
syslog-ng Store Box 7.0 LTS - Deploying on Azure


The aim of this guide is to provide detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to set up and install syslog-ng Store Box in a Microsoft Azure virtual environment.

NOTE: When setting up a virtual environment, carefully consider the configuration aspects such as CPU, memory availability, I/O subsystem, and network infrastructure to ensure the virtual layer has the necessary resources available. Please consult One Identity's Product Support Policies for more information on environment virtualization.

The document comprises the following sections:

  • Prerequisites collects the requirements that you must comply with before deploying SSB on Microsoft Azure.

  • Limitations lists the limitations that apply when installing SSB in a Microsoft Azure virtual environment.

  • Deploying SSB on Microsoft Azure describes how to install SSB in a Microsoft Azure virtual environment.


The following prerequisites must be met before deploying SSB on Microsoft Azure:

  • You have a valid One Identity syslog-ng Store Box license.

    syslog-ng Store Box uses the "Bring your own license" model. Note that to deploy two active SSB nodes as an availability set, you must purchase two standalone SSB licenses. To purchase a license, contact our Sales Team.

  • You have a Microsoft Azure account.

  • You have secure access to your Microsoft Azure Virtual Network resources, for example, through the use of a Virtual Private Network (VPN).

  • You have working knowledge of the SSB installation process.

  • You are familiar with Microsoft Azure.


The following limitations apply when deploying SSB on Microsoft Azure:

  • SSB High Availability operation mode is not available. If High Availability (HA) operation mode is required in a virtual environment, use the HA function provided by the virtual environment.

  • Hardware-related alerts and status indicators of SSB may display inaccurate information, for example, display degraded RAID status.

  • When running SSB in a virtual environment, it is sufficient to use a single network interface.

  • During Microsoft Azure installation, connecting directly to the Internet using a public IP address is not supported. Instead, you must access the Internet via a Virtual Private Network or a jump host.

  • By default, the disk size of the virtual disk is 10 GiB. If you want to increase the disk size later, see "Increasing the virtual disk size of SSB under a virtual machine" in the Installation Guide.

  • SSB only supports the use of OS disks. It does not support the use of data disks or temporary disks and therefore these cannot be used.

Deploying SSB on Microsoft Azure

If you require detailed information about installing the virtual machine, uploading the VHD, or using Microsoft Azure in general consult the following guide: Create a Linux VM from custom disk with the Azure CLI 2.0 or, check out the How-to guides under the same link.

This guide only focuses on uploading the VHD and installing SSB.


Hazard of security breach.

During Microsoft Azure installation, connecting directly to the Internet using a public IP address is not supported. Instead, you must access the Internet via a Virtual Private Network or a jump host.

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