Disabling cloud-only Azure user
You can use the Active Roles Web Interface to disable or enable an cloud-only Azure user.
To disable or re-enable a previously enabled cloud-only user for Azure
- On the Active Roles Web interface Navigation bar, click Directory Management.
- On the Views tab, click | Azure | <Azure tenant> | Azure users.
The Azure user page is displayed and lists the Azure users available in Azure.
- Select the Azure user to be disabled.
- In the Command pane, click Disable.
The account is disabled and marked with a disabled icon.
- To enable a disabled account, select the check-box corresponding to the disabled account and in the Command pane click Enable.

NOTE: The Enable command only appears for a disabled account. |
The account is enabled again.
Viewing and modifying Exchange Online properties
You can use the Active Roles Web Interface to create and view and modify the Exchange online properties of the new cloud-only Azure user.
To view the Exchange Online properties of a cloud-only Azure user
- On the Active Roles Web interface Navigation bar, click Directory Management.
- On the Views tab, click | Azure | <Azure tenant> | Azure users.
The Azure user page is displayed and lists the Azure users available in Azure.
- Select the check box corresponding to the specific cloud-only Azure user with Exchange Online license for which you want to view the properties.
- In the Command pane, click Exchange Online Properties.
The Exchange Online Properties wizard displays the following Exchange Online properties for the cloud-only Azure user.
- Mail Flow Settings
- Delegation
- E-mail Addresses
Mailbox Features
Mailbox Settings
- Use the tabs in the Exchange Online Properties dialog box to view the following Exchange Online properties of the cloud-only Azure user:
- Mail Flow Settings
- Message Size restrictions
- Sending Message size
- Receiving Message size.
- Delivery Options
- Send On behalf
- Forwarding Address
- Enabling or disabling of Delivery messages to the forwarding address and mailbox.
- Delegation
- E-mail Addresses
- Mailbox Features
- Exchange ActiveSync
- Outlook Web App
- POP3
- Archive
- Mailbox Settings
- Messaging Records management
Resetting password for a cloud-only Azure user
You can use the Active Roles Web Interface to reset the password for a cloud-only Azure user.
To reset password of the cloud-only Azure user
- On the Active Roles Web interface Navigation bar, click Directory Management.
- On the Views tab in the Browse pane, click Azure |<Azure tenant> |Azure Users.
The Azure Users page is displayed and lists the Azure users available in Azure.
- In the Command pane, under Azure Users, click Reset Password.
- In the Password field, provide the new password.
- Reenter the password in the Confirm password field.
- Select the relevant check box if you want users to change password during next sign-in.
- Click Finish.
The password is reset for the cloud-only Azure user.
Renaming Azure user
You can use the Active Roles Web Interface to rename an Azure user.
To rename an Azure user
- On the Active Roles Web interface Navigation bar, click Directory Management.
- On the Views tab in the Browse pane, click Azure |<Azure tenant> |Azure Users.
- Select the Azure user that need to be renamed.
- In the Command pane, click Rename.
- Enter the required name.
- Click Yes to continue.
The Azure user that are selected are renamed.