An authentication module is provided within the application server to authenticate using access tokens. The application server client uses the information from the authentication module to determine the access token for logging in on the server side.
For example, the authentication module can be used for Job servers that do not have a direct connection to the database but work against an application server.
To use the authentication module, ensure that authentication for accessing the REST API is set up using OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect.
NOTE: If authentication is by access token, other authentication modules are excluded from use and the application server returns an error.
Authentication data for establishing a connection through the application server's REST API.
Module=Token;Url=<URL of the application server>;ClientId=<client-ID>;ClientSecret=<secret>;TokenEndpoint=<token endpoint>.
With the following parameters:
URL: URL of the application server
ClientId: Client ID for authentication at the token endpoint.
ClientSecret: Secret value for authentication at the token endpoint.
TokenEndpoint: URL of the token endpoint.
For more information about providing connection and authentication data to the application server for Job servers, see the One Identity Manager Configuration Guide.