenses In Use            2 
*Total Sudo Policy Plugins Licenses in Use     0 
*Total Sudo Keystroke Plugins Licenses in Use  0

*License Version                               1.0 
*Licensed to company                           Testing 
*Licensed Product                              QPM4U(1) 
*License Type                                  PERMANENT 
*Commercial/Freeware License                   COMMERCIAL 
*License Status                                VALID
*License Key                                   PSXG-GPRH-PIGF-QDYV 
*License tied to IP Address                    NO 
*License Creation Date                         Tue Feb 08 2012 
*Expiration Date                               NEVER 
*Number of Hosts                               1000

To update or create a new a license, enter the following at the command line:

pmlicense -l <xmldoc>

Safeguard displays the current license information, noting the status of the license, and then validates the information in the selected .xml file, for example:

*** One Identity Safeguard for Sudo *** 
*** Safeguard for Sudo VERSION 7.n.n (nnn) *** 
*** CHECKING LICENSE ON HOSTNAME:<host>, IP address:<IP> *** 
*License Type                                  PERMANENT 
*Commercial/Freeware License                   COMMERCIAL 
*Expiration Date                               NEVER 
*Max QPM4U Client Licenses                     1000 
*Max Sudo Policy Plugin Licenses               0 
*Max Sudo Keystroke Plugin Licenses            0 
*Authorization Policy Type permitted           ALL 
*Total QPM4U Client Licenses In Use            2 
*Total Sudo Policy Plugins Licenses in Use     0 
*Total Sudo Keystroke Plugins Licenses in Use  0 
*** Validating license file: <xmldoc> *** 
*License Version                               1.0 
*Licensed to company                           Testing 
*Licensed Product                              QPM4U(1) 
*License Type                                  PERMANENT 
*Commercial/Freeware License                   COMMERCIAL 
*License Status                                VALID 
*License Key                                   PNFT-FDIO-YSLX-JBBH 
*License tied to IP Address                    NO 
*License Creation Date                         Tue Feb 08 2012 
*Expiration Date                               NEVER 
*Number of Hosts                               100 
*** The selected license file (<xmldoc>) contains a valid license *** 

Would you like to install the new license? y 
Type y to update the current license. 
Archiving current license… [OK] 
*** Successfully installed new license ***

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