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Cloud Access Manager 8.1.1 - Security and Best Practice Guide

Optimizing Cloud Access Manager for a production environment

Proxy hosts

Dell™ One Identity Cloud Access Manager contains a reverse proxy to provide Single Sign-On (SSO) to web applications that do not support federation, for example basic, NT LAN Manager (NTLM), header and form authentication. The reverse proxy is also used to allow secure access to internal web applications from the Internet. When you access a proxied application, all communication between the web browser and the application goes through the proxy for the entire session, not only for the authentication.
A single proxy host can handle up to 12,000 concurrent connections. Modern web browsers typically use between 6 and 8 persistent HTTP connections when accessing an application. But during idle periods, such as when a user is reading, they will often reduce the number of connections to just a single connection, or even close all connections until the next user interaction. The browser can use each connection to send multiple HTTP requests to the application. The proxy will close a connection after either processing 100 HTTP requests, or after the connection has been idle for 60 seconds. The browser will establish a new connection the next time it needs to make an HTTP request. So, depending on the application you want to proxy, a single Proxy host will be able to support between 1,500 users (12,000/8) and 12,000 users. Our recommended maximum of 7,000 is an average of the two.


Double click <Installation location>\Cloud Access Manager Proxy\bin\CloudAccessManagerProxyw.exe on each proxy host to open the proxy service configuration tool.
Click the Java tab.
In the Maximum memory pool field, enter the value 6144, then click Apply to set the maximum amount of memory allocated to the Java Virtual Machine heap to 6GB.

HTTP connections

Edit the file <Cloud Access Manager Proxy>\conf\server.xml on each proxy host and update the connector for port 443 to set the maxThreads setting to 12200. The file contains multiple connectors; only the connector for port 443 should be updated. The connectors for ports 80 and 8553 can remain at the default value of 200.
Next to the modified maxThreads parameter, insert a new parameter disableKeepAlivePercentage="99" as shown in the example below. This will allow 99% of the threads to be used for persistent connections, keeping 1% in reserve to process a single request per connection to help maintain availability during busy periods when all 12,000 persistent connections are in use.
<Connector protocol="HTTP/1.1" port="443" maxThreads="12200" disableKeepAlivePercentage="99"
scheme="https" secure="true"
SSLEnabled="true" sslEnabledProtocols="TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2"
server=" "
You must also configure the host to support this number of connections, by default Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 R2 will allow approximately 8,000 connections. To allow a greater number of connections use the netsh command to increase the dynamic ports range, please refer to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ephemeral_port for further information.

The following example will allow approximately 12,000 persistent HTTP connections. Run this command from a command prompt as an administrator, this setting takes immediate effect and does not require a reboot.

netsh int ipv4 set dynamicport tcp start=40000 num=25000
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