AllowMembersEditMembership |
Single-valued, Boolean |
Gets or sets whether group membership can be modified by the group members. |
Read, write (update only) |
AllowRequestToJoinLeave |
Single-valued, Boolean |
Gets or sets whether users can request to join or leave the group. |
Read, write (update only) |
AutoAcceptRequestToJoinLeave |
Single-valued, Boolean |
Gets or sets whether users are automatically added or removed from the group upon their request. |
Read, write (update only) |
CanCurrentUserEditMembership |
Single-valued, Boolean |
Gets whether the current user can modify membership of the group. |
Read |
CanCurrentUserManageGroup |
Single-valued, Boolean |
Gets whether the current user can manage the group. |
Read |
CanCurrentUserViewMembership |
Single-valued, Boolean |
Gets whether the current user can view a list of group members. |
Read |
ContainsCurrentUser |
Single-valued, Boolean |
Gets whether the group contains the current user. |
Read |
Description |
Single-valued, string |
Gets or sets the group description. |
Read, write (update only) |
DistributionGroupAlias |
Single-valued, string |
Gets the distribution group alias for the group. |
Read |
DistributionGroupEmail |
Single-valued, string |
Gets the distribution group email. |
Read |
DistributionGroupErrorMessage |
Single-valued, string |
Gets the last error message encountered during an asynchronous distribution group operation. |
Read |
ExplicitlyContainsCurrentUser |
Single-valued, Boolean |
Gets whether the group explicitly contains the current user as a direct member. |
Read |
Id |
Single-valued, string |
Gets the object ID. |
Read |
LoginName |
Single-valued, string |
Gets the login name of the group. |
Read |
Name |
Single-valued, string |
Gets or sets the name of the group. |
Read, write |
OnlyAllowMembersViewMembership |
Single-valued, Boolean |
Gets or sets whether only group members can view the list of members for the group. |
Read, write (update only) |
Owner |
Single-valued, string, reference (User or Group object) |
Gets or sets the group owner. A group owner can be a user or another group. |
Read, write (create only) |
Parent |
Single-valued, string, reference (Site object) |
Gets the parent of the object. |
Read |
RequestToJoinLeaveEmailSetting |
Single-valued, string |
Gets or sets the email address that receives requests to join or leave the group. |
Read, write (update only) |
Users |
Multivalued, string, reference (User object) |
Gets or sets the users that are members of the group. |
Read, write (update only) |
Xml |
Single-valued, string |
Gets the group properties in the XML string format. |
Read |