You can use the Active Roles Web Interface to delete an Azure AD group.
To delete an Azure AD group
- On the Active Roles Web interface Navigation bar, click Directory Management.
- On the Views tab in the Browse pane, click Active Directory.
The list of Active Directory domains is displayed.
- Click the specific domain, Container or the Organizational Unit, and then the specific Azure AD group to be deleted.
- In the Command pane, click Delete.
A message prompts you to confirm the action.
- Click Yes to continue.
The Azure AD Group is deleted.

NOTE: Deleting a group account is an irreversible operation. A new group account with the same name as a deleted group account does not automatically assume the permissions and memberships of the deleted account. For this reason, it is advisable to disable rather than delete accounts. |
Azure AD Group management tasks using Management Shell interface
Active Roles enables you to perform the following management tasks for Azure AD groups using the Management Shell interface:
You can use the Active Roles Management Shell to create a new user. To create a new group, on the Management Shell interface, run the new-qadGroup cmdlet. Use this cmdlet with the additional Boolean parameter AzureOffice365Enabled and AzureAssociateTenantId to create and enable a new Azure AD group.
For more information on creating a new Azure AD group using the Management Shell interface, see the Active Roles Management Shell Help.
Update the Azure AD Group properties
You can use the Active Roles Management Shell to modify attributes of an Azure AD user in Active Directory. On the Management Shell interface, run the Set-QADGroup cmdlet.
For more information on modifying an Azure AD user using the Management Shell interface, see the Active Roles Management Shell Help.