
Single Sign-On for Java 3.3.2 - Administration Guide

About this guide Introducing Single Sign-on for Java Preparing for Single Sign-on for Java Deploying Single Sign-on for Java
Getting started with Single Sign-on for Java Single Sign-on for Java and your web applications Setting up logging Controlling access to resources
Security Issues Maintenance and Troubleshooting Appendix: Configuration Parameters Appendix: Using the JKTools

jkinit examples

Get a TGT for the principal 'fred@EXAMPLE.COM', with the password 'test', and put that TGT into the default credential cache. Use verbose output so that the credential cache file is known:

$ jkinit -V fred@EXAMPLE.COM test

## Requesting ticket for service krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM by principal fred@EXAMPLE.COM

## Storing ticket in cache FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1062

Get a TGT for the principal in the default credential cache:

$ jkinit -verbose

## Using credential cache FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1062

## Requesting ticket for service krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM by principal fred@EXAMPLE.COM

Password for fred@EXAMPLE.COM: ****

## Storing ticket in cache FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1062

Get a TGT for the principal 'fred@EXAMPLE.COM', and put that TGT into the credential cache 'fred.ccache':

$ jkinit -c fred.ccache -verbose fred@EXAMPLE.COM

## Using credential cache FILE:/home/fred/freddo.ccache

## Requesting ticket for service krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM by principal fred@EXAMPLE.COM

Password for fred@EXAMPLE.COM: ****

## Storing ticket in cache FILE:/home/fred/fred.ccache

Get a TGT for the principal 'barney@EXAMPLE.COM”, using the keytab /home/barney/barney.kt:

$ jkinit -k -t /home/barney/barney.kt -verbose barney@EXAMPLE.COM

## Using credential cache FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_2000

## Requesting ticket for service krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM by principal barney@EXAMPLE.COM


The jklist tool is used to display the contents of credential caches and keytabs including the key encryption types, the ticket flags, principal name, or session keys held by the current user.

The following information about the credentials cache is listed:

  • the name of the credentials cache
  • the identity of the principal for whom the tickets in the cache are for
  • information about the tickets held:
  • the principal name of the ticket;
  • the issue and expiry time of the ticket

Additional cache information may be displayed using the -a, -n, -e, and -f options.

The following information about the keytab is listed:

for each key in the keytab:

  • the key version number
  • the principal

Additional keytab information may be displayed using the -K, -t, and -e options.


jklist [[-c][-e][-f][-a [-n]] [-k [-t][-K]]

[-help][-debug][-verbose] [<filename>]

The <filename> represents the name of a keytab if the -k option is specified, and the name of a credential cache if the -c option is specified.

If neither the -c nor the -k options are specified, the -c option is assumed as the default.

If <filename> is not present, the location of the credential cache or keytab is determined dynamically.


The following options are supported:

Table 13: Options: jklist




Displays the encryption type of the session key for each credential in the credential cache, or for each key in the keytab file.


Displays the credentials of a cache. This is the default if neither -c nor -k options are specified. If no filename is specified, the cache is located as follows:

For Windows-based systems, the default keytab location is:


For UNIX-based systems, the default keytab locations are:




${user.home} is the user's home directory.




Display the addresses listed in the credential.


Shows numeric IP addresses instead of reverse-resolving addresses. Only valid with -a option.


Display the flags in the credential, with the following abbreviations:

“F” - forwardable

“f” - forwarded

“P” - proxiable

“p” - proxy

“D” - post-dateable

“d” - post-dated

“R” - renewable

“I” - initial

“i” - invalid


Display the keys of a keytab.


Display timestamp for each entry in the keytab.


Display encryption key value for each entry in the keytab.


Print help about jklist usage and exit.


Show verbose output.


Show debug output. This shall include verbose output.

jklist examples

Display the default credentials cache:

$ jklist

Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1062

Default principal: fred@EXAMPLE.COM

Valid starting Expires Service Principal

08/31/2004 12:57:35 08/31/2004 13:57:35 krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM@EXAMPLE.COM

Display the credential cache fred.ccache:

$ jklist fred.ccache

Ticket cache: FILE:/home/fred/fred.ccache

Default principal: fred@EXAMPLE.COM

Valid starting Expires Service Principal

08/31/2004 14:14:02 08/31/2004 15:14:02 krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM@EXAMPLE.COM

Display the credential cache fred.ccache, including encryption types, ticket flags, and unresolved addresses:

$ jklist -f -a -n

Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1062

Default principal: fred@EXAMPLE.COM

Valid starting Expires Service Principal

08/31/2004 14:14:02 08/31/2004 15:14:02 krbtgt/EXAMPLE.COM@EXAMPLE.COM

Flags: IA

Addresses: puffin.example.com

Display the default keytab:

$ jklist -k

Keytab name: FILE:/home/fred/krb5.keytab

KVNO Principal

---- --------------------

255 fred@EXAMPLE.COM

Display the keytab fred.kt:

$ jklist -k fred.kt

Keytab name: FILE:freddo.kt

KVNO Principal

---- --------------------

255 fred@EXAMPLE.COM

Display the default keytab, including encryption types, timestamps and key values:

$ jklist -k -t -K -e

Keytab name: FILE:/home/fred/krb5.keytab

KVNO Timestamp Principal EncType Key

---- ------------------- -------------------- -----------

255 08/31/2004 14:17:06 fred@EXAMPLE.COM des-cbc-crc 75B65ED67C0843B9


The jktutil tool allows the user to create keytab entries specifying the principal name, encryption type and key version number. The entries can then be saved or appended to a keytab file. jktutil can also read and write keytab files, which enables merging of keytabs and their entries, and can list the current set of keys.


jktutil [-help][-verbose][-debug]


The following options are supported:

Table 14: Options: jktutil




Show verbose output.


Show debug output (includes '-verbose').


Show help screen and exit.


Once the jktutil application has started, the user is presented with a prompt, at which commands are entered:

jktutil (type '?' for help):

The following commands are supported by jktutil (note that some commands may have more than one name):



list <filename>

List the available entries. May use the letter l as an alias for list. Initially, there are zero entries. Entries are added by creating new entries (via the add_entry command), or by reading a keytab (via the read_kt command).


Clear the list. May use clear as an alias for clear_list.

read_kt <filename>

Read keys from the specified keytab file and add them to the list. May use rkt as an alias for read_kt.

write_kt [-a|-o] <filename>

Write the entries in the list to the specified keytab file. May use wkt as an alias for write_kt.

The options for the write_kt command are as follows:


Append entries to the end of the keytab file, if the keytab file already exists. This is the default option.


Overwrite the keytab file with the entries in the list. In either case, the list remains unchanged.

delete_entry <slot>

Delete the entry at the specified slot from the list.

May use delent as an alias for delete_entry.

Entries are numbered from 1.

add_entry (-key | -password) -p <principal> -k <kvno> -e <enctype>

Add an entry to the list.

May use addent as an alias for add_entry.

The options for the add_entry command are:


Specify a key value via command line


Specify a password via command line


The principal, in the form 'name@realm'


The key version number


The encryption type. Supported values are:








The new entry is added to the end of the current list.


List the available commands. May use thelr or ? as an alias for list_requests.

help_command <command_name>

Get help for the specified command name. May use hc as an alias for help_command.


Quit the application. May use exit or q as an alias for quit.


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